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Saturday, October 5, 2024

How About This Car?

 Lana, I could not comment on my own blog! Thanks for the recommendation. We were going to see a Honda on Sunday. 

Saturday, we left and went to two dealers. No one ever came out or looked out a window as we cruised for 30 minutes. So, we left.

Then, we went to another dealer. We finally got the attention of a person in repair shop and asked him "Do they sell cars here" and "are they selling them today. A guy came out and wanted a driver's license. I objected mightily and he said they needed to create a profile on us. WHAT? We asked for the number of the dealer. Soon, a guy in charge came out immediately addressing our problem. So, the first guy had tattled in the first 30 seconds upon leaving us. 

We decided to stay. He said it was not a profile, just so they could get to know us. ???  I asked for a female salesperson. They actually brought out the woman who is in charge of their IT who was formerly in their sales. The only reason I stayed is because I was interested in these brands of cars. 

I was tired, as always, and just told her all the needs of our disabilities. She brought a car that I liked until she opened the moon roof. That was a NO. She then brought a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I liked it. Tommy only got in the first car. The one with moon roof was the second one. The third one we told her to hold until Monday and we would be back.

It was getting late. We told her we needed daylight, so we had to go. When we left, I told Tommy I wanted to try a Honda. The Tupperware woman had let me get into her car, and I was impressed. 

Before we left home, I was afraid to eat anything after my problems of the last two nights, so I ate some yogurt, then milk and bread. I dipped the bread into milk and swallowed the chewed-up mush. At one point in the negotiations, I was hungry, so Tommy wanted to go across the street to Chic fil A. I really wanted just to get a dollar burger, but agreed. Who can resist CFA? Amazingly, the chicken went down and I did not get choked. 

A 2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee is what we have decided on at this point. They said they could put steps on each side of the car. 

Has anyone ever had steps put onto their car? Ideas? Opinions?

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.