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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 It seems just like it was yesterday when my daughter in NYC called screaming. I actually did not know who it was as I did not recognize her voice and had never heard that kind of anguish and fear in her voice. I did expect her to call me to say "Happy Birthday!"

The day is here again. Of course, there has been no mention of my birthday from Tommy. Nothing. Usually he sings "Happy Birthday" to me and does something for my birthday.  After midnight I will ask him if he forgot. He will be devastated he forgot.

As usual, I slept little, only 3 hours and could sleep no more. I have deliberately not napped since I was expecting cleaner. Nope. She said she called both of us and got no response. If she does not leave a message, there is no way she called. But, she will come Friday. She is wary of the weather on Thursday. 

At 7 pm, the weather this time of the year is still in 90s or high 80s. Right now, it is mid 70s, really mild. 

The weatherman was not precise as to when rain would arrive today. I awoke at noon, dressed and was ready for the car. Then, I announced I wanted a Whopper, Jr. We both had one. Then, we drove to three stores, collected ads and came home. 

I lost another pound.

I cannot believe I am 78. That is sooo old, sooo near 80-years-old.

Since I correctly told endo how Tommy's blood sugar was rising and falling precipitously, she changed how he takes insulin. His little Dexcom receiver rarely goes off. Plus, he was told to eat less cereal and milk, and more protein at breakfast. It is working. I am so happy to hear that. 

I have a new specialist--electrophysiologist. So, one more person to see. But, I am grateful. It seems my heart is beating all sorts of strange ways even stops/pauses. I have been complaining things weren't right.

I suppose I do deserve another expensive necklace from Jared's.

Have you ever had anyone just ignore your birthday? 


  1. Happy birthday - I'm sure Tommy will feel terrible when he realizes!

    1. Treaders, Thanks so much. I really doubt he will feel terrible, apologize, or show remorse. He will give me whatever I want for a gift, but will do that to get in my good graces.

  2. I'm so sorry he forgot your birthday, but hopefully he remembered before midnight.

  3. Could it be that Tommy is developing dementia? One hates to think that, but there are many signs of it.

    1. Carole,
      I often think so. But, he has been this way for almost 20 years. While he can be kind, he is often just mean.

  4. Most guys are clueless when it comes to things like birthdays. Why not mention your birthday a few days before it arrives? I always told John something like "Do you remember that my birthday is in a couple of days? What I'd like to do is take a day trip to go get garlic fish."
    Or if there was something that I wanted I would buy it and say something like Guess what you got me for my birthday" John was not much of a gift giver. He tried but failed several time before I gave him the gift of telling him that he did not need to shop for any special events. No Birthday, anniversary, valentine's day and even no Christmas gift.

    When he was trying to choose gifts he bought me on different occasions, a man's pinkie ring, a wheelbarrow and a box of 100 razor blades. Truth be told the razor blades turned out to be a great gift!

    He usually gave me a card or two and I knew that if there was something I wanted I could have it.

    I think that expecting a man to remember a birthday, without giving him a hint or two sets one up for sadness and disappointment. In my relationship I choose to skip gifts.

  5. Janet,
    For two weeks I had been talking about the place I wanted to eat, all chicken places and fast food. Not knowing was not the problem. I do buy what I want with his credit card.

    It is now Friday night, and I have asked him Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, twice each day was he not going to wish me a happy birthday at all. He just sits and stares as if in a trance. He knows how to be hurtful and does it often.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.