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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Groceries--September 9-15, 2018

family pack boneless, skinless chicken breasts (7)
4 apples
4 bananas
2 half gallons a2milk
salad greens
half gal. orange juice

About $25.

Since I bought so many vegetables at the Farmer's Market, last weekend, I bought little this week. The apples are so large that I will eat half each day. I can eat a whole one, but then I feel stuffed. It's good to have chickens so I have some place to use the banana peels and apple cores and stale bread (no mold).


  1. Love chicken and salad greens.
    It's always good to buy vegetables from a Farmers Market!

    All the best Jan

    1. I just plain love chicken breasts. And, chicken with salad greens cannot be beat. I try to buy most vegetables from the Farmer's Market.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.