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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Dizzy Friday

 Today, I was not better, but not worse. I still hold onto things to walk. 

The washing machine mechanic came today. Tommy said he pulled off the knob that controls water depth, stuck a screwdriver in and did something. I wonder how much that will cost? He told Tommy the reason it makes such a noise is that the shocks are shot. There have been days I thought the noise was a thunderstorm because of the rumbling on the concrete floor. He said that eventually the shocks will break, and the machine will tear up. 

The machine works now, so Tommy washed my sheets that were changed the other day and a load of my towels, panties, and nightgowns. The mechanic said he might be back Tuesday with shocks. We will try not to wash too many loads. 

When I went into Publix, I was so dizzy I thought I was going to fall off since I still do not have my balance. Except for bananas, all I bought was bogo--Cheerios, hamburger buns, 

Tommy received three insulin pens, all different ones, but not the monitor to stick on his arm. Is this doctor crazy? I will call again and reiterate that he will have to have the EMTs, fire department, and possibly the police visit to get him straight. Maybe he will pass out. Maybe he will have a wreck! My nerves have just about settled, now getting worried again, wondering when I have to deal with this again. Why do we have to deal with this? Are we guinea pigs?

Today, was a beautiful, hot day. My flowers sook so pretty now that Tommy deadheads then. Last year, I had a blackberry bush that gave me four blackberries. One cane grew about four feet long. Finally, I stuck the end in the soil. I suppose it is okay to cut it since has leaves from one end to the other end in the ground. Maybe I will have more blackberries this year. I learned last year that the bush had too much sun, so some parts of berries turned brown. I need to put these where they get some shade instead of blazing sun all day. 

Are you in an area where bad weather is expected? 

Did you know washing machines had things like shocks? I certainly did not.

Are you planning a big Memorial Day Celebration? Family? Parade? 

Edit: I think I have covid.


  1. Have you tested for C? Take care and stay home and rest.
    No plans here for the weekend. It looks to rain a lot on Sunday which will affect the race here in my city. Sure will disappoint 10's of thousands of people.

    1. Cheryl,
      I did yesterday. The first test was negative. I thought I messed it up. Did a second test, sat here and never read it. So, I will do another today. Too bad about the race.

  2. Do you mean the sensors that go into his arm? Did his first purchase come with a case? (12, I believe.) If he has Medicare, and the Dexcom was prescribed by his doctor, his Medicare plan should be automatically generating a phone call to get those refills sent to the house. I can't believe the treatment you and he have received at the hands of the medical community. Although, given my experience with DH's 2021 hospitalization (man, that was a dreadful time) I will say nothing they do, or, more accurately, FAIL TO DO surprises me anymore. The system is broken, and with the mergers (Optum) it will be a monopoly, and will only get worse...and more expensive.

    1. Meg,
      The nurse put a sensor on his arm and did allow me to watch since I need to know how. We got nothing else. Today, he paid $150 for a single sensor. Inside the box it was in, I found a massive instruction, some of which we really could have used to figure out the sensor and monitor.

      Somehow, this damned pharmacy has not sent in the prescription to Medicare. He paid over $700 for the sensor and other meds for diabetes....all forms of insulin. I am beyond done with this doctor and even the nurses. The nurse is the one who did not give us instructions. Nine days later, we are reading about the sensor he has been using. The doctor is the one who did not want me to tell her about his episodes of violence, anger, suspicion and lack of ability to tell from the way he felt that things were not right. I mean, when he is walking and passes out and remembered nothing, what can he tell her?
      Since when is the person allowed in the room not allowed to give accounts of which the patient has no cognizance?

    2. So you only received one sensor, which is only good for about 10 days??? I don't understand how that could be allowed. Did they call a prescription in to the pharmacy you use for more?

    3. One sensor was all he was willing to pay for right now--$150. He is trying to get help with the price on the others. I asked just now, and he said he did not know how many the doctor wrote for him.

  3. No plans for us, really, except for grilling out tomorrow. I will start doing some extra housework as soon as I get off my lazy butt. LOL!

    The dwarf key lime tree I got for Mother's Day is blooming already! It is outside with my meyer lemon, enjoying "summer camp." I'm sure the bees will enjoy it.

    I am having so much fun with my citrus trees that I am thinking about planting super-dwarf apple & pear trees in the front yard this fall. I mean, why not? They will look decorative and give me fruit. I hope. LOL!

    1. Sue,
      I suppose there will be no grilling since I cannot stand well. Tommy refuses. But, that is okay. I will make potato salad, at least. Other than that, no plans. He won't care either what we have.
      My citrus, lemon and lime, may have died. Can fruit survive outside in your climate? It would be great to have a greenhouse to grow fruit.

  4. I've read back a few posts to see what you have said about your illness and it does sound like it could be covid but I wouldn't be sure. I have only once had a bad sinus infection and I honestly was as sick as I have been with covid. Covid's lingering tiredness is very noticeable.
    I did actually know that washing machines have shocks but in my head I called them stabilizer springs, never once stopping to thik that they were the same as a shock absorber in a car!
    It's funny how context can be so important

    1. kylie,
      I only had mild cases of covid, must worse cases f sinus infection.
      Maybe they are called stabilizer springs. Tommy said that he said stabilizer springs and clarified it for Tommy like shocks for cars. I am just so sick I stuck with shocks.

  5. I'm concerned you have been feeling dizzy. Could perhaps allergies be adding to the illness? Our men can be a handful, not doing what's best for them.

    1. Ms Sandie,
      I am concerned, too. The pressure in my face is from sinus problems, so, yes, probably from allergies of all sorts.
      Right now, he is arguing because his blood sugar is too low, and he misinterprets what I say. It is so exhausting.

  6. Sorry to read that you have been feeling dizzy, hope this will soon clear.

    Here in the UK we have a three day 'Bank Holiday' weekend. Lots of events going on for those who wish to go. It usually means the roads are that much busier, so Eddie and I plan a quiet weekend.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      This is extreme sinus congestion causing the dizziness.
      It is a madhouse of celebration here. We do not plant to leave the house until Tuesday, and maybe not then since the hungover stragglers will be on the road. Quiet is the word here, too.

  7. You made me remember it was Memorial Day weekend when I moved to AZ in 2005. What a journey. No plans but a day off to do 'bum around ' activities.

    1. Urspo,
      It has been a long journey. We will do nothing at all other than laugh a bit, watch TV, maybe cook something.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.