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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Agave Danger

Robert Lustig, MD, author of Fat Chance
The Problem: Don't trust the health halo claims associated with the natural sweetener agave. While it is technically a low-glycemic food, it actually drives up blood fructose, which is way worse, Dr. Lustig explains. "Fructose causes seven times more cell damage than glucose because it binds to cellular proteins seven times faster and releases 100 times the number of oxygen radicals (like hydrogen peroxide, which damages cells)," he notes.In addition, fructose is turned into fat in the liver, which contributes to the development of metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes. "Glycemic index is irrelevant; fructose damages your body unrelated to glycemic index. Agave nectar should have a skull and crossbones," Dr. Lustig says.

I have always been wary of agave. Now, I am convinced I was correct.

Your turn
Were your converted by the hype around agave? Do you use agave?


  1. I bought a bottle once and ended up throwing it out. I still prefer plain ole' sugar for baking and I rarely use it in anything else. I do use Stevia occasionally but not often.

    1. Nan,
      I took a bottle from the grocery shelf and red the label. I was not convinced and leery of the praise. I just use sugar. I have used stevia. I cannot find the pure stevia in this town.

  2. Being diabetic I do not use sugar, honey or any other sweetener that raises my blood sugar so no agave. I also don't use artificial sweeteners. Took me about 6 weeks to get over my sugar cravings but my health is more important.

    Love Dr. Lustig, and have watched him on YouTube giving his lectures on sugar, fat, etc. As he is NOT a 'diet doctor' I have faith in his teachings.

    1. Bellen,
      I wish I could say I shunned the sweet things I love so much. I quit drinking Diet Coke. Then, several months later, I decided to drink them again. It was like poison, so I gave them away.

      I have never heard of him. But, his not being a diet doctor would inspire me with confidence. I will look him up on you tube.

    2. Linda, for Dr. Lustig's profile:

  3. We avoid all artificial sugars. Well, all artificial everything. My favorite for sweetening, is pure maple syrup. I buy as natural and organic sugar as possible.

    I too, have read all "the books." We seek what I call "happy" chickens and "happy" beef. Free range chickens and grass fed beef. And organic grown fruits/veggies.

    It's just the 2 of us now. So the "too costly" doesn't apply. Plus, being "Elders," and trying to preserve our health, money doesn't really come into it. What better place, to spend money, than on that, which we put in our mouths, and thus, which "becomes" us? :-)

    To healthy eating!

    1. wisps,
      I miss my chickens that gave me eggs from happy hens. Money still matters to me, but more often than in years before, I choose the healthy option.

  4. I have always tried to avoid food fads. I probably use entirely way too much sugar, as I bake A LOT, but I convince myself that my baked goods are better for the kids than store bought stuff.

    1. Meg B.,
      Absolutely! I never jump right in on the latest fad. Your children are bound to be healthier for having none of the junk in store bought stuff.

  5. I stick with time honored things like maple syrup, sugar or honey

    1. kylie,
      Those are the only three sweeteners that I use, too.

  6. I have always known about agave, but it is my business to know such things. Once again marketing dupes people into believing something is good when it is not - this time based on the innuendo 'natural' is better.

    1. urspo,
      I never jump on the bandwagon when anything first comes out. I did not believe eggs were bad for a person when that nonsense came out.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.