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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wednesday Podiatrist

 We both went to the podiatrist Wednesday. She trimmed our toenails. It was a mixed experience. 


But, she did what was necessary, digging out the ingrown toenails. She rubbed something on my feet, like a wonderful oil. Tommy was not hurt at all. I was noisy when it hurt. 

I expressed the fear that I was going to lose a toe, foot or more because of the condition of my toes. She laughed and assured me I was not in danger of losing a toe. 

The whole ordeal of going there was exhausting--walking, my lower back hurting sitting in her chair. Time spent waiting. 

She refuted things endocrinologist told us about diabetes. Good to know. She asked us both how long we had had diabetes, what meds we took. I was saying how the metformin gave me diarrhea. She explained that the metformin removed sugar from blood and gave me dumps. Well, I would have never touched sugar or a carb ever again to stop that reaction if I had known. None of the written material I was given had this information.

Endocrinologist told Tommy he needed to have the "bump" under/behind his big toe corrected because it would break down and become infected. He has had hammertoes since he was a small child. Shoes will not correct this. The podiatrist said it could not be corrected now without a lot of surgery. She said if he cannot get a diabetic shoe on his foot, what was the point. I will take her word over endo. 

We went to Lowe's and found an electric cart outdoors, so I went inside using it. The seat had nothing but nasty looking, and shredded foam. The back was bare down to surface with bit of foam still glued to back. I took a red throw from the back seat and used that to cover the cart. Inside, I found a knockout rose for $19.98. No way. So, I found a discounted one, mostly dead but with viable looking buds for $9.98. Plants are easy to revive. Then, I bought pink (I think) purslane for my concrete bunny sitting out front. Purslane is succulent, so it should survive the heat. 

Next, we got three store ads that I have not bothered to read. I was so exhausted that I took a very long nap. Tommy had whatever he wanted, and I had spaghetti and salad. I called a friend while Tommy was getting one ad. She said she knows she will never be able to say she feels well ever again. That was a 16 second call.

When I went to bed Tuesday night, my head was much less congested. But, when I awoke on Wednesday, I was dizzy and congested again. Elevated temp was down. Yes, I do become ill from my allergies. My congratulations to anyone who does not have allergies. The privet are rampant at the other end of the street. Hopefully, they will quit blooming soon. 

Thursday, the bit of vertigo morphed to full on vertigo. This hardly ever happens with me. I don't know if I can take Meclizine or not, so I will have to wait for morning to talk to doctor's office. I did take it, but that was long ago, and the prescription has expired. 

In a bit, I will have some horseradish that will clear my sinuses. 

I went over the three ads looking for Kraft Cheese on sale. Tommy ate Gruyere. It is not my choice. He only needed milk, and I needed bananas. So, the trip to Publix was short for us. This will be a low grocery spending week. 

When I brush my teeth, I sit in my chair.  When I got up from commode, I bumped my head on the tile opposite the commode. It is not hard to stay upright. Tommy has remarked that the way I bump the hall on both sides sounds like a pinball machine. I win when I don't fall. Makes me happy. 

Do you ever go to podiatrist to have nails trimmed or other work? 

Was it good for you, too?

Do you use purslane in sunny, hot areas?

I did not edit this, so good luck.


  1. Sounds like Tommy has a great sense of humor. You too. We will start calling you pinball wizard. :)

    1. Ms. Sandie,
      Sometimes, he surprises me. I never knew staying upright was a skill in pinball. Thanks.

  2. Never been to a podiatrist - I have good feet. I did work for one for a couple months as a teen - replacing a family member who went on an extended vacation. Worked as an assistant.
    I use purslane in salads in the summer. Pick it small and it is tasty.

    1. I actually had very good feet until I could not reach them. Now, I need to have nails cut and fungal infection cured.

  3. I am catching up on your posts. I'm sorry your struggling with dizziness and vertigo. I do, too. I also take Prescription strength Meclazine. In a pinch, I take Dramamine. Hope it gets better soon.


    1. Sean,
      Vertigo is the worst. I have to see if I can take Meclizine now. Thanks.

  4. I am doing my best to avoid having to see a podiatrist meaning I am keeping up my stretching so I can clip my own nails.

    1. Urspo,
      I always did stretches, but one injury can undo all that. Keep it up and stay safe.

  5. My Knockout rose actually died this spring. It was starting to make leaves when we got hit with a late hard frost. I could hardly believe it. Killed it dead. All the stems turned brown and not a sign of life.

    1. Tewshooz,
      That is shocking. However, give it until next spring. It may have something alive in the roots yet. It may even sprout something later this year. I will keep my fingers crossed for it.

  6. I had two foot surgeries in high school, so I've seen the podiatrist numerous times. I go every 6 weeks now to have calluses removed. I do my best to care for my feet at home, but because I put pressure on a few areas with little to no padding, it becomes quite painful. My next appointment is actually tomorrow.

    1. Tiffany,
      Two foot surgeries must have been tough. I had never been to a podiatrist until this last year. I was so nervous only because I had watched a podiatrist botch a foot surgery on my son. However, I am not even nervous now. I was terrified the first time.
      I do know that no padding is painful after a while. Good luck tomorrow.

  7. Cutting my toenails is more difficult than in the past but I can still do it. I do have a pedicure now and then. I particularly like a nail shop near my daughter's home.

    Yes I do plant a a purslane type. I plant Portulaca which is also called moss rose. I had a hard time finding plants this year but recently found some at Walmart. These days there are rarely 6 packs of bedding plants. These days they are sold in 4 packs! I did find some 6 packs of impatients that I placed in a hanging planter. I ordered these pots from QVC many years ago. There are a dozen openings in the body of the basket and a large open surface on top. They make lovely hanging baskets!

    1. Janet,
      It has been a few years since I could trim toenails. The last time I tried to cut little toenail, I nipped off a piece of flesh, a fat little plug.

      The hanging baskets sound really cute. I live the Portulaca I have. It closes up every night. I wonder why no one sells the 6-pack. I should buy impatiens since they reseed well.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.