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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mellow Sunday

 Half the leaves on the dogwood are gone. They started a few at a time about two weeks ago. Today, when I went out at 6pm, the air was very humid, neither warm nor cold, just spongy feeling. 

Whatever I was feeling yesterday is gone today. I actually feel very well. My head is trying to get stuffy again, but the Hall's keeps that at bay. 

The only 'work' or 'decluttering' I accomplished was keeping the clutter at bay and retaining the state the cleaner and I accomplished. I call that a big win. 

We went out and tried to get three refunds. Only one was accomplished. I finally found the Ben' Brown Rice, parboiled, 5 lb for $7.53--$1.50/lb. The word parboiled was on the back and hard to see. I wonder now if the people I asked on the phone who said it was not parboiled actually looked all over the package. I am thrilled to get that. I will make two small casseroles for us-rice, chicken, soup, broccoli for Tommy. I will put mushrooms and cheese and pimiento in mine, too. I use cooked chicken, so I don't need to cook for a long time for rice. And, cheese is best not cooked forever. In the past I have cooked a huge casserole with raw chicken breasts cooked in the casserole, too. This way is much faster and just as tasty. He hates cheese, mushrooms, and pimientos. 

The Halloween display in Big Box was magnificent! I had to zoom up and down all the aisles and see the pretties. Now, I am in the mood! My goal is to only buy one decoration. I have many fake pumpkins for inside, one large and many tiny. I do want candy corn, but I may forego it entirely. One year, I bought a bag of Halloween candy, asked the children and parents behind me if they wanted some. I got out a handful and gave them the whole bag. Another year, I did the same thing but gave them the receipt so there would be no problems. Both years the checker heard it all, so no one would get into trouble. 

I need to get out my Halloween jewelry--one huge spider ring. I buy this kind of things well after Halloween on deep clearance.

I found a summer nightgown on sale for $9.90, 1/2 price of ones I have, and identical one that I wore last night. I hate to say it, but i wear these in the day because they are so comfortable. I have plenty of pants and tops for everyday wear, but only one dress. I need more dresses, but few of those are comfortable. 

Now, he has a shower soap and shampoo holder so he won't put his shampoo and soap in the window that he is allowing to rot. The whole wall is probably lost. We halved a Reese's cup. It was nasty with gooey chocolate on the bottom. Nasty, I say! Chef BoyArdee pizza sauce caught my eye, so got some for Tommy. At home, he said that the Prego was okay, and I should not have bought the pizza sauce...sigh. He will eat it and love it. We bought little.

We had left at six and left to come home about 7:30. It was almost dark and drizzling, so double whammy on Tommy not being able to drive. We made it with no trouble. I must say that the lines are faded on the roads. 

So, nothing much happened, but it was all good, not overshadowed by feeling so awful. Writing this has made me hungry for dinner tomorrow night! 

Do you store and eat brown rice? I like it better than white rice. 

Are you having cooler days and nights now? 

That time of the year

Today was a drowsy, lazy day. I sat in the car while Tommy went into Publix and bought a few bogo items. I took the two new clothing items from eBay nd put a mark so I would know which were NOT the older items. I decluttered a tiny bit more. 

When we left, we noticed the neighbor had lots of the ends of branches all over her yard. So, maybe the wind was rough as the loose shingles on another neighbor's house indicated. 

I tried looking for clothes on Mercari and Poshmark and had no luck. Each picture had no size on one site even though I had searched by size, so I had click on the picture to get information. I will try both one more time, just in case I was tired or braindead when I looked on Sunday. 

It is that time of year--football season. And, I am not enjoying it. I never complain or pout. But, I do get my choice of channels when there is no football. He also reminds me when we should go to grocery store or wherever because he wants to get back to a game. 

Saturday night, Tommy was very contrite and apologized for "forgetting" my birthday. He did not forget. He ignored it. I told him so, too. He said he was sorry for not saying Happy Birthday. He said he was sorry for treating me that way. He is not off the hook. However, I quit asking him why he did not say it. Three days of reminding him and he refused to respond is not "forgetting." I did not retaliate to get him to say he was sorry!

Even though this has been a rainy couple of days, we do find a bit of dry day to go on an errand. Tomorrow is a trip to a store to get refunds on several things. 

I have a doctor's appointment every dry day this next week. I will be exhausted by the end of each day, and ready to die by the end of the week.

