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Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday Happenings and Covid Denier

 Sunday night, I went to bed at 9:30 because I knew a nap in my chair was inevitable. I thought, okay, try bed and maybe you will sleep longer. Well, two hours later I was awake for hours. Then, I wrote the post which had no title.

I have been up since 5 am. Tommy was awake reading when I came in here. He could not sleep. So, I fear my watching tv has bothered him even though I watched it with the sound on 10 instead of our normal of 59-63 volume. 

He did go to the bathroom earlier and pushed my laptop back onto my lap. I was napping and the laptop was sliding off. I need to start all over again trying to get through to the np at cardiology and the lymphedema place. Neither answer my calls. ???

I called cardiology. A woman answered right away. She was puzzled as to why I kept calling her. I told her the np gave me the number. She said she was in research and had nothing to do with the tests I needed. She was extremely nice and said she would help me. It turns out that I had an appointment that I was not aware of. So, this is progress. 

Also, I now have a mammogram appointment. 

We need to stock up on my milk that is $3.99/half gallon and each need to mail something at PO. So, phone calls, milk, and PO are the biggies for today. Plus, we need to cook. We did not. 

About 1o'clock, we took off for Publix so I could get my three half-gallons of milk, and a couple of other things. Plus, we took the latest Covid vaccine. We mailed our letters at the PO. Overall, it was a fruitful day. 

A woman waiting outside the pharmacy had to interject herself in our medical decisions. She declared how the Pfizer vaccine was the worst, Pfizer was worst company for drugs, and "oh, are they still giving vaccines? She annoyed me to no end. She regaled me with tales of her experiences and why she never gets any vaccine. She tried to convince me Covid was a hoax, that people died from the vaccine, not covid. 

She had so many friends who had bad reactions, rashes, ill with whatever. I told her I had friends who died from Covid. She doubted it was Covid. How annoying! 

I kept talking back to her, asking her among other things if her minister the one who told her this, did she vote for Trump? Then, she praised Trump. Neither of us had overtly aggressive tones. Tommy said I was antagonizing her. Finally, she got whatever she came for and left. As the pharmacist was giving me the shot, she returned to "apologize." Right! /s No, she was just getting her last shot in. 

Finally, I told her to go away because I was busy. Then, she said that this is why people cannot talk. "I just wanted to apologize." She finally left shaking her head in pity for me and muttering. It is not like we could leave her talking since we were waiting where we were told to wait. When she returned, I was interacting with the pharmacist who was administering the vaccine. 

The sun was so brilliant today that we had a hard time seeing. On the way home we were facing the low afternoon sun. Of course, when we came into the house, it took my aged eyes a long time to be able to see. I must get prescription sunglasses. 

At home, we settled down and eventually ate leftover bits for dinner. Tommy had the last of the chicken, potatoes, bites of macaroni and cheese, salad, and squash casserole. I had goulash and squash casserole and salad. Tomorrow, I must cook. How disappointing!  

I had an hour and a half nap. I always wonder how my night will go. We will see.

How did your day go?

Have you bee trapped by someone so annoying?  

Have you had your mammogram?


  1. Ugh, yes, I’ve been trapped by such annoying people. I feel your pain. I do not want to debate the Covid vaccines with someone who isn’t vaccinated. I like that saying, “You do you, and I’ll do Me”.
    I will need to cook out main dish today too, but I did get some dressing out of the freezer, so that is good.
    I hope you get some more restful sleep than you’ve been getting. It’s so frustrating not to get a good nights sleep.

    1. Belinda,
      I could not believe she even returned to tell me how it was. We have food thawed. I will bake chicken breasts and vegetables, and open a can of green beans.

  2. I will not engage in conversation with a stranger, when we strongly disagree. I just smile and act like I can't hear them.

    1. That is a good ploy. I should have growled and hissed at

  3. I've never been bothered by such people, but that's probably because I have resting b*tch face.

    I wear the expression of someone who will happily take your head off and stuff it up your nethers.

    I absolutely DETEST conspiracists, anti-vaxxers, and Trumpers. Fools, the lot of 'em. Hopefully their beliefs will take them off the earth sooner rather than later.

    1. Sue,
      She did not wait for my face to rest. She just started talking at first while I was talking to pharmacist about which vaccine to get. Then, she continued as I was trying to interact with the pharmacist who had the vaccine in her hand.

      I agree with third paragraph wholeheartedly.

    2. Sue, you and I share the same opinions. I get sick of people telling me to "smile"

    3. janet,
      But, we have to play nice and not tell them what we think of them and their opinions of our faces.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.