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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I am Ecstatic!

 Tuesday afternoon, we forgot to go to the Farmer's Market. Bummer! Tommy traded out another pint jar of rice from shelf to freezer. I was so excited waiting for the cleaner to come, I forgot about market. My hair did not have so much cream rinse that it needed to be washed the next morning. I suppose I was not exhausted from applying the color that I could really wash the color out, taking enough time. 

Monday night when I could not sleep, I walked into the kitchen. Right there in the middle of the floor was something unidentifiable about three inches in diameter. I leaned in closer to determine what it was. Well, it looked like a roach with six sets of wings or something. Maybe two mating? I got a peanut jar sitting on the counter, clean or something. I took off the lid and slapped it over this gross bug. Then, since it was right in the middle of the floor, I knew Tommy would knock it over. I was afraid he might fall on it. 

I did the only right thing. I woke Tommy at 4 am and told him to come quick. It takes two of us to subdue a bug! When we got there, the roach was climbing up inside the jar. This made it easier. I grabbed the roach spray with no fear I would frighten it into some corner by moving around, handed him the lid to slap on the jar. I sprayed the roach, and he put the lid on. I threw the roachy jar into trash and washed my hands. Tommy went back to his chair and went to sleep. 

That is why I had cleaner spray back door and storm door. I meant to have her close front door, go out and spray it, close storm door and spray around it. But, I had given her a big box of stuff and her hands were full. 

When I saw the expanded roach, I thought it was two roaches mating. Then, it looked lopsided, so I thought it was sort of stepped on. It was about three inches long, so gross. I still don't know why it looked so wide that it looked round. I think I will put roach baits in the closet with ceiling collapsing. 

I wrote this on Tuesday. Right now, I am too exhausted to tell you about today, so forgive me for this cliffhanger. I got good news at doctor's office. It is nine in the evening, and I may go to bed. 

My hair was really pretty today after hair color. I used curling iron on it. Tommy told me one curl was turned wrong. I am glad to have any curl. I wore the black pants with white stripe I got from eBay and the $7.50 blouse from eBay. I looked nicer than usual. Then, I got good news. 

Going to rest or go to bed.


  1. Seeing the title was enough to make me smile.

    1. Urspo,
      Oh, I smiled and felt lighter than air.

  2. I agree with Ur-spo, I smiled when I read the title.

    1. lol, I smiled when I read his comment and yours.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.