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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thrashing About All Night

 Since we were going to Cullman for lunch, the dentist, and to visit 93-yo friend, who fell and take her a late birthday flower, I really needed to sleep on Tuesday night, I was so disappointed. For some reason, I thrashed about all night. In the past I have turned over. Now, it takes much effort, hence the thrashing. Then, every thirty minutes, I had to go to the bathroom--more thrashing to turn over and get off bed. 

My legs were still swollen from two days ago. I was honestly miserable. Finally, I decided I was too cool. I tried to lie still. Then, I reached for my thick wool blanket. I sat up. How did I manage to throw it off the bed. Well, once on my feet with light on, I could see it never was put on the bed. The cleaner failed to put it back. I was watching her, and approved of the bed-making, so partially my fault. 

That meant I had to flop the wool blanket on the bed several times to get any semblance of order. Then, tucking it under was another chore. By this time, I was more fully awake.

Shortly after getting under the warm covers, I quit thrashing trying to get comfortable. I wanted to get up and leave a note for Tommy so he would not go to the trouble of getting ready and coming to call me. But, I heard him up and called to tell him 

I slept until noon and slept well even though it was not for long. I sit on the side of the bed since I fell and get my bearings before I stand. This time, as soon as I stood, I became so dizzy but managed to get to the commode. I was afraid to try to get up. I had Tommy come to the door, why I don't know. I held onto both walls to get down the hall, and to door facings to go into living room. I bent and held tables to my chair. 

My nose and cheeks felt like I had 100 pounds on them. my sinus infection was horrendous. I got a Hall's MenthoLyptus, later a cup of hot chocolate, then lots of water. 

At 5 pm I had cookies and milk. At 7:30 a whole banana. At 8:30, I became a serial eater--chicken and tomato on a bun with MW, I ate the little orphan tomato in my hands because I did not have a knife. Then, I had chicken and bbq sauce with slaw. Ate rest of slaw with diced tomatoes. Then, I ate greens that had cooled to below furnace temperature. 

About 6:45, I begged to go get the banana I ate because I had none. So, we missed a bit of Jeopardy to go get it before dark. I went down the ramp gingerly, walked to bathroom gingerly. 

Today, I have done nothing but sit and read on computer. Pressure in my face has been unbearable. The only other hot drink I have is chicken broth, too salty, I think. 

About two hours was spent trying to figure out why Tommy has no prescriptions filled at pharmacy. Well, one costs over $700, but down to $176. The other is $70, still high. The one thing that is upsetting is that the monitor that sticks on his skin is only good for 10 days with a day of grace. But, the doctor has scheduled a telehealth visit for three weeks out to see how it is working for him. I told the nurse that this was the longest he has gone without a call to emt. IT WORKS! But, without it, I don't know what will happen if he passes out again and hits his head again. Maybe they will pay attention. But, I cannot get the monitor without a prescription. 

Hopefully, I can manage to beat this congestion that is making me dizzy. 

Tommy went out to take my sheets to laundry room. The washer will not work! Great. So, it will be Thursday before he can get a repair guy. So, we will take them to laundromat tomorrow. The machine runs water for a few seconds and shuts off repeatedly. 

For all the problems today, it was a very good day except for Tommy's prescription needs. It was very warm, 90F. I love it. 

I still have not heard from tree trimmer, electrician, or mower. I just did not feel like making those calls. Now, I can add appliance repairman if we can get 

Tonight, I think I will sleep well with no thrashing about. Now that I had a warm blanket on the bed and legs will not hurt because they are no longer swollen, things will be okay. 

I hope all you will not have bad weather. 

If you are still having allergy problems, maybe you will get better. This is rough. 

How is life at your house?



  1. Your sinus condition sounds absolutely dreadful, Linda! Do cold compresses help at all?

    1. I have not tried that as I never do. Who knows?

    2. I have several ice caps (bought on Amazon) often used for migraines. They provide some relief!

    3. I have never used ice, but an ice cap could help. Thanks.

  2. Ask Tommy's doctor to have refills on his scripts so he does not have to call the doc for new script every time. What kind of script costs 700 dollars, if I may ask? Hope you feel better, soon. Sinus pressure is the worst.

    1. Tewshooz,
      She wrote them and this is first time to see her. You would thing this is not something you would have to tell a doctor. Insulin costs $700+ but is reduced to $176. Worse today.

  3. What happened to the 35 dollar cap on insulin? What am I not understanding here? Insulin used to be super cheap until a few years ago, I read, and then they got greedy. 700 dollars is a total ripoff. Does Medicare cover it?

    1. Tewshooz,
      Until you asked, I was oblivious to the discrepancy. I asked. This is not regular insulin that Medicare covers so he only pays $35. This is some other thing that he takes just before meals, a different dose according to what his blood sugar measures. It seems he could use the regular pen. It is ridiculous since he really, really needs this. I suppose since he gets it for $176 or something like that Medicare is the one paying the extra. I told the doctor it was still too high, so

    2. This is a total ripoff! Most doctors have no idea about cost of drugs. Maybe ask if there is alternative. Most docs have to be pushed out of their comfort zone, they are so used to prescribing a certain thing. Medicare is great at doublespeak when wading thru their rules. I did some preliminary research into this and wound up more confused than ever.

