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Friday, May 31, 2024

Better Friday

 Why do I watch the weather forecast? The see what the weather will the next day. Well, it seems like the weather is not listening to the forecast. I expected some rain today, and so far have see nary a drop. That has happened several times lately. That's okay, but my plans were thwarted. 

Today, I am not dizzy. I don't have vertigo. I am just wobbly when I walk. I did not realize how ill I was until I got over it. Yesterday, even glancing up at the TV or moving my eyes caused a massive whirl in my head. Once I was sitting still, the inside of my head felt like it was whirling. 

My nose is not drippy, but all day I have been sniffling. That is a firm win! Since I felt so much better, I went into Publix today.

I almost knocked over one of the tiny light tables they put displays on near the door. I was so embarrassed, but two employees caught the table so it did not fall. My milk was marked down to $4.49/half gallon. I really needed more at that price, but I bought one. We have until Tuesday to get that price. Activia yogurt was bogo, so bought four 4-packs. Strawberries were 3 packages for $10. I found one package of good green grapes. We have a bag of peaches, one orange. I needed celery, but it was not on sale, bought it anyway. 

We have a couple of dozen green apples, and about four dozen red delicious. So, we are not low on fruit. I never did cook the Granny Smith apples, so maybe I can get that done. 

Tommy broke several branches off the purslane. I broke one. We managed to break off all the stems with flowers! That was yesterday, so today I went out to rescue them. I only found one of the four. Maybe Tommy can find the others. Other succulents are easy to transplant, so maybe this will work for purslane. 

The dead-ish knockout rose looks 100% better. I revive things from Lowe's all the time and for years. Some days, I look at the reduced plants and wonder why the employees don't use water and maybe one minute of time, pruning dead stuff. I am not talking about intensive care. Any thoughts on that? 

I got another tomato from Lowe's. I had permission. 

My dinner tonight--basically a cheeseburger--chopped ground beef on a bun, cheese, tomato, plus helping of slaw and grapes, apple later. All this is stuff in the refrigerator. I won't cook or prepare anything, just have leftovers and the fruit. Tommy will do the same--choose what he wants. Okay, he had a chicken sandwich, slaw, salad with tomato. 

We put chicken cutlets in oven to cook and chicken cutlets in skillet to cook and put two more packages back into refrigerator. All packages are cutlets, so Tommy will be happy to be making chicken sandwiches with these very thin cuts of chicken. I will slice it up and put mine in Mediterranean Pasta.

I just had an unspeakable accident. I am not prepping, but I think I could be ready for the colonoscopy. Now, I have to clean carpet. Now, I am so weak, but not dizzy or having vertigo!

Has it seemed the weather forecast has not been happening for the last two weeks? 

Do you ever transplant purslane from broken stems?


  1. When I lived in the midwest weather watching was vital to know what may be coming. Here the weather is the same day in and day out for the next couple of months; not worth watching.

    1. The same weather would seem boring. Yet, I don't mine it being sunny for days. I suppose it is not boring.

  2. It seems when we had "real" weathermen instead of computer generated forecasts, everything was more accurate. Nowadays I just look out the window and look at my phone radar map. Just got an alert for a huge rain storm for tomorrow. Will believe it when I see it.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I do think technology has helped them, but surely they are not depending on technology. Yep, lately I look out the window. Of course, we check what I call the radar station to see if we can get to store before it rains or storms.

  3. I've lived in the Midwest my entire life & absolutely love thunderstorms. The bigger, the better! Of course, I never want to see people hurt or property destroyed, but I'm absolutely fascinated by Mother Nature. Fun fact: My favorite movie of all time is Twister.

    1. Tiffany,
      Until I saw the aftermath of a few tornadoes and thunderstorms, I was never even nervous. Now, I know the electricity could be interrupted, it does make me nervous. I have never seen twister. I don't know why.

    2. The weather here in San Diego doesn't change much. We have night and morning low clouds nearly each day. It burns off around noon. We have May-Gray and June-gloom when it can be overcast all day. It is not hot here until later on in the Summer. August is HOT. We may have a thunder storm with rain the last week in July. We won't see rain again until Dec. We do have late winter / Spring rains but basically it is a desert here. We only average about 10-12 inches of rain a YEAR!

      What is the average rainfall in San Diego CA?
      Precipitation. San Diego on average has 146 sunny days and 117 partly cloudy days a year. The average annual precipitation is less than 12 inches (30 cm), resulting in a borderline arid climate.

    3. janet,
      We have 60" per year. subtropical climate. June, July, and August are hot, sometimes September.

      Even though the weather is too hot for me, I have ac. And, I hate cold weather. If I need socks or gloves or a coat, it is too cold. I like just a sweater or light jacket. No socks.

  4. Linda, I really enjoy watching a youtube weather kid called "max velocity". He does live broadcasts during really bad weather (like tornadoes), and his daily rundowns are pretty interesting. (He doesn't cover my area, we have a local weather professor who does that.) News weather sucks... they don't care (doesn't bring in the $$).
    Meanwhile, I'm wondering why you don't get an UPRIGHT walker (different than a rollator) in that it would give you support up high, so you could walk standing straight, but also give you stability. Seems like there are aids that would help you, aside from handrails on the walls, or fearing a fall.

    1. meetsy,
      Thanks. I will check out this kid.

      I have thought about an upright walker, but I have trouble managing the regular walker. I hate having to be bent. And, I hate for Tommy to have to get my walker in and out of the car. I cannot lift it in or take it out. It would be more work for him to do. Otherwise, I would love a an upright walker.

  5. meetsy, I never even knew about upright walkers until now. They seem like a terrific innovation over regular rollators. Hands and wrists can't always support body weight--especially with arthritis. And using forearms for support keeps the spine in a better position.

    Every time I come here I learn something new!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.