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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Saving Money

  On Friday. Amazon delivered a package that will save us money. Good deal. We use Reynold's Cooking bags, the large size for 8 lbs. Bought at the store in a five-pack, we pay 88 cents each bag. Bought from Amazon and in twelve five-packs, we paid 46 cents each. This is a savings of 48%. It would be great if we could save this much on everything we buy. 

I suppose it is wasteful to buy these, but it would be equally wasteful to spend time, energy, water, Dawn and vinegar scrubbing the pan. My friend who is 92 no longer cooks, goes out for meals, or someone in the family brings food. So, maybe we are doing okay by spending a little bit.

This is a small economy, granted, but eating out or buying ready-made meals would be more. I am lucky Tommy will scrub the dishes he does. He very much approves of and pays for these items to stop burned on or sticky messes. 

Tommy mightily objected to my using olive oil in brownie mix. He informed me it would not taste right. He is so funny. When I told him I used olive oil in other things, he still was not convinced. Now, he brings it to me without objecting. 

Yes, I made brownies from a Betty Crocker pouch. It doesn't make many brownies, so it limits us.  When olive oil I want to buy is bogo at Publix, I buy it and store it in the freezer. 

In the floor is a red bin, with two cardboard boxes on top of it. Beside those boxes are two other smaller boxes and a box of Christmas cards. Tommy moves the whole stack around anywhere from four to ten times a day, depending on if he wants to go outside or to his chair. He still has not handed me the two small deer and Santa that I cannot reach...sigh...I have not mentioned it today. 

Dinner was all leftovers. I had chicken breast with bbq sauce on it, large helping of slaw, one piece of carrot, and one small piece of baked potato. Tommy had chicken breast with bbq sauce, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. 

Cleaner has not returned call, so on to the next one. This is depressing. 

Do you ever use Reynold's Cooking Bags? 

Have you found any deals this week? 

Small economies? 


  1. That was a great deal on cooking bags! I say go for it if it helps you clean up and saves money. It’s definitely cheaper than eating out.

    1. Belinda,
      We are both content to cook here with the cooking bags. We definitely would eat out more.

  2. I don't use cooking bags, but I agree that if they make cooking at home easier, and keep your kitchen clean, use them freely!

    1. Meg,
      Cooking bags make cooking POSSIBLE. We would have to quit cooking or buy more pans when they got dirty. Seriously, Tommy spends a lot of time in the kitchen, so he would not be able to keep up unless he spent as long as the cooks in the house do in the kitchen.

  3. I don't usually use cooking bags, but I desperately wanted to use one for my Christmas Day turkey.

    Awhile ago, I bought a sale pack of three for 50 cents, thinking they would be good to have on hand. Well, of course I couldn't find them when the time came! So I lined the roasting pan with heavy duty foil and resigned myself to scrubbing the rack. Oh well!

    I think it's very resourceful of you and Tommy to cook with those bags. Like you said, either it's bags or takeout! And of course your home cooking is so much tastier, healthier, and economical.

    I'm gonna have to agree with Tommy on the olive oil in brownies issue. I've had olive oil cake before, and I found the taste very off-putting. And I like olive oil! It just doesn't taste right in sweet baked goods.

    1. Rats, find the cooking bags and put them in the roasting pan for next year.
      Agreed on the healthy part of my cooking! It tasted so much better.
      It depends on the olive oil. Some olive oil does not tasted good in sweets. I use a tasteless olive oil when making brownies. If I have a oil full of flavor open, I would not use it. Try that.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.