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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Then, Heartbreak!

On Tuesday night, I finished the day with the glow of new chickens surrounding me. When I went out Wednesday morning, one of my precious red chickens was dead, her chest ripped open.

With a heavy heart, I tried to find how the raccoon got into their cage. I know it was a raccoon because of the chest being ripped out. I could not pick it up because I don't have enough balance to bend that far on uneven ground, using both hands to pick it up without chancing a face-plant.

When I first went into the pen, chickens were running and screaming for their lives. I thought--foolish chickens, you are safe. Then, in my search for eggs, I found the body.

No one I asked had time to help me. Well, the body will be gross by morning. Plus, there will probably be two bodies, maybe three.

My second career as a chickie mama was short. I cannot afford more hens. I really hate raccoons.

Today, I used my birthday card from KFC and got a free 2-piece meal. Of course, I got extra gravy. I carried the carcass home to the two who are left. But, they were so hysterical, I am not sure they ate it or the oats I gave them.

I also got my hair cut. I think this cut will work. It feels nice and swingy. You know that feeling?


  1. Oh noooo! I'm so sorry that happened. It's never nice.

    Good to have a new haircut though 😊

    1. kylie,
      No, not nice at all. After exbf butchered it, this is nice.

  2. That is too bad about your new chicken!

    1. Lisa,
      Thanks, it was. I am depressed enough about the car!

  3. I'm so sorry about your chicken.

    I also got a haircut. Haven't paid for one in over a year. We have a family friend's wedding in 2 weeks so I needed it. Our oldest daughter is in the wedding. Can't wait for her to come home for it.

    1. Cents,
      This is the second one I have paid for in over four years. I got the same person I had about a month ago. We tweaked her first cut. So, you will get to see daughter when she comes home?

  4. I am so sorry about your chicken.

    All the best Jan

  5. I am very sorry about the chicken. I am not overly fond of raccoons either.

  6. So sorry about your chicken! I hope the others will be safe. But happy your new haircut is working out.

    1. tana50,
      So far, so good with hens and haircut.

  7. I'm so sorry about your poor chicken. I know how that feels as we've had it happen here too. It's just heartbreaking.

  8. I'm so sorry you lost one of your new chickens! I'm hoping the other ones will be ok.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.