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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Squirrel in the Road

 Monday evening, I was starting to feel low. I barely made it to the bed at 8 pm and slept until 10:30 am on Tuesday. The room and bed was too hot to sleep, so I sat up for an hour. I went to bed again at 3:30. There was a huge outdoor roach in the middle of the bathroom. I screamed for Tommy. In the meantime, I sprayed it with Lysol spray. It did not move. Tommy brought the Roach Spray and took the reacher and caught it and threw it in the commode. It moved a bit and he flushed it. He said it took him 3 hours to get back to sleep. 

Cleaner came at 4 pm. I did not move from my chair the two hours she was here! She brought bins for me to look in and for her to hand me things. Unfortunately, Tommy saw a pair of 38 pants he had been ready to donate. Now, he has rescued them even though he needs a 42. Where is the wisdom in that? I stuffed some socks back in that he does not want so he would not rescue them. He was the one who told me to take pants and socks!

I cancelled a medical test because I was not able to go. I hate that. 

As the day has gone on, I feel worse. I don't know if this is allergies or what. Last night, my body hurt like I was beaten. I ached all over. Now, I intend to go to a doctor the see what this is or is not. 

While sorting items, I put lots of things in their place, and I tossed many things. I found the Nordstrom gift card Tommy gave me one Christmas--$50. That was a good find. 

She looked for Halloween items, I told her they were in an orange storage box. She said there were no orange boxes. It is hard to tell the red from the orange ones. I forgot how many fake pumpkins I had, all bought on sale so I never have to buy another fresh pumpkin for decorating. It will certainly save money over the years. Most importantly, it will be easier. 

Next time, I told her we were going to paint the mailbox red. That is part of my early Christmas plans. I have a Christmas wreath that I cut in half. I will wire it together, take some decorations off, add some, and I have a free decoration to put on the red mailbox. I think his boarder left the wreath here 20 years ago. The red paint is from another project. 

In my yard, there were squirrels everywhere. But, today, when I saw a squirrel walk down the middle of the street, I was excited. I see maybe one squirrel a month here, if that. There are lots of trees, so I wonder why the dearth of squirrels. 

Okay, in the last hour, I have started feeling better!   ???

Do you have someone who rescues clothes that don't fit even when he gave them up freely? 

Do you have an abundance or dearth of squirrels?

Are you getting things ready for Christmas? Things like making this wreath for mailbox? 

Have you heard that Birmingham, AL has had eleven homicides in one week? The shooting Saturday night killed 4 and put 17 in the hospital. That made national news.


  1. Tooo many squirrels, more than enough. Rascals are always tearing up something and ate everyone of our plums off the tree. I would be glad to send you a family or two!

    1. Lana,
      I have a great deal of memories to last me forever. My neighbor had to have her house majorly repaired. They ate stuffing out of neighbor's outdoor pillows. Just nuisances. I have no idea why I would be nostalgic.

  2. I hope you get to feeling better soon, Linda.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.