The pork roast goes into oven on Monday. I need to cook sliced Brussels sprouts and zucchini, too.

Do you have exciting plans for this week?

Any doctor appointments?

Cooking of food?

Saturday, September 14, 2024


False Information and Decluttering Again


From the CDC:

“You cannot see, smell, or taste the toxin that causes botulism. But taking even a small taste of food containing the toxin can be deadly.”

I know one blogger lately has said she trusts her nose and taste. Not good advice. 

This morning, I rose early and made four doctors' appointments.  Then, I was stymied because some offices are closed on Friday. That schedule does not work for me. 

Today, we had an appointment. Tommy moved about, getting things and himself ready to go. Finally, he asked me when I wanted to leave. I listened to him, hurried about and we left almost 30 minutes past the time we should have. Or, so we thought. No, we were an hour early! So, we sat in the car. It was pleasant watching the clouds move about and some change to dark, ominous looking clouds. We listened to our bird songs/calls CD.

Cleaner came and helped declutter room and all of table next to me. Things are more organized. Still, she did not do all I wanted done. She wanted to leave because of the weather, but she had been here for 3 hours. 

I received another eBay item of clothing, identical to one I bought five years ago. Now, I have a blouse to wear and not worry about ruining the older one which has matching black pants. My everyday going out clothing has been elevated. A blouse that originally cost $50+ was now $7. As I looked it over carefully, I could not tell it had been worn. It was not shabby at all, no picks and no deodorant stains. 

As you may have suspected, I went in for a nap. Five hours later, I feel only a little rested, not much. 

Tommy put some meat into refrigerator to thaw for cooking this next week: bscb, pork roast, two other meals cooked and stored, two hamburgers. The pork roast will be cut into meal portions once it is cooked, and it will be refrozen for future meals. 

Saturday should be another rainy day, so no grocery shopping even though we made a list from the three stores. I do hope we can hit one of two stores where we need to make returns. Those are the only plans. 

Do you have plans for this weekend? 

Even though the decluttering of paper is not complete, I feel better? Are your decluttering bouts take longer than you think they will? 

Do you ever buy clothing from eBay?

Do you depend on taste and smell to find botulism?

Friday, September 13, 2024



 my yellow countertop

I was not connected to the internet and did not know why. So, Tommy called provider. At some point I told him to get them to connect the new router they sent via Amazon or someone. He came today and had the job done quickly. He then spent time at the box outdoors. Now, we have 5G. Before, we had 2G and 5G. I have no idea what the deal was. Since I only got up from a nap because the tech arrived, I had no questions. 

Tommy told me the neighbor's roof was peeled back. I was shocked and went to the door to see. When the tech came and said he was going to the end of house, I asked him if he would go back far enough into the backyard and see if he could see roof damage. He could see no damage.

The weather guy said we only had 1/2 inch today. Amazing when it was supposed to be stormy and rainy. More will be coming. So far, I have not been aware of wind around here. I did notice that LA is rather clear of rain or any evidence of the hurricane when I look at a weather map. 

Last night, I went to bed before 2 am, early for me. Then, I slept only two hours and was wide awake. I think it was shortly before noon I could sleep. Then, I got up after the guy came, and was back in bed by 3:30 pm.. I awoke at 6 or so. This pattern leaves me less productive and frazzled. 

I had baked chicken, slaw, and green beans, a meal I love. Tommy had meatballs with spaghetti sauce over them, slaw, and green beans and an apple. Maybe he had potatoes and carrots. I will have an apple later. 

Maybe this malaise is part of recovery. I did get lots of clutter cleared from around my chair. Each time I left the room, I took something with me. I can really tell the difference in level of chaos. The table is visible!

Yesterday, I mentioned again this month about painting the kitchen. He just sort of agreed. Then, I showed him a paint sample card and said I thought this would be cheery and add light. It was Valspar 3011-1 Yellow Chimes. He thought that would be too much yellow on the walls. (I was thinking maybe brighter would be better.

In my house I had a yellow counter and yellow floors and loved both! The yellow floors had white sponge marks. I cannot stand a butter yellow, just the lemon yellow. You may not have liked my yellow counters! You can say so now and not disparage something right in my house.

