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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday Things

Today, we went out to do something that was not happening. Then, we decided to go home and go later to a market. I just wanted to stay home. So, we did.

I rested a bit, maybe less than an hour. At Publix last week, I bought strawberries that looked like they might be red all the way through. I then bought the box next to it. Well, the first strawberries were red and sweet, not so the second container. Most are sliced and sprinkled with sugar. I left some out for Tommy because he hates strawberries with maybe a Tbsp of sugar on two containers. He will eat them as strawberry shortcake even though he says he does not like sugar and complains mightily. So funny. 

Now, between the two of us, we are making spaghetti. He will eat the ground round he chopped and cooked if I wait. We need to eat the salad mix as it will go off by tomorrow. 

I called the nurse for doctor where I was to get the colonoscopy, and she was not aware I did not show up. (I did call surgery where it was to be performed,) I told her I wanted to know if going under anesthesia and this procedure was safe with right side of my heart not beating. She was rude and seemed to not be aware. She said rudely, "The right side of your heart does not beat?" I said, no it does not. She said sarcastically, "If the right side of your heart was not beating, you could not be talking to me now!"

When I asked to speak to a nurse, she said meanly, "I am a nurse!" Well, I was confused. The conversation went downhill from there. She can schedule me the end of July.  

Maybe I am getting better. The hold on my nasal passages seems to be lessening. I am still a bit dizzy. But, it comes and goes, so I hold onto things to walk. The tiredness has not lessened one bit. I am still managing to sleep, so that is a good thing. 

The washing machine mechanic came before I woke this morning. He took off the springs/shocks and replaced. Tommy said it took 20 minutes. Cost: $206. I am very grateful this is done. 

Now, to get the tree person and electrician here. This should not be so difficult as it is. I don't want to bug them or let them forget us. Just now, neither answered.

I just called my two friends who are older and ill. The older, 93-yo, did not answer. The other said she felt awful, had gone to bed and call her another time. That was a 16 second call. 

While directing Tommy to make spaghetti, I did stupid things. We finally got that corrected and had spaghetti and salad for dinner. 

We now have a glucose meter! Neither Tommy nor I can get a response from his endocrinologist or nurse. I think Tommy has cut back from four Diet Pepsi to two. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

The house next door is on the city council agenda tonight for trash, weeds and other items. Mowing did not help the looks or satisfy the city. Vines are growing up the brick, the kind that cling to the brick. The rails up to the front porch have vines and weeds almost three feet high. The pool liner is in the front yard. The broken-down pool is in the side yard. The piano they put on the front porch when they moved in is surely ruined by now. The trash can has not been put at the road for weeks, and trash is hanging out. A person can barely walk in the carport for all the trash.  It looks derelict. The city will get bids to clean it all up and a lien will be put on the property. 

A house two doors down has carpet padding on the front lawn, and back yard has not been mowed in months, so that one was on the agenda to be discussed tonight, too. I went to city council website and looked at the agenda. That is how I found all this info. I can watch a video of city council meeting and see what was said.

Tommy is eating his favorite potato chip--cheap ones. Plus, they are his favorite type--thin ones like the original ones. I cannot see the point in eating these, but, invariably I ask for a few. They disappear in my mouth. I prefer Lays or Ruffles. Do you like these lightweight chips that disappear in your mouth or something a little more hefty and with some mouthfeel? 

Have you ever watched a city council meeting on video? Have you ever been asked to attend to defend your neighborhood or a certain position? I was asked to attend to stop an apartment complex in our neighborhood. I ended up speaking. 


  1. Did you ever get a cold pack? I just read that alternating cold/warm compresses helps loosen sinus congestion, promote drainage, and ease pain.

    You can also massage your lymph system to promote sinus drainage. Here's a really good video I found:

    It might be more understandable if you tell medical personnel that you have right-side heart failure. Perhaps that specific phrase will poke through their brain fog.

    Colonoscopy is usually done under anaesthesia. Just make sure they order the prep materials for your a week beforehand. From what you wrote, it sounded like you were eating up until you cancelled your previous appt, which would not make for a successful scoping.

    Glad your washing machine is fixed!

    I try not to eat potato chips. No one can eat just one.

    1. Sue,
      Cold pack, hot pack, massage, humming, allergy meds, congestion meds.
      I was appalled when she did not believe me.
      I was also very nauseated, so probably would have thrown up prep. I did that once, came right back up. So, they cancelled on me.
      I was not eating much or often. But, it was not prep food.
      I hate these chips so ate few. If it were Ruffles, I would be doomed.
      We have not tried the washing machine, so assume it is working.

  2. PS: Who told you that you had right-side heart failure? Isn't it flagged in your medical records for all providers to see?

    1. Sue,
      A doctor, and several have mentioned it, plus it is on a list of meds, allergies, surgeries, conditions that I hand them at every first visit. I imagine it should be plain as day.

    2. Right side heart failure does not mean your heat does not beat on that side. It is still beating, but not very well. If it did not beat at all, you would be dead. Right side of heart pumps blood to lungs to pick up oxygen.

    3. We are going to a city council meeting tonight to install a new mayor after we recalled the corrupt one last week. Millions of dollars have gone missing from the city accounts.

    4. Tewshooz,
      Gracious. I hope you get your city's money back.

    5. Tewshooz,
      That is the explanation I got from the first doctor.

  3. Not the same type of meeting, but I was once asked to attend a Board of Alderman meeting to receive an award for my commitment to community service in our small city. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. These days I find it much easier to contact my Doctor online. My supplementary insurance is an HMO so all referrals go through my primary care Doctor. He is easy to deal with when it comes to referrals. Do you have a supplementary insurance plan? I do not pay a monthly fee but I do have a $5 co-pay for a standard office visit and $35 co-pay to see a specialist.

    The group my Dr is with recently changed the online portal. It is now called "My Chart" I like it very much. I can message all my Doctors, see and review all my test results as well as make or cancel appointments. Does your insurance have a similar program?

    1. Janet,
      I have no copays and have Medicaid.

      I have no idea is my insurance has this. Can barely see to type right


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.