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Sunday, September 15, 2024

That time of the year

Today was a drowsy, lazy day. I sat in the car while Tommy went into Publix and bought a few bogo items. I took the two new clothing items from eBay nd put a mark so I would know which were NOT the older items. I decluttered a tiny bit more. 

When we left, we noticed the neighbor had lots of the ends of branches all over her yard. So, maybe the wind was rough as the loose shingles on another neighbor's house indicated. 

I tried looking for clothes on Mercari and Poshmark and had no luck. Each picture had no size on one site even though I had searched by size, so I had click on the picture to get information. I will try both one more time, just in case I was tired or braindead when I looked on Sunday. 

It is that time of year--football season. And, I am not enjoying it. I never complain or pout. But, I do get my choice of channels when there is no football. He also reminds me when we should go to grocery store or wherever because he wants to get back to a game. 

Saturday night, Tommy was very contrite and apologized for "forgetting" my birthday. He did not forget. He ignored it. I told him so, too. He said he was sorry for not saying Happy Birthday. He said he was sorry for treating me that way. He is not off the hook. However, I quit asking him why he did not say it. Three days of reminding him and he refused to respond is not "forgetting." I did not retaliate to get him to say he was sorry!

Even though this has been a rainy couple of days, we do find a bit of dry day to go on an errand. Tomorrow is a trip to a store to get refunds on several things. 

I have a doctor's appointment every dry day this next week. I will be exhausted by the end of each day, and ready to die by the end of the week.

The pork roast goes into oven on Monday. I need to cook sliced Brussels sprouts and zucchini, too.

Do you have exciting plans for this week?

Any doctor appointments?

Cooking of food?


  1. I even forget my own birthday sometimes. One year (when we used to write checks for groceries) I asked the clerk the date when I was paying. She told me and I immediately realized it was my birthday. I had not even given the day a thought before that.

    1. Anne,
      I have forgotten my birthday in the past.

  2. Just the same old same old here. I hope you have a nice week. I'm sorry that Tommy didn't wish you a happy birthday.

  3. I live in the KC area, so I enjoy watching the Chiefs play!

    As for plans this week.. work, one appointment, & we may go visit my Dad at the lake on Friday. Maybe I'll convince my husband Chris to go to Texas Roadhouse before visiting my Dad. I love their country fried chicken & mashed potatoes.

    1. Tiffany,
      Football, even Auburn, is not to my Just me.
      I love most chicken. The Texas Roadhouse chicken sounds good. How is your father doing? It has been ages since I heard anything about him.

    2. He's doing well. He retired in February after 41 years working for Ford!

    3. Tiffany,
      I am glad to hear he is well.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.