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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Finishing Things

 I did call about the sexual harasser. The person to whom I talked was equally horrified and agreed I was harassed, too, that other people hearing this would not like it especially if they had children with them. And, she agreed that being her manager and him being white and her being black was a problem, too. Oh, I found out he was CS manager. Good going, guy.

When we left Saturday to travel out of town, I noticed squeaking from Tommy's side of the car occasionally. He said his Crocs were squeaking on the brake pedal. Finally, I told him something else was squeaking. If forgot to tell the dealer Monday. So, I called today. 

I was told that noise was rust on the rotors, that every time we let it sit and not drive it, the rust forms and then squeaks. I insisted this was not from rotors, that I could hear it in the car. I have heard brakes grinding before.  He assured me I was hearing rusty rotors. Finally, I called mower who knows a lot about cars. He thought the excuse was ludicrous. So, we wait. 

I cancelled a doctor's appointment and got a sooner one. It took the woman forever to understand I am supposed to see this doctor sooner, at least 63 days between appointments. Finally, I got a proper appointment. 

Since I have a driver's license and can legally drive once more, I decided to take a spin around the neighborhood, I left with only my debit Then, I decided to go get oil changed and a car wash. I could not see to drive with dust reflecting on windshield. The car now looks wonderful. I needed gas. Tommy had struggled mightily to get into the car, so I got out to pump. Not possible. A message came up to go inside. 

I needed to go inside, too far for me to walk, so female employee offered to go in, use my card for me, and bring it back out. By the time this all was accomplished, I was too tired to go to oil change. 

Besides, Tommy's blood sugar was so low, he needed to eat. As I was driving after getting out for gas, I noticed him doing something busily. We had just gone to Publix and only gotten bread. He was wolfing down a slice of bread since he left his snack in his car when he got into mine.  It was not ideal, but he was not passing out. 

When we got home, cleaner wanted to come with her daughter to look the Rogue. Since we might not be home, she wants to come Friday, drive the car, and pay for it even if we do not have title yet. She wants to make sure to get it. Now, she will be here Friday around 4 pm. The Rogue is a hot commodity right now. Actually, people are lined up for the Impala, too. 

When we came home, I made coleslaw. For dinner, I had coleslaw, chopped slaw with kale, tomato and turkey--all cold. Tommy had a sandwich with turkey and bbq sauce and the new slaw I made. We had a blueberry muffin with real blueberries. 

The only thing I tried to do that did not pan out was talking to SS office. She was going to call me after I left a message!

We have a long day tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about our plans. 

Do rotors rust overnight and squeak when the car is driven the next day? 

Can you hear squeaks from rotors in the passenger cabin of a car and down in floor where brake pedal is located?

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.