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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In My Eye

About two weeks ago a gnat or fruit fly was flying about my face. I shooed it away and it came back and dive-bombed my eye, left eye and outer corner.

It was horrendous. Since digging it out that night, my corner of that eye has swollen, ached, and felt like a fine needle was being stabbed into my eye corner. Every time I put my finger, hand or sheet there and caused horrendous pain with the lightest touch, my eyes watered and my nose ran.

Today, I touched the edge of my eye, outside lashes, actually, at lashes. The pain was so excruciating I was not having it anymore. I called all opthamologists in town and all were not in or something. I was told to go to an optometrist. Mine was not in this week ???

So, I went to Marx Optical and they caught the doctor just before he left. I had to read the eye chart, have my eyes numbed, optical pressure taken, blood pressure taken....aaagh. Yes, my blood pressure was elevated. Just look in my eye!

The doctor finally came and looked in my eye. He could see nothing. He was going to hold my lid down with a little stick and turn the lash back over it. Well, the stick located the exact pain place and he never touched my eyelashes because I winced.  My eyes were watering, nose was running. I was sniffing.

Finally, forgot how, he saw it. He said it was an ingrown eyelash.  Knowing the answer, I asked how he was going to get it out. Pull it out. Is that okay. After all the pain he caused me, he asked if it hurt. I think he was surprised it did not hurt at all. My eye, actually inside my upper lid was inflamed. So, I got a prescription of two antibiotics and cortisone.

I absolutely cannot believe I was in such agony for two weeks with excruciating pain and minimized it.

Have you ever let something go trying to just suck it up and deal? I know you have because most of you are women.


  1. Ouch
    Indeed my experience women tend to suck it up while men are big babies

    1. Urspo,
      After years of cramps and a few births, most things are another pain to endure! And, we mostly don't want to bother anyone.

  2. I had an intestinal blockage . Only called my husband to come to where I was as I thought I was having heart attack. He arrived and called 911 . Heart was fine, but going to hospital was where I needed to be . Was diagnosed with Crohns .

    1. Ms. Sandie,
      No use calling the ambulance with a heart attack, huh? I am glad you were not having a heart attack, but Crohn's is not good either. Thanks.

  3. Good one.Thanks for sharing.For more information visit webstagram


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.