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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Labor Day

Labor Day, we spent from 3 pm until 8:30 pm getting a meal ready. I was not happy. I told Tommy we could eat something else besides the ribs when it became obvious dinner was going to be too late. He suggested hotdogs. So it was and delicious. I ate little--tomato, potato salad, and hot dog. 

I had made potato salad. Not onion salad like I did the last two times. He heated baked beans I made. I gave him a helping of the potatoes with onions. Remember, he hates cold potatoes.

All night, I tried to sleep. That did not happen. 

Tuesday, after a few hours' sleep, I got up for furnace guy. Well, I got that wrong as he was not coming today. grrrr We went to pick up my prescription. At 3 pm, I went to bed and awoke at 7 pm. ugh

Then, I forgot about the ribs again and asked for chicken, potato salad, and tomato. Another cold dinner was delicious. Tommy had ribs, salad. We both ate and were happy, so all is well. He said there were no bones in the pork ribs, just solid meat. Isn't that strange?

Today, I tried to call city to pick up limbs. No such luck. Hopefully, the limbs will be gone before mower comes. 

The Rafaella pants came from eBay. They are not exactly what I thought I was ordering. The print is stripe but similar. The style is the same as the floral print, so better than the style I thought I was ordering. The blouse didn't come yet as I ordered them separately, the only option. 

All in all, today was a good day. I will eat my ribs tomorrow. It is always good to look forward to no cooking for a few days! 

Oh, I forgot my deviled eggs. I used one egg to make two for me. 

How was your long holiday? 

Did you travel? 

What did you cook/grill? 


  1. Country style ribs have no bones - just nice meaty pieces.
    Stayed home and did nothing special on Labor Day. Just another day here.

    1. Cheryl,
      I must have missed that. They looked like rib bones. Nothing special works for me except for Thanksgiving and

  2. Hubby smoked eight racks of ribs for our Labor Day get together. Along with four pounds of shrimp scampi, two Boston butts, and a bunch of hamburgers and hotdogs. I love deviled eggs! I think I boiled 30 eggs and every one was eaten. We had around 50 people, a lighter group than some years.

    I worked from home yesterday, which is a lovely transition back to the work week.

    1. That is a LOT of meat! And, lots of people at your house once again. I could eat many deviled eggs, too. `
      Working from home would be a good way to start the week.

  3. My daughter made Mexican street corn deviled eggs for her family Labor Day get together. I believe she found the recipe on Facebook. I didn't attend the get together, so I have no idea how they taste. My granddaughter said they were really good.

    1. Nana,
      That sound different. Too bad you did not go. But, I don't know the circumstances. Maybe I can find that recipe and at least look at it.

  4. So interesting that so many of us fixed the same things for Labor Day! I also smoked 2 racks of ribs and made street corn and beans.

    1. Janet,
      I suppose tradition is the reason. Actually, if I did not have the rack of ribs, anything would do to make it easy. I still have not tasted my ribs! Tommy took half, so half left for me. I will give him half of those tonight. I have never made street corn. I almost bought a few ears, but he would be tasked with cleaning them up.

  5. No travel; no eating (I was NPO for blood work on Tuesday)

    1. Urspo,
      No travel is good. I suppose you can eat later. The meal does not have to be on the day.

  6. DH decided we should have Indian food for Labor Day, and so we did takeout. I never say no to takeout, believe me. No cooking and fewer dishes to wash? Yes, please.

    We just finished the leftovers today, so that food really stretched.

    There are a half a zillion recipes for those deviled eggs. I'm not sure how I feel about corn in a bite of egg.

    I do love sweet corn, though, and the season is on the wane. I really want corn & shrimp chowder, but can't be bothered to make it.

    I would settle for a big dish of street corn; I do have cotija cheese that needs using up, and all the seasonings on hand. I also know the fam would gobble it up, as opposed to the chowder.

    I would also like to make another batch of gazpacho. A mug of gazpacho and a bowl of street corn would be a heavenly meal.

    1. Sue,
      No, never refuse takeout! Corn in egg is different. Lots of food talk tonight. I am not familiar with all this food.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.