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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Fifth and Sixth Day of My Birthday Week

Friday, I planned to go get chickens. But, I was not in the mood. So, I suppose I will wait until it is so rainy out I will not want to do it again.

When I talked to exbf last on Thursday, he said he would see me tomorrow. I said "okay" and hung up. About five minutes later, I called him and asked him what he meant. Well, he was so confused about whether the appointment was on or off that he was coming Friday morning.

When I called the ortho office Friday to see about my appointment that was cancelled, cancelled, and then cancelled again, the person said, "Oh, yes, you have an appointment at 11:30. You still have time to get here."

Mind you, once was a voice mail, the other was a text message. Both were cancellations from their office. There was no chance for questions. The confirmation was a chance to press 1 for yes or 2 for no.

This was about 9:20. I explained that I needed to wash my hair and bathe and that my friend 62 miles south of me would have to do the same and come pick me up. She seemed disappointed and gave me another appointment.  I told her I did not want to get in trouble with the office if I ever forgot another time. She said she had recorded what happened. Whew!

The cancellation was disappointing because I was all set for a Quiznoes. I love those things.

I consulted nurses at two other physicians' offices. There are lots of things to figure out. Whew!

This may sound stressful, but some problems were settled, making me less stressed.

Friday evening I was given about five pounds of okra. This will be fried for exbf as I cannot stand okra. I took another coupon to DQ for two meals. I threw out one order of fries, put the toast in a Ziploc in the refrigerator, froze most of the chicken. 

From Freeosk at Walmart, I received a tiny bit of candy--Sweet Tart soft and chewy ropes--more like a gummy bear. I would never buy these for myself. They are pure sugar and too tart for me.

Saturday, I tried to shop for chickens, but both places were closed. I just sat and watched turkeys for a bit.

Saturday was a beautiful day. I drove around town, scoping out places for free food. The people with the pear tree in the front yard absolutely hated it. So, I suppose they killed it on purpose. That's two pear trees gone!

The pecan trees are alive, at least. While driving in heavy Saturday traffic, I could not see whether the pecans were plentiful, but there were pecans. Monday, I will call the place that will give me free figs.

I thawed three of the chicken fingers, ate salad, an apple, and had chocolate ice cream.

Also, cruised a car lot where we got exbf's car. Then, I got milk at Publix and talked to a guy for about an hour, a guy whose child was in a class where I subbed.

Both days were busy although low-key.

After a 12-hour long sleep, I was surprised it was Sunday morning.

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.