Understand that would mean painting the cheap paneling. Before, he had become angry, saying it would look horrible to paint the paneling. Now, he is okay with painting paneling. This is a good development since the kitchen is so dark and dingy, even with one light fixture. Progress is slow around here. Three weeks ago, I left a note on woman's house next door, asking her to ask son about electrician. Nothing. 

The cleaner is set to come tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed. 

How is the tornado affecting your area? I hope no tornados.

Have you ever had someone take a message or leave a message and totally screw it up? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 It seems just like it was yesterday when my daughter in NYC called screaming. I actually did not know who it was as I did not recognize her voice and had never heard that kind of anguish and fear in her voice. I did expect her to call me to say "Happy Birthday!"

The day is here again. Of course, there has been no mention of my birthday from Tommy. Nothing. Usually he sings "Happy Birthday" to me and does something for my birthday.  After midnight I will ask him if he forgot. He will be devastated he forgot.

As usual, I slept little, only 3 hours and could sleep no more. I have deliberately not napped since I was expecting cleaner. Nope. She said she called both of us and got no response. If she does not leave a message, there is no way she called. But, she will come Friday. She is wary of the weather on Thursday. 

At 7 pm, the weather this time of the year is still in 90s or high 80s. Right now, it is mid 70s, really mild. 

The weatherman was not precise as to when rain would arrive today. I awoke at noon, dressed and was ready for the car. Then, I announced I wanted a Whopper, Jr. We both had one. Then, we drove to three stores, collected ads and came home. 

I lost another pound.

I cannot believe I am 78. That is sooo old, sooo near 80-years-old.

Since I correctly told endo how Tommy's blood sugar was rising and falling precipitously, she changed how he takes insulin. His little Dexcom receiver rarely goes off. Plus, he was told to eat less cereal and milk, and more protein at breakfast. It is working. I am so happy to hear that. 

I have a new specialist--electrophysiologist. So, one more person to see. But, I am grateful. It seems my heart is beating all sorts of strange ways even stops/pauses. I have been complaining things weren't right.

I suppose I do deserve another expensive necklace from Jared's.

Have you ever had anyone just ignore your birthday? 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Just Tuesday

 This day did not happen as I planned. I only slept 2 hours. However, I needed a nap if cleaner was coming. She could not tell me if or when until she got off work. Okay, I can work with that. I had two things to do, but I cancelled those to nap before she came. As I went to bed, I handed Tommy my phone so he could answer. I did not tell him explicitly, but I wanted to do as he always does, answer and say okay and then tell me when she gets here. She rarely shows up right when she says, so I wanted ever bit of sleep I could get. 

I asked him to make two calls. The first would be to mower who wants to buy car. Well, Tommy starts leaving some off-the-wall message; I had to stop him and redirect. Then, he calls cleaner for me to leave her a message and gets it wrong, too. I was so angry and called her myself. Called mower, too. I was exhausted and getting drowsy, so did not want to rouse myself talking or even dialing. 

When she called back while I was in bed, what did he do? He told her I needed sleep and was in bed!!! I was up at 4 when I could have slept. So, I missed the whole day of opportunities of having cleaner.  I wanted her for specific things and before my birthday. I was furious at him! 

Then, there were specific things I wanted to do before debate. He just drifts off to sleep. I refused to wake him since I would not like that. He kept putting things off all day. I wanted to color my hair and need his help to make sure I don't fall. I wanted to get boneless chicken thighs and bscb cooked before the debate. Nope, did not get that done either. There were other things. 

I wanted to go to Farmer's Market. Finally, at 6:15 we arrived. They were packing up! She said no one was there, so they packed up. When I pointed out vendors should stay until time was up, she said, "But, we have an hour drive home." I wanted to tell her not to take the job! I wanted to tell her a lot of things but did not. She just was right and that was it. 

Maybe I can find another market that assures the sellers grew their own produce. I have coupons for those. 

Tommy went into Publix for bread and bananas, and milk for him. That was the day! Nothing I wanted to do before my birthday and nothing happening then. I do not want to be out in rainy weather, so got hopefully enough bananas until weekend. This time, I will wrap the stems so they will not ripen too soon. I hear that works. 

For dinner we had baked chicken, slaw, and green beans. The breast was particularly flavorful since it was cooked with the thighs. Brown meat cooked with the breast makes breast taste so much better. I did make the slaw while waiting on the debate. 

