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Friday, January 26, 2024

Galileo Thermometer


Tommy has a Galileo thermometer, but not this one. It does not work, though.  The fixes are on the internet, so got that. If I cannot fix it, he will sell it. Well, he might sell it anyway. His is over 40 years old. Maybe my friend who has a shop will buy it. 

Today, we got so much done. We left home at 12:30 and arrived home after 6:30. It almost did me in. I was thwarted by electric carts that did not work at two places. A time crunch caused me to just leave one store for an appointment. 

As I was hurrying along in a slow cart, I came upon a wreath storage that was reduced from $20 to $6. I snatched that up along with a red bin with no lid in sight. I will go back to search for the lid later. 

We shopped at Publix, forgot some things and came back after we abandoned the pharmacy that screwed up both our prescriptions. My prescription has been there for three days, at least. They told me it would be ready in 25 minutes. Shock! Tommy talked to a person this morning there who told him that his new insulin would be $30, just like the old one. Well, it is $70 now. While he was talking to the person, I tried to get him to get name and if she were a pharmacist or tech. Soooo, he could not say who told him his med price. And, they could not fill it until Saturday, yet Friday morning at 10:30, it was supposed to be filled and waiting. That is when we left to go back across the street to Publix. We decided to just come home. 

We bought so much food we can barely get it in the refrigerator and freezer. Tommy was distressed I bought so much. But, I cannot bear to relate that because I am exhausted. This post will not be edited at all. I am beyond tired. 

Do you have or have you ever had a Galileo thermometer? 


  1. I've never h ad a Galileo thermometer, bt I've always thought my Dad would like one. He loved weather related stuff. We would text each other every day and tell each other the temperature and weather.

    Sounds like a busy and tiring day for you. I was worn out too from cleaning. Glad you were able to get some groceries, but sorry they messed up your prescriptions. I can't believer Tommy's insulin was $70, I thought they changed that and it has a cap on it now of $35? How frustrating! I hope he gets it worked out.

    1. There is a cap. But, if they give him 31 days (or some number) it is $70. So, the doctor wrote it for 28 days to get the price down. Somehow, the pharmacy wants to fill it for 31 days. Not really sure about numbers in this We were at the pharmacy twice yesterday, and they cannot get it right. I ask for a pharmacist and ask the name. Tommy has refused to do that, saying that they have it right. Well, I guarantee he will ask for a pharmacist and ask the name from now on.

      The bogo items were good buys. But, I forgot one thing. Sooo, back to the store again. It is close, so no problem.

    2. That was a sweet habit you and your father had. I know you miss that. Such a sweet memory.

  2. I've never had a Galileo thermometer, but I have always thought they were cool and fascinating. I just don't need one more thing to dust. Especially now that my phone gives me the local temperature. And no dusting required!

    1. Sue,
      You just know I love things to dust...NOT.

  3. I've never seen a Galileo thermometer before. That is something I think my dh would really like

    1. One,
      I think he would, too. I want to fix this one for him to put in the living room.

  4. We do have one of those thermometers. Though I never know what it means. It looks good on the entertainment center.

    1. Alice,
      I am glad find someone who owns one. Tommy seems to know what it means, and I think it would look good in here, better than his little Scooby Doo.

  5. I also have that thermometer. I don't know of any way to repair one. I just consider it a novelty item. You must admit they look pretty cool!

    1. Janet,
      I read online how to repair a Galileo thermometer.Yes, they are cool, but can work, too.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.