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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

My Neighbor's Mail, Emergency Eye Exam Found Blog Post

 Today, there was no rain forecast, so it was time to go get my mail in Cullman. There was only once piece worth anything. It had been about two weeks, so it was time. 

The pick-up church lunch was today, so it was a good day to go up there. The lunch was a chicken breast, green beans, potatoes, and a roll and a sweet Little Debbie treat. After we delivered hers, we pulled forward a bit and ate in her very shady driveway lined with Hostas. She divided Hostas for years to get this lush edge to her circle driveway. We had a pleasant atmosphere to eat today.

One of my older friends has a hard time walking. I told her about this place. Today, as we went up, I told Tommy we would pick two meals up for her and her son. I called and could not reach her...about six times. I decided to go ahead and get the meals and maybe she would be home by the time we arrived. 

She was not home after we drove twelve miles beyond Cullman! I have known her since 1980 and knew she would not care if I went into her house. So, I did. I knew where the refrigerator was, walked straight in and moved the milk over and put the two plates inside. I left a message saying what I did. She called, thanked me, said it was okay I that I went inside when she was not home. Also, I know her daughters who live across the street, plus, even if the police were called to me, she would say it was okay. 

As I was trying to step up into the house, about a five-inch step up from the porch, I had to put the food inside so I could haul myself up. As I raised up, I saw a huge grab bar that I used. It was quite hefty. 

When we talked, I asked her where she got it. Her son who drove trucks for a living had it. Her grab bar was something that goes onto a truck! She said he cut it and screwed it to front door, one on back door and another by her tub. It was amazing. 

I had been telling Tommy we needed a grab bar between the doors. Now, we will have one put up. I bought three for $3 each at a yard sale about three years ago. Even though he said I could not put them up, he wants them now. 

Now that I have driven abut 25 extra miles to deliver her lunch, I will let her son do it from now on. My 93 yo friend did not get lunch. Somehow, her son did not get one for her. When she had a car, she always drove to get lunch. 

We got three letters in Tommy's mailbox. I opened one before I knew it was not ours. It seems the city of Hueytown is going to put a lien on the house next door that has the barking dogs and tall grass if they do not mow their front and back yard. It seems have grass over 12 inches high is illegal. We drove the mail to their house and I opened the box from the car to put the mail inside. It looks as if they come by and don't get their mail! I have NEVER complained about the grass. The letter said "numerous people" had complained. 

I had made an appointment for an emergency visit to eye doctor in Cullman. If you remember the nurse/tech that popped my blue mask into my eye and threatened to make me leave without the test last year, well this is ongoing problem with my eye. Finally, this last week, I picked at the scab that was on lid between lashes and eye. There has been a hard spot there for months. It made my eye water and hurt. After I picked at it, it really hurt. 

The doctor said there was a stye starting to form. I imagine that making it raw opened the way for bacteria. Now, I have two antibiotics. One is to take and one is to put on eye. 

While I was being examined by everyone, I asked if I could get an exam for glasses. So, I now have a prescription for glasses. I asked for my astigmatism to be corrected. The woman told me my glasses needed a coating to fix my astigmatism. I have never heard that and cannot find that anywhere. 

When I asked about an eye exam last week, this place had no openings. The doctor was the one who okayed the exam for glasses today, not the front desk.

This morning after I had six hours of sleep and went back to bed, I did sleep another hour and a half!

No questions. I am too tired.


  1. If you live in Hueytown why do you still have mail sent to a PO box in Cullman? Seems like an added complication to life....having to drive there(gas consumed, car used, time needed)seems an added time consuming step when you both have issues in mobility, etc.

    1. This was meant to be a very short-term solution. I go there for many other things, so it is not an addition to gas, time. It works for now.

  2. We had grab bars installed when we built this house. We have one in the powder room, two by the master toilet, and two in the master shower. They were all installed on what us called "double backing," meaning we can't pull them off the wall. The main entry to the house is about a zero level entry, (one small step, long walk to accommodate a ramp should we need one and the contractor had railings custom made by a welder. There is one going to the front door, one from the sunroom to the patio, and two from the master to the master patio. They are bolted in to the aggregate (concrete). It's much better to do these things before you need them. It wasn't cheap, and they're not really pretty...very utilitarian, but worth every penny.

    1. Meg,
      This is a very good idea building them when house is built.

  3. Astigmatism is corrected with a prescription lens, not a coating. Eye doctors check for that during the exam. We just installed grab bars on the wall by the edge of the bathtub and on the wall in the shower. Don't know why we did not do it before now. Love them!!

    1. Tewshooz,
      That is what I told the girl who was helping me pick out frames. She said that is why she had a coating on her glasses. Surely, she was just mistaken. That is a pretty big lie to tell.

      We are definitely getting the on the area between doors on front. I could always pull on the claw foot tub edge, all I needed at the time. Now, I use vanity to push up by the commode. We do need more grab bars.

  4. Every home should have grab bars, every set of stairs, even single steps, should have a rail. And yes, accessibility should be considered at design stage.
    I have friends I can't visit because they have no rails on the stairs. It's not acceptable in these days.
    The hard bit on your eye sounds a lot like skin cancer, has anybody considered that possibility?

    1. Rails would have to be government mandated in order to get it done with spec houses. When I went into my friend's house, there were three steps and a sturdy rail that was disintegrating, so not so sturdy anymore. Tommy just rolls up to these houses with steps, goes to the side and whacks the door or house with his cane. That'll show them.
      If it does not heal, I will ask about that. It hurts like fire and the med burns!

    2. Kylie, in the county where I live, in order to pass a final building inspection/get an occupancy permit on a new construction, there must be a railing wherever there are more than a certain number of steps. (I think it's two or more.) Also, the "step down" for even one step must not exceed a maximum number of inches. I was told by my contractor that our county was considering making grab bars in at least one bath mandatory to get a building permit for new construction. I think it's a great idea. It certainly makes more sense than the code requiring a phone jack in the master bedroom.

  5. We installed two shower rails each in our two full baths, when I had them renovated several years ago. Yes, worth every penny!
    Don't ever rely on those suction safety bars--their failure rate is high

    1. Sue,
      I have wondered just how safe the suction safety bars could be. I would never consider them because I know how suction can be broken.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.