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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

From Sunday to Now

 Sunday night, I put the brown rice into 6 pint jars and 3/4 of a quart jar. I will freeze each of these for three days, then store in a cool, dark place. Contrary to what is published, brown rice does not have a short storage life at all. One-quarter (1/4) cup makes 1 cup of cooked rice which is one serving. I don't think I have ever eaten one cup of rice!

Tommy could barely find room for one pint in the freezer. I won't be able to store all the rice in the freezer. I may put a couple in the refrigerator. Then, I can put some near the ac vent until we turn on the heat. One time, years ago, I kept brown rice in the boxes in a room that was not climate controlled. That meant that six months out of the year, the rice was heated by the sun. Then, I decided to store it in the freezer. I was eating this rice for four years. This time, I will be more careful. Brown rice does not have the purported short storage.

Of course, I slept little Monday night, just enough to barely keep me sane! However, we had an errand today, and I lived through it. I have been surprised. I did want to nap but managed without. Cleaner was coming at 4 pm after work. 

Yesterday, I wanted tuna salad for dinner. I ate one sandwich. That meant today there was enough for another sandwich. I decided that I needed to quit eating a whole can of tuna for a meal. Silly. Ridiculous. 

She helped me look for some shoes. I did not find the shoeboxes, but I did find two other pair I wanted to wear. She went out to the back door, opened the storm door, sprayed with roach spray, came back in and locked storm door and back door. There was an outside roach inside last night. Se moved my reindeer to a better place, a closet. 

She was vacuuming when I noticed the little place/container for dirt had nothing in it. So, we took the thing apart. She had to use scissors to remove the baseball sized wad of hair from the brush on the bottom and up the hose. After her cleaning it in here and outside, she could not get it together. Neither could Tommy. He never can, so I took it and put it back together. She re-vacuumed living room, hall, bedroom, and dining room. She had done all this and there was nothing in the little visible plastic cannister!!! After the cleaning and vacuuming all over again, the cannister was full. It is a wonder that the vacuum motor did not burn out. 

We planned it. Just before time to leave, I had her put color on my hair. It appeared she was doing a very good job. Then, half hour later, I washed it out. Of course, Tommy comes into the kitchen to spot for 

Just after she came, I put the pork loin roast into the bag. Tommy got it into the oven. As soon as I washed the color off my hair, we had food! I had pork roast and mixed greens from a can. He had that and other vegetables. 

We are watching a 70s Zorro movie. Zorro is kissing a girl. I never knew he did that. I watched the half-hour episodes. Tommy tells me in the original Zorro movie, Zorro kissed girls. I am so shocked. 

I suppose I will have her color my hair from now on if she will. No one has ever done that. But, she is rough on my scalp. I can handle it. Well, I lie. A friend colored my hair and ruined my yellow kitchen floor. She let two huge spots drip and did not tell me. AND, she was a hairdresser. No, I did not twist her arm. She offered. 

She moved the huge box with three deer in it from one room to the closet of another room. She called me to see what she found. The ceiling of the closet was falling in and all black moldy. I told Tommy, panicked. He said it had been that way for forty years. He looked at it and shrugged. Yes, it had been that way for forty years. He looked and confirmed he knew it was there. So, he is going to live with mold. This is certainly hard on me trying to get this place fixed up! When I told him we were getting it fixed, he said Okay. Just now, he said it was only stained at first. There is also a water stain in the hall ceiling that he said has been there for forty years. There is a watermark over his chair, too, that I saw when I came here. He thinks he saves money. 

The beautiful weather today helped me relax in the car, put something over my eyes and rest. I think I did eat too many cookies today. When I want a Diet Coke Caffeine Free, I only drink what I want and give the rest to Tommy or toss it. I no longer drink it all because I opened it.

We are having a week of nice weather. For me, that means no rain. So, I can get appointments done instead of having to reschedule. Or, we can go shop for a car. 

I will leave another dinner of pork in the refrigerator and freeze the rest. Tomorrow, I will probably cook all the bscb. I forgot to cook the Brussels sprouts! Someone, remind me.

The carpet even looks better!

Do you become happy when the carpet is vacuumed? Or, when things in general look cleaner or less cluttered? 

Looking briefly at all the Halloween decorations has gotten me thinking about the holiday coming up. Are you thinking at all about Halloween yet?

Did you watch Zorro when it was a 30-minute show on TV? I never thought the mask hid his identity. 


  1. When I was a kid, I had an aunt who had a house cleaner. I can remember her complaining at times about different things and I thought how odd that someone would complain about such things. And now hubby and I have a lady who comes once every two weeks and there are things we, too, complain about! I guess that's how it goes. Hubby likes his clock on the bedside table to face toward the bed, not out. Every two weeks, we have to adjust the placement of the clock. Often, I guess when she cleans it, she pushes buttons, so we are startled at some odd hour with the alarm going off as well. Other than that, she is great.

    Living with mold is so dangerous! I'm guessing up to 90% of the malaise you've suffered since being there is solely caused by this circumstance. I've read so much about CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, in the last two years. Getting that gone should be your first priority.

    1. The best cleaners do something annoying. I think I would be checking the alarm, too, when I turned the clock to face the bed.
      I know how dangerous. That is why I am afraid and want it remediated. Yes, and the carpet not vacuumed in over 40 years could be affecting me! You think!

  2. I love it when the floors are vacuumed and all neat and tidy. Everything looks so good that way. Good going on the brown rice, getting it into storage containers like that. Hopefully it will keep for a long, long time.

    1. Belinda,
      This place is far from neat and tidy. But, a cleaner looking carpet sure helps. I don't want bugs in the rice, so glass jars for all. I have about six dozen or more jars of all sizes. Tommy learned to use them in refrigerator for storage as well as on the shelves. I am quite sure it will last as long as it takes to eat 5 pounds.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.