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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mellow Sunday

 Half the leaves on the dogwood are gone. They started a few at a time about two weeks ago. Today, when I went out at 6pm, the air was very humid, neither warm nor cold, just spongy feeling. 

Whatever I was feeling yesterday is gone today. I actually feel very well. My head is trying to get stuffy again, but the Hall's keeps that at bay. 

The only 'work' or 'decluttering' I accomplished was keeping the clutter at bay and retaining the state the cleaner and I accomplished. I call that a big win. 

We went out and tried to get three refunds. Only one was accomplished. I finally found the Ben' Brown Rice, parboiled, 5 lb for $7.53--$1.50/lb. The word parboiled was on the back and hard to see. I wonder now if the people I asked on the phone who said it was not parboiled actually looked all over the package. I am thrilled to get that. I will make two small casseroles for us-rice, chicken, soup, broccoli for Tommy. I will put mushrooms and cheese and pimiento in mine, too. I use cooked chicken, so I don't need to cook for a long time for rice. And, cheese is best not cooked forever. In the past I have cooked a huge casserole with raw chicken breasts cooked in the casserole, too. This way is much faster and just as tasty. He hates cheese, mushrooms, and pimientos. 

The Halloween display in Big Box was magnificent! I had to zoom up and down all the aisles and see the pretties. Now, I am in the mood! My goal is to only buy one decoration. I have many fake pumpkins for inside, one large and many tiny. I do want candy corn, but I may forego it entirely. One year, I bought a bag of Halloween candy, asked the children and parents behind me if they wanted some. I got out a handful and gave them the whole bag. Another year, I did the same thing but gave them the receipt so there would be no problems. Both years the checker heard it all, so no one would get into trouble. 

I need to get out my Halloween jewelry--one huge spider ring. I buy this kind of things well after Halloween on deep clearance.

I found a summer nightgown on sale for $9.90, 1/2 price of ones I have, and identical one that I wore last night. I hate to say it, but i wear these in the day because they are so comfortable. I have plenty of pants and tops for everyday wear, but only one dress. I need more dresses, but few of those are comfortable. 

Now, he has a shower soap and shampoo holder so he won't put his shampoo and soap in the window that he is allowing to rot. The whole wall is probably lost. We halved a Reese's cup. It was nasty with gooey chocolate on the bottom. Nasty, I say! Chef BoyArdee pizza sauce caught my eye, so got some for Tommy. At home, he said that the Prego was okay, and I should not have bought the pizza sauce...sigh. He will eat it and love it. We bought little.

We had left at six and left to come home about 7:30. It was almost dark and drizzling, so double whammy on Tommy not being able to drive. We made it with no trouble. I must say that the lines are faded on the roads. 

So, nothing much happened, but it was all good, not overshadowed by feeling so awful. Writing this has made me hungry for dinner tomorrow night! 

Do you store and eat brown rice? I like it better than white rice. 

Are you having cooler days and nights now? 


  1. I do like brown rice better than white. I think it just tastes better.

    The days are warm but not humid. The nights are cooler. Good sleeping weather.

    I am trying to revamp my entire wardrobe. I am in the disarding stage, and have done well so far. I've donated 3 kitchen-sized garbage bags of clothes as of yesterday, and feel pretty good about that. I've kept ahold of too many things for too many years. It feels good to get rid of things that just don't work anymore.

    My year-round home wardrobe is nothing more than t-shirts (long or short sleeve) and shorts or joggers.
    I am researching capsule wardrobe sites to put together a fall/winter wardrobe for wearing "out" to appointments and such. My goal is to aquire just a few basic blouses and pants that can be mixed/matched.

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!

    1. Sue,
      I like the taste of brown rice, too.

      That humidity I felt was sort of a fluke that cool temperature. Lower temps in a brick house are not a thing around here.

      Your culling sounds like a project that needed to happen if you got rid of so much.

      Because I like just a few colors to wear, it seems my wardrobe is ready made capsule. The eBay clothing are going to work well for me. And, they are things I know fit, so no need to try things on at a store or come home and take them back if they don't work!

  2. The only rice in my house is cauliflower rice!
    Our supermarkets have it frozen and I find it very useful, as it can be microwaved.

    All the best Jan

    1. I have never seen it frozen. I might try that.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.