Now, we will see what he does on my birthday tomorrow. My hair is not only filthy but needs color. He knows I wanted to have hair colored by birthday. 

Now, it is almost midnight, once again, I am beyond exhausted. 

I lost another pound...yay!

We will see how the night goes. Most of today, my heart has been beating too hard and fast. 

I think I am finally over this sinus problem. A nurse confirmed that Fall allergies were worse than Spring allergies. Of course, doctor said I had year-round allergies. 

Have you ever wrapped banana stems in plastic wrap to keep bananas from ripening soon? Does it work? 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Good Things Come to Those Who Cake

The above was on the birthday card from Janet. Thanks, Janet!  She knows me well. Well, I did cake! And, I lost another pound. 

 I survived!

Despite having only two nights' sleep last night and a grueling doctor visit all the way across Birmingham, I think I might be getting better. 

This affliction has not caused my temperature to rise. Neck hurt one day. I had a few of my normal sneezing fits. Once in a while, I coughed a week little clearing-my-throat cough. Other than that, I have been almost to the point of not being able to walk, wobbly, weak, pain all over. I truly hope whatever it is going away. 

As you may remember, besides the gifts for my birthday, I had food visits planned. Tuesday, when I was in Publix, I decided that over the weekend, I would get Chicken Mushroom Wild Rice from Publix soup bar. It was on their chart for Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. I was so ill on Saturday and decided today was the day. No soup for me! It did not come in. So, I wanted something. Tommy suggested ice cream cone. 

Then, he mentioned DQ and I wanted a Blizzard. He usually gets me a small because I want a 'small one.' That is not smallest! This time I said 'tiniest' one. The mini was what I wanted--something that was chocolate twice. It was $4.97 for the 6 oz. mini. There are 128 ounces in a gallon. That makes 21 mini servings in a gallon. So $4.97 x 21= $104.37/gal. Can you imagine anything so expensive??? I think this is the first Blizzard I have had in over a year. 

Sunday, I had my taste buds set for the soup that was not there on Saturday, Tommy brought it out and vegetable soup for him. It was so delicious! Free from Publix for my birthday, I received a bar cake. Carrot Cake. 

Today, after Tommy's appointment, we had a Chic-fil-A sandwich, no pickle. He asked for mustard for me. I heard him ask twice. I didn't say anything because I figured maybe they had no mustard. Gues what? They do! He, of course, swears he said "honey mustard." grrr

Because of the four-day holiday, Tommy was without his Dexcom G7 for a week. Then, because of incorrect information, he had to pay $150.00 for one sensor that lasts 10 days! Because Tommy does not give complete information, I chimed in. Based on what I said, she reversed what she had just said. He does not realize what is relevant information. 

When she heard from me what his breakfast is, she vetoed that because his blood sugar was rising too much eating Honey Nut Cheerios and milk. She told him to eat an egg. I told her he does not like egg. So, she said to eat cottage cheese. No, he hates that. So, she told me to find a protein he would eat and give him When I lived alone, I would grab and small bit of chicken breast about two thumb sized piece. It worked for me. He is not too eager to eat that. I asked her what would work, something he could carry with him in the car. She suggested protein bars or protein shakes. 

I have been telling him for years that his breakfast makes his blood sugar rise too high! 

In the car I mentioned protein bites with oats, chocolate, peanut butter and whatever. He said it did not sound good. I would love those. I refuse to put chia in mine, but he might like chia. 

They copied his receiver information and he turned in his food log. I told her when we at popcorn, it was free of salt or butter. She said what mattered was how much he ate. He put down everything he ate, but he left off amounts. 

So maybe Tommy learned something from the exchanges between the doctor and myself. I told him I would get him a smaller cereal bowl. He said he would just eat less. Well, I am trying to get rid of the Cool Whip Bowl that he never washes, just stores it and the spoon in the refrigerator. I tried for about 3 years to get him to change bowls. Maybe I need to get a Dr. Who bowl for him. 

I need a nap, but, I need to cook chicken before it goes off. Two quarts of strawberries are waiting, too. 

