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Friday, September 6, 2024

Apple Cake and Allergies

 I slept eight hours, but it was all during the day. I just never sleep so many hours at a stretch unless I am ill. Still, there is no fever, just face aches and joint aches. 

On Thursday, I had lost two more pounds. Holding steady today.  

I received the black and white blouse I ordered from eBay. It does not match the pants I ordered thinking they matched. However, they both can be worn with a black blouse I ordered but have not received yet. And, I have black pants. I am not disappointed in the least.

Some of you expressed the idea that I did not want to wear thrift clothing. Not so at all. 

The rain is just a drizzle this afternoon. My flowers need it! It is dreary looking outdoors. 74F right now. I opened the door and the air is barely warm. 

Since there are Granny Smith that need using, I planned to bake this cake. This option takes several clicks. Work with 

Apple Cake Homemade and Simple (

Plan is to have baked bscb and potato salad and an apple. I did. Then, I had chocolate pudding with banana sliced into it. 

I called mower to see what is up with cleaner who is not responding or calling me as she promised. I just need help. They are friends. 

It is hard to grasp that I am facing third birthday ill!

Is anyone having Fall allergy problems? 


  1. That cake looks wonderful! I have apples I need to use up too. :)

    1. Belinda,
      It is tempting. Now, I need to peel apples.

  2. A few things to say in regard to allergies from my alternative medicine knowledge. Antibiotics are poison for the immune system. One round of them takes a year for the immune system to recover. The more we keep knocking down the immune system the sicker we get. I have not taken an antibiotic for fifteen years.

    Christopher's Immucalm is an herbal formula that helps to calm down the immune system so it may be beneficial for you. Amazon has it.

    1. Lana,
      There were times I would have died if not for antibiotics. However, I am willing to consider what you say.
      I will look for that formula.
      I have to tell you that your presentation makes a person more willing to listen to you than some people's harsh and demeaning manner.

  3. I remember being told I was allergic to mold that was on fallen leaves but as there are no more leaves this is over with.

    1. Urspo,
      When I went to an allergist when I was 21, the allergist came into the room and said, "You were not meant to live in this world." I am allergic to mold on leaves and all such stuff.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.