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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Tommy's New Love--Tupperware

Can you believe it?

 First off the sleep report. I slept 8 solid hours last night. I could barely walk when I awoke. The rest of the day was much better. 

My cell rang about 12:30. It was my Tupperware lady. I have been meaning to call her since I heard Tupperware was going under. We were in the car ready to go by 1 pm. Columbiana was out destination, about 50 miles, I think. 

I asked her for directions. Each time I repeated to Tommy, he said, "I know that!!" I was so annoyed. We followed directions until we did not. He did not write which way to turn at critical point. So, it took longer with backtracking and guessing and asking for directions. 

Finally, we stopped at a Marathon and asked a man coming out. Usually people at gas stations say they "are not from around here." We kept telling him more about what she said. He told us about two businesses like she said she was set up at. Then, I told him what city she was set up in. He said today we got lucky because that was exactly where he was headed. So, we followed him for ten miles and found our Tupperware lady. Whew!!! We thought we were in Columbiana and were very wrong. 

We finally got there. She had two tents up and her adorable g-daughter with her. T lady showed us many things, bringing them to the car as she usually does. I asked about things on the tables, some of which did not interest me at all. She displays items in sets in clear plastic bags. So, sometimes, from a distance, I cannot ascertain what they items are. 

She started showing us the contents of a box. She got the popcorn kit for $75 and a $3000 order. When I showed the striped containers to Tommy, he laughed and exclaimed. Unbelievably, he was willing to spend $75 on it. I asked him if we should get it. He said; 'yes.' We opted not to buy the 4 bowls after she offered to sell it for $60 without the bowls. I never did get a lid on one. There were about 16 containers for serving the popcorn, 2 or 4 bottles for seasoning and four shakers for seasonings. We eat it plain, so extra containers for something else. Tommy just wanted the red/white striped containers. 

Everything she gave us at a lower price. Tommy paid for over half of it. Before, I always pay for the total. She will not take cards or checks. When we had finished shopping, I asked, "And, you don't take cards or checks?" I thought I might have to put back lots. She said I will take check from YOU. Then, she even gave us a $25 dollar item after we wrote the check. Tommy paid part of total amount in cash. She even gave us a bag of items free that she said she saved just for us. 

On the way down 65, we saw a convoy of ServPro, one car, two trucks, and three vans. This company does recovery of flooded homes and stores damaged by fire of flood. So, I suppose they have contracts already. They had Wisconsin plates. It was an amazing sight. All the power company trucks in Hueytown are gone, so we know they left, too, for hurricane damaged areas as they leave for every hurricane. Well, there are three left here. Power trucks and workers from Texas restored out electricity on in 2011 when a tornado tore up Cullman and power was off for 10 days, but just 5 days for my area of town. I went to road and effusively thanked them. 

I refused to go back the way she told us to come. Tommy knew that turning at the corner where we were would take us to the interstate. Still, it was a two-lane road, all curves and hills. We arrived home about 5 pm. I still don't feel especially tired. 

When I told her we were going to look at cars while down there, she started telling us about her Honda CRV. I asked to sit in it, which she obliged. I liked the feel, so might get one up the line.

I decided if I find a car we like that is too tall, I will get something to step on and pull it up with a rope. I then checked on Amazon. They sell something like that on Amazon in plastic. It is huge. I know a little square stool would likely turn over and hurt me, so we will see if I buy one or have someone make one for me. I am not going to let aches disability deprive me of what I want and need in a car.

We are having a hamburger from a pack of four and are sharing a little salad from Sprouts. It has lots of freshly shredded parmesan cheese, so I am thrilled. I love a Caesar salad. I burned the burger crispy black. So, I ate even less meat and bun than I had planned. It is enough. 

In High Plains Drifter a little church and set looks identical to the Rust set. I wonder. There was even an aerial view. 

I don't believe Tupperware is harmful if used properly. Tommy took home food in a Tupperware container I prepared for him. When I got the bowl back, there were bubbles in the bottom. I know he microwaved the bowl with food for probably five minutes or more. He carried home no more of my Tupperware. I fussed at him and he swore he did not heat it too high. But, we all know better. I love my Tupperware. And, I have never heated anything so hot that I ruined a piece by heating it so hot the plastic bubbled. 

Do you use Tupperware and like it? 

Have you ever seen anyone use a stool to get into a vehicle? 


  1. I love Tupperware and always have, but the price is too high for me at this time, so I've not bought any in a few years.

    1. Belinda,
      Tupperware is certainly pricey. The lower prices she gave me made it easier to afford. I take care of it, and it lasts. I got peeved at T and refused to buy it for 20 years.

  2. Tupperware will bubble if you microwave food with a lot of fat in it.

  3. Also, installing a running board on a higher vehicle helps a lot with getting in/out. We installed them on my first van and my mom LOVED them. They were super for my toddlers, too.

    There's no fussing with a stool that has to be positioned and hauled in/out. For as much as you two are in the car, I'd say running boards will be much less aggravating.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.