I wore pants I ordered from eBay and love them. From Walmart I ordered two nightgowns and a bathrobe. The bathrobe smells of chemical. One nightgown does not fit. One, I love. So, those two pieces must go back. The other nightgown is okay. (I tried it on and it is nice and long, love it. The fabric for Tommy's curb chairs came and is great. I may order some from this place to upholster my kitchen chairs. When all is said and done, I suppose these four chairs will cost about $40. I had to have new seat bottoms cut, bought this material, and will need to purchase padding for the chairs since the other was about 50 years old and rotten. Four years ago, I paid $20 for someone to cut four new chair bottoms since the others were pressed wood and disintegrating. 

Okay, I slept only three hours. I feel almost fully recovered from this sinus problem. It is almost 10 pm. I just gt up. I have to sleep well tonight. 

I told Tommy I want a new, large tv for the living room. He has been adamant that is not happening. So, I told him I want another necklace from Jared's or a new tv. My birthday is Wednesday, so we will see. I would not claim the tv, just have access to something larger than the 32" tv that is sitting very and low hard to see. Oh, I want it hung on the wall, too, for easy viewing. Plus, I have stumbled toward the tv many times. Once, I even touched it, grabbing it for support and righting it. Besides, I have a console table I want to put on that wall that is so much nicer than the very short coffee table on which the tv sits. 

I do want to eat at Cracker Barrel and get the four meals for $5 each. Or, maybe it is another place. 

Oh, I am tired of his dragging his feet on car purchase! Football has started and he informed me on Friday when Auburn was playing on Saturday. I told him if he cannot plan and carry through on car shopping, we will go whenever, even during Auburn games. This will assure he plans! Football games will be my nap time. 

Okay, need to go plate my dinner. 

Do you have any recipes for protein bites/bars? I want ones you have tried. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Brain Conversation


No, I don't think about stupid decisions. I only made one stupid decision.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Apple Cake and Allergies

 I slept eight hours, but it was all during the day. I just never sleep so many hours at a stretch unless I am ill. Still, there is no fever, just face aches and joint aches. 

On Thursday, I had lost two more pounds. Holding steady today.  

I received the black and white blouse I ordered from eBay. It does not match the pants I ordered thinking they matched. However, they both can be worn with a black blouse I ordered but have not received yet. And, I have black pants. I am not disappointed in the least.

Some of you expressed the idea that I did not want to wear thrift clothing. Not so at all. 

The rain is just a drizzle this afternoon. My flowers need it! It is dreary looking outdoors. 74F right now. I opened the door and the air is barely warm. 

Since there are Granny Smith that need using, I planned to bake this cake. This option takes several clicks. Work with 

Apple Cake Homemade and Simple (

Plan is to have baked bscb and potato salad and an apple. I did. Then, I had chocolate pudding with banana sliced into it. 

I called mower to see what is up with cleaner who is not responding or calling me as she promised. I just need help. They are friends. 

It is hard to grasp that I am facing third birthday ill!

Is anyone having Fall allergy problems? 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

This Is So Funny!

 So funny! No matter what side you are on.

Can Walz recover from devastating Fox's 'milkshake masculinity' hit? (

I don't feel well enough to post anything else. It feels like head, ears, gums are all swollen from allergies. This is from ear to ear, eye to eye. Just nasty. Are you suffering from Fall allergies?

Thursday Dexcom G7 News

 Wednesday was basically a good day, mellow, dry, and eventful in a good way. I had Tommy call me an hour before the ac guy came. Well, I awoke to something loud. I thought Tommy was talking to someone at the door. No, he had called about his Dexcom G7. Three out of the last batch did not work which left him with none. He was talking to manufacturer rep. It sounded as though she would get it here, but not pronto. 

Tommy told her his wife wanted to talk with him. I explained to her he had no idea when his blood sugar dropped or rose and did not listen to me, that the monitor was a help. Otherwise, I would be calling EMT, 911, and keep him from passing out and falling with his walker. I told her it was imperative he get this immediately. He will be dangerous driving, a threat to our lives and others' lives. She said she could overnight it but that would still take one to two days. ???

So, that is the best that can be done. I wonder. At least he now realized how his blood sugar fluctuates. So, he is eating at least every three hours. I hope that works. 

I have lost more weight. At this rate I can lose the 130 pounds I need to lose in one year. That would make 150 pounds lost. 

Then the hvac guys came. I told them about hearing the metal flexing and the floor settling around the return vent. He changed the ac filter. It was so filthy. I told him Tommy would not let me change it. He said that the flexing of the metal was because the unit was struggling, that the filter was the life of the unit, that we did not want to replace the unit at the price they are today. He said to change the filter every month. So, maybe Tommy is now a believer. I bought a box of one dozen filters more cheaply on Amazon. We had to go buy a filter when he decided to change one. Sometimes, we went for a year between changes!

