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Monday, October 14, 2024

Fruitful Monday

 No, I did not call to report sexual harasser. Something happened. I think cleaner arrived. Tuesday, I promise. 

Today we got up early, about 10 am and were out the door in an hour. We first went to get my driver's license. Then, we both ordered title to sell the cars, mine and his. He suggested we eat at CFA, and I am weak. I only had cereal and milk. CFA is so delicious. 

Since we were practically across the street from where we bought the car, we dropped by to show them the lost trim and disaster of scratches on the car. I told them we did not want it buffed out because the scratch was too deep. The obnoxious came out and interrupted my talking with the man who would coordinate with repair people. 

I told him to go away because I did not want to see him or talk to him. He kept on and I raised my voice, yelling at him to go away. He persevered in trying to be Mr. Personality. I screamed at him to go away and get out of my face because I did not like him and what he had to say. 

When he first came up, he told me it was only aftermarket trim and my car was actually okay. I saw red and his smirking face. When I turned toward Tommy, about four salesmen with their mouths open. Tommy did not care.  Another four and the guy in charge of getting the repair done were very quiet outside my side of the car. 

I was sort of embarrassed then realized he was the instigator. I was too hot to have any regret. The guy I yelled at finally lost his smile and said, "You are serious, aren't you?" Stupid man!

We were near Jared's, so Tommy stopped and bought me a necklace for my birthday that was over a month ago.

Cleaner called, so we went home. She was here for two hours--brought out Halloween decorations, made my bed, cleaned up clutter behind and to the side of my chair, helped me clean up my room a bit, and put color on my hair. I use Guarnier 40 but had her put 415 over that. It gives sort of a reddish hue, so it does not look solid black. 

Tommy changed out my blue bird for a black bird. These are all the same bird, just spray-painted a different color. I have a red bird with a cardinal crest, painted red for Christmas. The Halloween stemless wine glass has an orange, battery-operated tealight in it. Halloween decorating will be slow this year. But, it is happening. 

Overall, it was a very good Monday, except for the guy in my face. Don't bother defending him or feeling sorry for him. I won't publish your comment. 

Because of cleaner coming, I did not get a chance to make calls I needed to make...tomorrow. 

There is a drive for books happening. I had bought a book but gave it to cleaner for her niece. 

My photo for driver's license is horrid! How did I get so old and saggy? 

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.