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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

In Response to 'Cover up'

 I am tired, still ill. Read this.

Breastfeeding Mom Has Epic Response to 'Cover Up' - Secret Life Of Mom : Secret Life Of Mom

Isn't that the best response? 

How do you feel about breastfeeding in public?


  1. I was always very discreet about breastfeeding - you wouldn't have known I was doing it - but I love her response!

    1. Treaders,
      Sometimes, I think men can figure it out. I thought her response was perfect.

  2. Guess they don't make nursing bras anymore. Nothing discreet about the younger generations.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I thought the breast would still show. I did not nurse, so I don't really know.

  3. People act crazy when it comes to female breasts. So many think of them in a sexual way that they freak out when they are used as they are primarily meant to be used.

    I nursed my son for a little over 6 weeks. I nursed my daughter for right around a year. I did my best to do so discreetly but I certainly didn't go to a public restroom to do so.

    1. Janet,
      Cheers had a scene where Sam chided Carla for breastfeeding in public while he looked at a girly magazine, oogling the breasts. Your point!

      I never breastfed, but wish I had somedays.

  4. Part of the breast would show, mostly nipple. She acted like a 4 year old stomping her feet not getting her way. Her whole breast was hanging out there.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I have seen the full breast showing from a woman with breasts the size of a large cantaloupe. And, I have seen little showing. I think what she did was clever and funny. But, I can appreciate what you said.

  5. I was always very discreet about breastfeeding ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Most people are. Some of the complainers never see anything, just 'know' what is happening.

  6. I once had a breast feeding mom (of now much older children) COMPLAIN that another Mom was discretely breast feeding in the waiting room. With a shawl draped over herself. Complaining Mom came to me and asked me to tell her to go in the bathroom. I said I didn't want eating in the bathroom. Complainer was not amused. When she pushed issue and I pointed out she herself had breastfed her child in the same waiting room, her response was that's different. I don't want to see it. Needless to say, they study elsewhere.

    1. Ms. Sandie,
      I wonder how it was different. Odd. Your answer was brilliant. What kind of waiting room was this? Study?


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.