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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Cooking this Week or Not

Sunday: six large chicken breasts
Monday: pork shoulder butt roast. five or six potatoes
Tuesday: cabbage, carrots
Wednesday: turnips
Thursday: sweet potatoes, bean soup

That was the plan. This is how it happened. I got Sunday and Monday done. Felt worse. And now I am stuck with the plan below. However, I felt much better last night. Today, I awoke overheated and with a sore throat and throbbing forehead.

Cabbage. carrots, and turnips will be cooked in the pork broth as were the potatoes. I am freezing the chicken broth to use in dressing. I bought five pounds of carrots to cook. The turnip will cook next week.

Friday, I won't be cooking as exbf is coming. Hopefully, I won't have to cook because it is all done ahead of time. Now, my plan for tonight is cooking cabbage and carrots, at least carrots. I am going to a Christmas party, so we will see.

I told me to remind me to give him some grapes because I always forget those. Many times, I make a list. Other times, I have him write as I tell him what there is.

Last week, I sent home peanuts with him that I got from Five Guys. He loves peanuts, Since I left them in his car, I didn't forget to give them to him.

I have frozen half a cherry pie to share with him. No, I did not bake it. I think I will make an Apple Betty with Granny Smith apples I have. Probably not. Saturday is his birthday--64, just a young'un.

Two weeks ago, I was given an Elephant garlic or something like that. I have 14 cloves to plant. I was going to do that today, but I am achy. However, this is my record of what I have to plant.

Re-reading this post, it feels disjointed but I really don't care.

Your turn
Do you ever awake overheated and then have a sore throat, feel achy, and make yourself sick by covering up too much? Do cooking plans ever go awry?


  1. Sorry to hear about your sore throat and not feeling well. It's very unusual for me to wake up overheated. I always get cold while I'm sleeping, and have to get up and put more clothes and/or covers on. Isn't it aggravating to fall asleep feeling good, and then wake up with a sore throat. I usually slather vicks on and use some throat spray, put on a warm flannel pajama top, and even socks, and hope for the best, and that I will be able to get back to sleep for a while. I read somewhere online that some people put vicks on the bottoms of their feet to help a cough. So I tried it, it didn't do much for my cough, but did made my feet nice and warm in my socks.
    My cooking plans usually go awry. Sometimes just missing one ingredient that I thought I had on hand, or sometimes unexpected things happen and there isn't enough time to cook, or sometimes, by the time its time to cook whatever it was, I (or my husband) am flat out just not in the mood to eat that food.

    With Chicken Breasts and a pork butt roast and all of those tasty vegetables, you will be having some delicious meals coming up. I love it when the pork butt roasts go on sale for 99 cents a pound. Those are always the huge ones. I roast it and then freeze whatever is left for lots of delicious planned leftover meals.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Susie,
      I awake hot more often than cold. The sweating around my neck where I have most of the covers is what gets me. I am not hot and sweaty anywhere else.

      I have put Vicks on the soles of my feet, and the coughing stops before I can finish even one foot. I like sleeping with socks on, but until Thursday night, have not needed socks.

      It is so frustrating to have the one key ingredient that cannot be substituted or even if I just want it the way I want it! lol

      I rarely get pork butt roast. The price must be right. He does not know it, but I ate two times of the pork and the rest is for his birthday.

      Hall's Mentholyptus, otc meds, prescription allergy meds, and a scarf around my throat, even in the house should hold this offl


  2. Cooking plans seem to always go awry.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.