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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

One Problem Solved, More Problems to Be Solved

 Plans were to have request for absentee ballots. Remember when I went to sit in the car because Tommy was getting them? Well, I knew they were not right. I spent time finding and writing down the route to what we needed to have copies to use. The two elderly women found something.

So, I had Tommy go into another library. He found what we needed and got three copies. They had them in another room, ready to go. And, the address I found to mail them was correct. No telling where the wrong address would have left us, probably not getting to vote. We need to have those ready to go tomorrow.

I found a place to go for listening acctivities. Now, I just need to find another way to get inside. They have a looong ramp that I will never be able to get up. Maybe they have an elevator.

One store has turkey breasts for $1.99/lb. There were only two left in the store. Tommy got one. They will be in on a truck tomorrow but won't go in meat counter until Wednesday. That seems wrong. But, I will try for more. The manager told Tommy that information. 

I went into the store and told the woman who was sexually harassed that I reported the guy. She had a big grin on her face. 

At Publix, I bought four jars of peanuts. Unfortunately, I bought Publix brand and paid more. So, I need to take those back and get the ones that are Planter and bogo. 

The mailbox needs a second coat of red paint. But, a bird decorated it first, so the mailbox needs to be washed first. I wonder if that was a seal of approval or extra decoration for the box.

Tommy's toe may keep us from going out of town. It depends on the podiatrist. He has had hammer toes since he was a small child. I never heard of that so young. He told me it was hurting and asked did I have foam to stick between his big toe leaning into the horribly bent toe. I don't think he can drive five hours up and five hours back three days later with so much pressure. One toe was starting to get really red and the skin looked like it was getting a hold in it. I put mupirocin on it, barely getting gloved finger and med between toes. He won't allow me to put it on so it will stay, so he keeps scraping the bandage off. 

I don't think rain will be a problem for the drive. We still need to get reservations. This is so complicated. I can safely drive, but I will be exhausted easily, so I cannot depend on me to drive. I won't sacrifice his toe for the trip. 

If I make this trip, I need makeup. I have had new makeup for six years and have not worn any since the pandemic and masks. 

Finally, at just after midnight, we got the request for an absentee ballot ready for the mail. It took hours, not because it was hard or lengthy. I had to listen to Tommy and argue with him over stupid things about the process, things like the address and why I put an M instead of an N. I am worn out. It was an M. 

I like crackers and cheese for a snack. But, I eat too much, trying to slice more cheese because I have extra crackers on my plate or getting more crackers because I have extra cheese and no more crackers. Now, I slice cheese and give it to Tommy to take back to refrigerator. I get rid of the box of crackers, too. I am sure you know the problem of evening out foods, like needing more gravy for the biscuit. Or needing more biscuits for the leftover gravy on your plate. So, now I don't keep adding to my snack calories. 

Have you ever dealt with hammertoes on someone?


  1. I had a hammer toe and a bunion repaired almost 2 years ago. My toe next to my big toe was bent to where the joint was rubbing against the top of my shoes. It was painful. While they were fixing that they also fixed the bunion. My big toe had started to shift over towards the next toe - they weren't crossed yet but was getting close. The surgery was easy. The weirdest part is now my second toe feels numb. They fuse the joint to stop the bending. I would do it again - I can't wear sandals all year around in Indiana!

    1. ladybug,
      I was afraid the doctor would cut it off. I had a friend with all hammertoes like Tommy. The doctor shortened every toe. I suppose if they straightened all his toes, he would wear a different size shoe. He wears fake crocs year round here. His toes are curled as far as they can go. I worry for him. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.