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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Congestion, Tommy, Precaution

 Monday morning, well noon, I was not so wobbly. I tried to walk without holding on to walls, tables, door facings. But, all of a sudden, I was wobbly again and stumbling about. I really fear falling and having to call someone to pick me up. So, I will be wall-holding the rest of this day. 

After Tommy bought the $150 device, he spent hours, it seemed, reading the massive sheet of paper and a little booklet that came with it. At one point, he stopped and said he needed facial oil or some oil for skin to get the old monitor off his skin. He looked dejected because it was dark, late, and he did not have any oil. I told him to use olive oil. He was skeptical, and I told him I was positive it was okay. He followed my directions and poured a spoonful into a small bowl. 

I thought he wanted me to help, and I was dreading helping because of the way I feel. But, he went into the kitchen and changed the monitor himself. I felt so awful, I don't think I would have been much help. He managed to do it and it works. Great! 

Usually when the sinus congestion gets better, there is a great loosening that chokes me. This time, I am just having a dribbly nose. At this rate, it will be weeks before this lets up, lets loose. 

The potato salad was/is good. I used a whole Vidalia onion and forgot to save half of it for Tommy to eat or to go into another dish. Consequently, it seems once again, I have made onion salad. The natural consequence of eating so much is unpleasant about an hour later. 

Obviously, I won't make my colonoscopy. So, I need to call about that. 

It appears that the rain is over here. A tree fell on a home with two floors. A woman died when the tree hit her in bed upstairs. In my two-story house, the two children who had a bedroom on the second floor always slept downstairs, often in our bedroom on a pallet and the baby in her playpen. Even if their bedrooms were not hit by the ancient oak right outside their rooms, I wanted to be able to put my hands on my children if the house were damaged at all. This one precaution would have saved an elderly woman Sunday night. 

We only felt it was necessary to take refuge in the basement once. On other stormy nights, not expecting falling trees, the youngest slept in her baby bed, even if she were five or six. Her sister slept in the full-size bed the baby now occupied, and son slept on a pallet. My children did not mind sleeping on a pallet anywhere we went. They slept in the bed they were told to use for sleep. They gave up their beds to company when I told them to do so. They were always accommodating. 

Tommy is now cooking and chopping ground beef for spaghetti another day. Then, I will try to get chicken cooked so I can make Mediterranean Pasta with the chicken another day. I don't want to wait until both meats are ready to go off. 

We plan to then watch two episodes of The Antiques Road Show. We both love it. Thankfully, the flowers were watered by a torrent early this morning, so he does not have to go out and water. 

The chicken did not get cooked. Nor did the spaghetti. There is always tomorrow. 

I feel worse tonight than this morning.

If you have a two-story house, do you at least sleep downstairs if storms or tornadoes are about?

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.