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Monday, December 18, 2017

I Now have a Line!

Okay, this the second thing I was going to relate about the Senior Christmas Party. This was right after the party and exbf had left. I was not diagnosed with flu yet.

I went straight to WM to buy Halos since I gave the last four to exbf and I felt like citrus would help me get better. Of course, I wore the reindeer antlers and the lights, both blinking. As I rode around looking at various things, I came out a side aisle onto a main aisle. A couple was walking by very fast. As I came to the main aisle, I clipped the guy's coat but did not hit his body at all. The woman with him pulled up short and almost fell over me. I looked up at her and said, "You almost got run over by a reindeer!" She started laughing and so did the guy with her. He had whirled around to see if she were hit. Other people heard, too. People were doubled over and telling others what I said.

Okay, I have a line! Yes, I think on my feet and have good one-liners. Urspo, I told you so.

Anytime a little kid wandered into my path and parents were pulling it back, I told the child, "You almost got run over by a reindeer." Parents thought it was funny. Older children did, too. Toddlers just stared. Little kids usually stare at me on the cart. A woman on a cart wearing blinking red antlers and a blinking string of lights either puzzles them or fascinates them. I may have frightened them with what could be perceived as a veiled threat since they don't know the song, "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer".

Finally, I saw a manager and followed him until he stopped. I drove within an inch of his pants and said, "You almost got run over by a reindeer!" He whirled around and said, "Oh Lord, what a way to go!" I said, "Oh, but you would enjoy it." And, I rolled away.

I said the same thing to various employees and got a big laugh each time.

Yes, I am funny.  I have a line for wearing antlers. You can use it when you wear antlers.

If you, too, have antlers, feel free to use my funny line.

Maybe you think it is stupid? Or, not funny?


  1. I love that you will go around a store wearing your antlers, lights flashing away! Any time we can get someone to smile or laugh, it is a good thing. :)

    1. Vicki,
      Oh, I like doing things like that, especially if someone thinks I won't. Thanks.

  2. Sure wish we had someone in our WM with a great sense of humor. So glad you could bring smiles and laughter to others, & as it's been said "It's a good thing". Hoping you're feeling better.

  3. Bellen,
    It made me smile,too. Thanks. Somewhat better, at least not throwing up or feverish.

  4. I think that's funny. I wish I had witnessed that. I am a big kid and that's just funny. Good times!

    1. monica,
      Thanks. We could be I appreciate that kind of funny. Yes, good times!

  5. Replies
    1. I thought you might appreciate that one! Thanks!

  6. The world needs more humor. I say go for it! Hope you are feeling better.

  7. That's cute! I love quick witted people.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.