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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Just Tuesday

 This day did not happen as I planned. I only slept 2 hours. However, I needed a nap if cleaner was coming. She could not tell me if or when until she got off work. Okay, I can work with that. I had two things to do, but I cancelled those to nap before she came. As I went to bed, I handed Tommy my phone so he could answer. I did not tell him explicitly, but I wanted to do as he always does, answer and say okay and then tell me when she gets here. She rarely shows up right when she says, so I wanted ever bit of sleep I could get. 

I asked him to make two calls. The first would be to mower who wants to buy car. Well, Tommy starts leaving some off-the-wall message; I had to stop him and redirect. Then, he calls cleaner for me to leave her a message and gets it wrong, too. I was so angry and called her myself. Called mower, too. I was exhausted and getting drowsy, so did not want to rouse myself talking or even dialing. 

When she called back while I was in bed, what did he do? He told her I needed sleep and was in bed!!! I was up at 4 when I could have slept. So, I missed the whole day of opportunities of having cleaner.  I wanted her for specific things and before my birthday. I was furious at him! 

Then, there were specific things I wanted to do before debate. He just drifts off to sleep. I refused to wake him since I would not like that. He kept putting things off all day. I wanted to color my hair and need his help to make sure I don't fall. I wanted to get boneless chicken thighs and bscb cooked before the debate. Nope, did not get that done either. There were other things. 

I wanted to go to Farmer's Market. Finally, at 6:15 we arrived. They were packing up! She said no one was there, so they packed up. When I pointed out vendors should stay until time was up, she said, "But, we have an hour drive home." I wanted to tell her not to take the job! I wanted to tell her a lot of things but did not. She just was right and that was it. 

Maybe I can find another market that assures the sellers grew their own produce. I have coupons for those. 

Tommy went into Publix for bread and bananas, and milk for him. That was the day! Nothing I wanted to do before my birthday and nothing happening then. I do not want to be out in rainy weather, so got hopefully enough bananas until weekend. This time, I will wrap the stems so they will not ripen too soon. I hear that works. 

For dinner we had baked chicken, slaw, and green beans. The breast was particularly flavorful since it was cooked with the thighs. Brown meat cooked with the breast makes breast taste so much better. I did make the slaw while waiting on the debate. 

Now, we will see what he does on my birthday tomorrow. My hair is not only filthy but needs color. He knows I wanted to have hair colored by birthday. 

Now, it is almost midnight, once again, I am beyond exhausted. 

I lost another pound...yay!

We will see how the night goes. Most of today, my heart has been beating too hard and fast. 

I think I am finally over this sinus problem. A nurse confirmed that Fall allergies were worse than Spring allergies. Of course, doctor said I had year-round allergies. 

Have you ever wrapped banana stems in plastic wrap to keep bananas from ripening soon? Does it work? 


  1. Yes it works well. I received 2 bundles of bananas for free a couple weeks ago - both green as could be. I uncovered ends of one bunch, and they have ripened now. The other is still green. I will remove cover of stems on those tomorrow.

    1. Cheryl,
      Thanks. That is good to know. I have been loathe to cover the banana stems, thinking it could not be true. Did you take each single banana and cover the stem? Or, did you leave the bunch intact and wrap all stems at once?

  2. Happy Birthday Linda! I hope today is a good day for you.

    1. Belinda,
      Thanks. But, I think I have given up on a good day today.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.