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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday Lows and Highs

 Tommy saw an endocrinologist. She gave him new meds and protocols. She did not want to hear a damn thing I said about him not knowing what was going on. He has a patch thing and a little monitor. There is no way I can get a monitor or put monitoring on my phone. She only wanted to hear from Tommy. Tommy has no idea what to do after he is out of it. However, I did tell her a lot before she wanted Tommy to talk. He had nothing to say. He knows nothing, really. She said we had to work things out between us, as though this is just a clash of personalities. The nurse said she is not allowed to try to get him to do what I say. Incredulous! 

On the way home, the gadget went off twice. He did eat a cheese stick and then a meat stick when it went off a second time. This gives us one more remote-type thing to lose--about 2"x3". We search for the two tv remotes, two chair remotes with wire, two phones. It is maddening some days. 

She read the little 'remote' thing and in less than 30 minutes, his blood sugar had dropped 80 points and was heading downward. He seems to respect this little gadget. He ate twice, each time it dropped. 

He stopped to get a $1 burger that is now $2.50.

This morning when I was still in my nightgown, one of my rings came, just tossed on the porch. Tommy got it and I got up to take it. Well, I turned around and bent to pick up something that fell  on the floor. Then, down I tumbled, falling face first into a clean clothes basket. Remind me I cannt turn when I am leaning. Tommy called 911 emphasized I was not hurt, just could not get ambulance needed. Three guys came in firetruck. They used something they called the 'sheet' and stuffed it under me from behind. It had handles. They picked it and me up and dumped me in my chair. They said they were going to leave it, keep it for next time, and it was expensive, so don't throw it away. The ring was two sizes smaller than Tommy ordered. And, I was so excited. I must remember to only be excited sitting down. I fall no more than I ever have, just cannot 

I have called where I got the ring three times, and it seems this will be an ordeal. The ring is supposed to fit my ring finger, not little finger. It does look cute. My knuckles are not swollen in the least, so there is nothing to hold a ring on my finger, especially the little finger. I have reflex sympathetic dystrophy, therefore my left hand has fingers larger than fingers on dominant right hand. I need ten different ring sizes. Only when I buy a ring is this a problem. My left wrist and arm are larger, too. 

We discussed how we needed more pb crackers. Munchies are the best in terms of ingredients, so we will get more and make sure we have them at all times since there is only one package left. It seems he will obey the monitor remote. The doctor handed me a needle with something I can give him if he is too far gone and emt/ambulance has not arrived. We will see if he will submit to me giving him something. He says I am trying to kill him. I could just let him lie in the floor or his chair if I wanted to kill him. I would not have to chance getting hit more than he hits me now when he is out of it.  So many questions. 

I had a relative who was uncontrollable with her diabetes anger and resistance. Finally, she did not know what was going on because of her diabetes. He is probably dead now, too, so no one to ask. 

Did I tell you that the thrift store about a mile from here caught on fire. We thought they would get the stuff that burned and retrieve the rest. Well, at this point, walls are gone, roof remains and the steel supports. The stuff inside now moved outside is just piles of burned trash. We are surprised that so much was destroyed since they let it stand for several weeks without any apparent activity from our viewpoint. We are also surprised the roof remains. It is metal and looks burned. 

I am ready to cook dinner, but had a snack beforehand. I ate Daisy small curd cottage cheese with cooked blueberries over the cottage cheese. I was telling Tommy it had an abundance of protein. Of course, he hates cottage cheese. Daisy Cottage Cheese, has the fewest ingredients. I am grateful my mother taught me to eat cottage cheese with peaches.  Do you ever eat Daisy? 

Do you have any hints to getting a resistant person out of it from diabetes blood sugar drop to cooperate and drop the combativeness? Do you or have you ever had anyone like this? 


  1. DH knows better, and is very good about managing his diabetes. I might mention in passing to go easy on, say, the sweet potato casserole, or lasagna, because he knows so little about food and how it's prepared. But beyond that, he's on his own. Just like I told my kids when they were little, while I am in charge of preparing the meals, they are in charge of what they eat. Also, unless I am saving something for a specific recipe, all the food in the house is there to be eaten. If you're hungry, get a snack. They quickly learned which foods made them feel good. I think that concept was foreign to my DH when we first met...almost like he felt he had to ask permission to get, say, a cookie, cut himself a slice of pie or fix a tuna salad. He also knows I have no patience for people who are the architects of their own crises, medical or otherwise. I am pretty sure he knows that if he did get combative, it would be the last time it ever happened. But I don't think he is prone to being physically combative. He gets a bit waspish, or "hangry" as the kids say, (they do too, and they're not diabetics) and whenever any of us are like that, another will ask if we are "hangry." That said, the Dexcom is a great thing. It sounds the alarm when his blood sugar hits far that's only happened at night.

    1. Tommy knows what he should do when he is not having an episode of low blood sugar. He is just not aware when he is out of it. He pretty much knows what causes his low blood sugar but not when it is low.

    2. The monitor will help him know when his blood sugar is dropping. Eventually, (hopefully) he will learn to recognize how he feels when the alarm sounds, and he will learn to listen to his body before it gets to that point. I would think the first 911 calls would have been enough to make him take action, if only by keeping a written journal of what/when he last ate. In any case, DH knows how pathetic I would find the behavior. I understand he wouldn't know what was going on during an episode, but he would darn well know how to prevent said episodes.

    3. Meg,
      Yes, that is why we got it. No, he still feels nothing. There has been no rhyme nor reason as to when this happens. i read that about 2% of people with diabetes have no warning, no idea their blood sugar is dropping or rising. I can but accept that he cannot. I do not consider it pathetic that he cannot.

    4. Meg,
      Yes, that is why we got it. No, he still feels nothing. There has been no rhyme nor reason as to when this happens. i read that about 2% of people with diabetes have no warning, no idea their blood sugar is dropping or rising. I can but accept that he cannot. I do not consider it pathetic that he cannot.

    5. To be clear, I wouldn't consider the condition pathetic. I would consider an otherwise intelligent person, after repeated episodes refusing to treat it pathetic. I am very glad he has the monitor, and is responding appropriately to it. I was always afraid that after yet another 911, call, the first responders would be compelled to contact Adult Protective Services about the situation. For all you know, they already may have.

  2. If the monitor alerts him well before he gets mindlessly vicious, that's a good thing. He seems to respect it and respond appropriately.

    Funny how men are fine with being ordered around by a battery-operated beeper. But a concerned human being with kindness and caring gets the back hand...

    1. Sue,
      This monitor must be male and dressed in a uniform.

      I laughed when he told me he thought I was trying to kill him. I don't need to get near him and be physically abused if I wanted to kill him. I could just let him sink into a coma. I don't need to attack him with a spoon of sugar or a coke can.

    2. ..."Officer, I am telling you that woman TRIED TO KILL ME with a spoonful of SUGAR!!!! She stuck it right near my mouth!!!! I COULD HAVE DIED!!!!"...

      LOLs forever!

    3. Sue,
      Plus, you know I spiked that unopened Coke with something. I read him what you said and my response. He tried to smile.

  3. Bad doctor to not listen to input even if only to feign listening. It's rude and it misses important data.

    1. Urspo,
      Thanks for that. I was sort of embarrassed although more angry, but thought she needed to hear what I said to help him.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.