    3. Tewshooz,
      I have an appointment with her in July. I sort of think I am not going and find another doctor.

  4. I am sad to read (in reverse) how long you have been ailing.

  5. On Thursday, I fainted for the time ever in my life. Thankfully, I was at my desk & didn't hurt anyone or myself, but my anxiety skyrocketed. Feeling so disoriented was terrifying! Our school is attached to a hospital, so my co-workers walked me to the ER. Naturally, everyone thought it was heart-related, but my gut tells me it's a combination of issues: dehydration, heat (my office has been 82-83° with no airflow all week; facilities hasn't fixed it & fans only blow around the warm air), a gnarly sinus infection (from that dental/nose fiasco) & a very stressful 6 weeks. The ER doctors brushed it all off 🤷🏼‍♀️

    After a battery of tests, we still have no answers & no doctors are available to follow-up for 2-4 months (cardiologist, ENT & PCP), despite explaining the situation to the nurses. I do have to wear a heart monitor for a week, just to be safe. I'm also tracking my BP on my own. I spent all weekend hydrating & resting.

    Oh, and get this. On top of everything, I now have a small hole between my mouth & nasal cavity (where the root went in) that needs to be taken care of. 😵‍💫 It's been a rough month.

    Have you ever fainted? How did you feel? Did you see a doctor to determine the reason?

    1. Goodness gracious. The heat would make me faint, too, along with dehydration.

      So, they brushed off your symptoms or the reasons you fainted? It seems you are not getting proper care.

      I fainted twice. But, I thought I was going to throw up each time and tried to get to the bathroom and ended up on the floor. The blow hitting the floor brought me to my self. I had the flu or sinus infection both times. Another time, I tried to lie down and just fell on the bed. That time did not hurt at all, just left me wondering why I was hanging off the bed feeling woozy.
      My friend had a dentist pull an upper molar. He said the hole he left in her sinuses or mouth or something would heal. It did not. Food went into the hole and she ended up in the hospital for a week with extensive cutting and peeling off her nose to get the rotten food and fungus out of her head. Don't wait! Get it fixed now. Get a doctor to listen and tell him about the heat and no ventilation. I think you don't need to work until the ventilation and cooling are fixed. That would be unhealthy for me, too.

  6. Since I have two mechanical heart valves, the doctors seemed to brush off any possible reasons for fainting other than my heart. Dehydration, heat, sinus infection & stress seem like pretty legit reasons IMO. Sometimes I think they forget I'm still human.. people faint all the time for non-cardiac reasons. I do still appreciate how quickly they got me in to make sure nothing life-threatening was happening.

    I left a message for my oral surgeon on Friday after hours. They were closed for the holiday, so I'm hoping they'll call me tomorrow. I also left a message for my ENT's nurse describing the CT findings (indicating a hole). I plan to call both offices back tomorrow if they don't reach out first. In the meantime, I'm wearing a partial that covers the hole & frequently rinsing my mouth with distilled water. I also have a follow-up with my general dentist on 6/4, if nothing else. I'll keep on 'em!

    1. I was a little appalled that they would 'walk' you to ER. My daughter worked in doctor office next a hospital. I thing they transported her to ER next door instead of walking her there.
      I hope you get help before 6/4!
      Are you going back to work tomorrow with no ac in office?
      You are not the bionic woman because of those two mechanical valves. I imagine all the physical stress of too hot and little fresh air caused your fainting. That does not mean it is not dangerous. Oh, meant to tell you--friend's dentist immediately sewed up the hole. But, he did not have expertise to do it right. So, food still got in the hole causing a major health problem. Don't accept a dental chair fix from the dentist. Go to an oral surgeon even if you have to pay it and get cost back later from regular dentist. My friend was in hospital for a long time and very ill for a while. Good luck with all this. Let me know how it goes tomorrow.

  7. I forgot to add:

    I sent two emails to facilities, *before* and after the fainting episode, informing them of the heat issue. I also ordered a tabletop thermostat to record the daily temps & humidity levels. Annnd I looked up OSHA guidelines.

    If it's not fixed when I return to the office Thursday, I'll email the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities & the Environment, Health and Safety Office. If I have to work somewhere else [cooler] on-campus, I will. My boss won't like me being elsewhere, so hopefully he'll advocate for me.

  8. I have a few updates:

    The ENT is seeing me tomorrow at 3:00 PM. The oral surgeon is aware of what's going on but wants me to see the ENT before scheduling an appointment. I guess he needs some sort of "letter" giving me the all-clear from the ENT. I asked if they could tentatively schedule me for Friday, & they said no.. not until they get an update from the ENT. I reiterated my concern about risk of infection.. no dice. 😒 There's a hole in mouth! Schedule the dang appointment.

    I also heard back from my [retiring] PCP's office. At my insistence, they reviewed my ER visit notes/results. It appears I was slightly dehydrated. The hospital never confirmed that. They put in a lab order for me to get a blood draw in a week to re-check. I *know* I hit my water goals yesterday; I'll continue to do so.

    Now I'm just waiting for my heart monitor to arrive (it comes through the mail).

    Boy, you really have to fight for yourself, not just advocate. It shouldn't be this way.

    P.S. I return to work in-person on Thursday. I'll let you know how it goes. I will *not* work in my office if it's in the 80s again.

  9. At least you have things moving in the right direction. I have friends who are having to fight, also. It is terrible to be ill and not get what is needed!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.