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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Santa Came!

I was out for a few minutes on Christmas Eve, just long enough to get gas. While I was gone, Santa came.

As I struggled up the steps with groceries, I saw something directly in front of the door. It was an A&W Root Beer Mug with an envelope inside.

So, I fought my way in the door, picking up the mug and dropping groceries as I bent to get it...ugh. All the while, I was trying to figure out who knew I collected A&W mugs. J came to mind as she had commented on them. Exbf knows but had not been here. So, I opened the card. My friend Gwyn, John's cousin and friend of mine, too, had been here. She owned an antique shop, so knew what I like. This was a very pleasant surprise.  Gwyn would have come to mind if I had had longer to think.

Oh, I did not buy groceries today.  Since I cannot bring all the groceries in when I buy them, I bring in a few at a time over days.


  1. I suspect it was the Elf on the Shelf that done it.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.