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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Plan That Did Not Work

 Since last night was so upsetting to me, of course, I could not sleep. I slept one hour. After that, I was awake until 10:30 am. I went to bed and awoke at 5:30 pm. 

The plan was to get a prescription for glucometer and supplies. But, doctor's offices were closed. So, he spent over $70 for the whole bit. So, we had a new plan that cost a lot. 

However, when we got home, I read and read and assembled everything. Then, it would not work. I had used one of these before, so I cannot figure out what went wrong.  I read five pages of information, most of which I knew. But, one pamphlet with about 10 pages was in less than telephone book sized print. I did the best I could with lighted magnifier. 

Tomorrow, we will get help. 

Before we left for the pharmacy, I asked Tommy what he had to eat today. He had Cheerios and milk for breakfast about 10 am. Then, at 3 pm. he had cheese and bread. I am convinced he does not eat as he should. At any rate, I told him to eat last piece of bread and peanut butter. He did. Usually, he tells me he is not hungry. 

If he will eat when I say and what I say, he will be okay until we can get this device working correctly. I think he finally has been made a believer. At least, he will not be driving impaired. I will control what he eats when he does not eat as he should. He is not arguing that "I know what I am doing." He realizes he clearly does not know what he is doing. 

He is out $70+, but that is okay. 

He had a huge salad and two Publix chicken fingers/tenders for dinner at about 6 pm, so he will be fine until time for his insulin with maybe crackers and pb. He found the salad mixes bogo and bought two along with apples, bananas, and bread. He forgot to bring the new ad to me and was going back after it. I told him not to worry. Tomorrow, we will get all three ads. 

So far, today he has not had low blood sugar.  If we can make it through one more night...fingers crossed. Maybe I will tackle the glucometer tomorrow and then go to person to figure it out for us. 

Tonight, I need to wash my hair, bathe, find the pimiento. Maybe I will read a few blogs. 


  1. The pimiento is in the couch with the loose coins.

  2. I hope you can get the blood meter kit working today.

  3. Glad the day went better with Tommy. Hope you get the meter working. Then comes getting him to use it!!

    1. Cheryl,
      He is eating when I say to and what I say to eat. So, I suspect he will use it.

  4. The pharmacist where you bought it should be able to help you.

    1. If I can get in and all the way back to the pharmacy, if there is a place she can help us, if she is not busy.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.