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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Pepper Place Visit

We got up early, at 10 am and left by 11 am. I think the produce market closed at noon, not sure. 

 Pepper Place

"Adjacent to the historic Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark, Pepper Place is the link between the redevelopment of downtown Birmingham to the west and revitalization of the old “streetcar suburbs” of Avondale and Crestwood."

The other markets that take the SFMNP card sort of faded early. So, I had $35 left on my card and was determined not to lose the benefits left--$35. I researched all the markets, large and small. I decided to go the Pepper Place. 

Oh My Gosh!  

It was like a huge carnival. There were guys playing music, stalls with handmade items. food booths, produce booths, just everything. I sent Tommy out with my card and his walker. I was in an apartment parking lot on the periphery of the Pepper Place. 

I did get the benefit of sights and sounds of a tiny bit. I was lonely when Tommy left. I cracked the window and heard wonderful music. People were out in hordes carrying away just a tiny, decorated pumpkin to huge bags of produce and bunches of flowers. This spurs me on to get a scooter to ride on. I called a friend who lives in Birmingham and had a great visit. 

He came back and he did shop, not just pick up stuff at one booth. He brought 1 lb. raw, unfiltered honey, 1/2 pint blackberry jelly, 1/2 pint pepper jelly, and six beautiful tomatoes. He threw in $1 because my card ran out. As we drove away, he commented that there were a "hell of a lot of persimmons." I would have wanted some of those. Yes, I will get a scooter soon. I had told him get whatever at the booths,, just get tomatoes. So, he did both. 

Next January I will apply again. This program is in almost all 50 states. 

He brought back a brochure with something about disability services from one booth. Tommy said they wanted to talk with him. He told them he was so tired that he just wanted something to take home and read. So, they let him go without further talk. He did bring me the pamphlet. 

We stopped by Publix for milk for both of us, bananas, and something else. I took a nap when we got home. 

About 6 pm, we installed the skeleton into a lawn chair in front of the ramp. I tied skeleton and chair to ramp. Tommy put his hand into the air, waving at passersby. His red glowing eyes are on until we turn them off. I would love a remote! 

He had dinner and now is having pepper jelly spread on bread.  I will have a very small amount on cracker and cream cheese--one cracker only. Tomorrow, I might have some blackberry jelly on toast and butter. 

Overall, it was a great Saturday. I did wake stuffy and hurting in sinuses. One Hall's Mentholyptus took care of all the congestion and pain. It appears I will make it through the worst month of the year for my sinus health. It makes me deliriously happy.

The weather was beautiful, high 80s, sunny, and, of course, dry.

 Edit: Tommy was amazed there were a few thousand people instead of a few dozens. He was amazed there was so much for eating right there--sandwiches, homemade popsicles, pastries, etc.There were even dish tubs with water and ice cubes for dogs. 


  1. That's great that you qualify for the SFMNP card. Every little bit of help you can get helps.

    1. Belinda,
      I love getting it. Yes, every little bit helps, definitely. It keeps me in tomatoes for a bit.

  2. I wish we qualified. Seems we should and it is disappointing to miss out.

    I bet I've ridden my scooter for a couple hundred miles by now. I am thankful to have it and that my husband can load and unload it.

    1. Lana,
      Too bad.
      Tommy cannot load mine. I will get a lift for back of vehicle.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.