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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Third Day of Birthday Week and Glasses Found

Wednesday night, I received a voicemail saying my doctor appointment had been cancelled. Thirty minutes later, I received a call to confirm the same appointment. ??? So, this is something to find out the truth. Today, Thursday, I got a text about the cancelled appointment, reminding me to be there. ???

Wednesday night, when my friend came by to take out my garbage, I asked him to please look for my glasses. He found them on the floor and under furniture in thirty seconds! For twelve days I had searched.

He brought his nephew who has been coming here for about three years. Even when he was less than two, he talked to me and was so cute. He is the kind of kid that travels well--no whining, no getting into things, no asking for things, no constant interrupting, looks at you, nods or talks in response. He asks what things cute. His mother is deaf, so he knows how to sign. I love having tiny company. I gave his nephew a cup of applesauce to take home and a nickel. Friend also brought in something heavy from my car.

Oh, we do allow him to talk. We listen to him and answer questions. He is not incessantly whacking on one of us to listen to him. He has never ventured one step beyond where we are. But, he decided to go into the kitchen, look around and come back to us. He said, "It is quiet in there."  I agreed, not knowing if that was good or bad.

I told exbf I wanted chickens for my birthday. I got a tarp to put over the top of their pen so the chickens will stay dry. This is my third tarp in nine years. I guess the tarp is part of "chickens for my birthday."  Maybe the same friend will put it up and tie it down for me.

So, Thursday was quiet. I am reveling in being well, which, as you remember, I have not been for so long.

Do you dread some children coming to your home?  And, do you look forward to others being in your home? I am not talking about grandchildren who would always be welcome.


  1. Happy Birthday week Linda. Good for the glasses showing up. I am lost without mine.

    1. Sam.
      Thank you! I am lost without mine, too. I finally bought a rather expensive for me readers.

  2. I have a spare pair of old glasses I keep in my bag which I use to look for my glasses when I lose them!

    1. Anne,
      That is a great idea. I have no old glasses because the old lenses are destroyed and I used the frames for the glasses I lost. however, I now have readers that I might be able to use to find lost glasses.

      My friend who found my glasses said, "You mean these little wire things?" Yes, I hate huge glasses that I probably could find.


  3. Happy Birthday week!
    I'm glad you found your glasses.
    I can't function without mine.
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. monica,
      Thank you. I cannot function without mine, either. It was an ordeal going without and trying to find them. Thanks, you have a pleasant weekend, too.

  4. So glad you are having a good birthday week and are feeling good. Sweet your fondness of children leaps off the "page". I am beyond wanting kids, but I will forever regret that I don't get grandkids.

    1. Nawm,
      Considering my allergies are trying to do me in, I feel remarkably well. I do like kids, especially ones whose parents have taught them well! There are plenty of little or big children who need adults. Being interested and kind even if you only interact for a moment in their lives.

  5. Alas your MD appointment matter is an all too common mix up especially when there are many staff/layers at the office.

    1. Urspo,
      I told the woman that AI certainly did not work this time. She said that unfortunately they did not talk to each other.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.