Tommy asked an open-ended question, and the guy talked forever, not anything about hvac. Then, Tommy had a long comment. Then, the guy who came along with him talked some. Guys! Enough! 

We left to get three ads. At Publix, I bought milk for Tommy, bread, bananas, zucchini, one peach, bogo French's mustard. 

We came home to watch Jeopardy. Then, I snoozed in my chair. I ate the one beautiful, hard, barely getting ripe peach. 

Tonight, I ordered material to upholster the chairs I found on the road in 2020. Tommy had decided on Navy blue buffalo checks. But $50/yd was too much. This was only $9/yd and buffalo check. It is waterproof outdoor fabric. I hope it works for kitchen chairs. Now, I am shopping for Dr Who fabric so Ur-spo can make Tommy a shirt. Of course, Tommy's cc was used for both.

I had two of the four ribs left for me and gave Tommy the other two. They were all very large, just chunks of meat. 

So, it was a good day with no outbursts from Tommy, no arguing about silly things. I like it calm.

How often do you change filters for ac and heat?

Do you have leftovers from the holiday to eat? 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Labor Day

Labor Day, we spent from 3 pm until 8:30 pm getting a meal ready. I was not happy. I told Tommy we could eat something else besides the ribs when it became obvious dinner was going to be too late. He suggested hotdogs. So it was and delicious. I ate little--tomato, potato salad, and hot dog. 

I had made potato salad. Not onion salad like I did the last two times. He heated baked beans I made. I gave him a helping of the potatoes with onions. Remember, he hates cold potatoes.

All night, I tried to sleep. That did not happen. 

Tuesday, after a few hours' sleep, I got up for furnace guy. Well, I got that wrong as he was not coming today. grrrr We went to pick up my prescription. At 3 pm, I went to bed and awoke at 7 pm. ugh

Then, I forgot about the ribs again and asked for chicken, potato salad, and tomato. Another cold dinner was delicious. Tommy had ribs, salad. We both ate and were happy, so all is well. He said there were no bones in the pork ribs, just solid meat. Isn't that strange?

Today, I tried to call city to pick up limbs. No such luck. Hopefully, the limbs will be gone before mower comes. 

The Rafaella pants came from eBay. They are not exactly what I thought I was ordering. The print is stripe but similar. The style is the same as the floral print, so better than the style I thought I was ordering. The blouse didn't come yet as I ordered them separately, the only option. 

All in all, today was a good day. I will eat my ribs tomorrow. It is always good to look forward to no cooking for a few days! 

Oh, I forgot my deviled eggs. I used one egg to make two for me. 

How was your long holiday? 

Did you travel? 

What did you cook/grill? 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Progress--Limb Gone

 As we were leaving the house to shop, Tommy remarked that "they cut that tree."  There were a dozen cars there. When we came back, there was a guy and a truck with a woman. I asked the guy about the tree. He called his brother over. Voila! We had a tree cutter.

I told him where we lived from that house and expected a call later. Well, fifteen minutes later, they showed up at the house," the one with the aluminum ramp." That is how we easily describe where we live.  

Within five minutes, they started. Within an hour, they had cut the dead, weird part of the dogwood and the huge tree limb hanging from the neighbor's tree. I warned the guy about the poison oak, and he thanked me profusely for telling him. They charged $400 for the limb in back over the neighbor's fence to our yard, and the half dead dogwood part was a "freebie." That was to put it in the yard for city to pick up. Now, I have to call. I am sure they were glad since it was already after 5 pm. 

The guys were both Hispanic, heavy accents, but we got along with the language, told some funny stories. The one guy said sometimes a Spanish speaker only knew one phrase which led the English speaker to trying to carry on a conversation. 

I mention we needed someone to clean, mainly pick up from floor, maybe vacuum middle of floor that can be seen, sell the car, and an electrician. So, if I have to get people by referral on the street, I will. I am not shy. 

One problem solved! Now, I am not frustrated by tree guy not calling like he said he would. 

By the way, this limb was at least 18" in diameter, actually a tree-sized limb and about 40' or more. 

Do you ever stop to ask a person working about working for you?