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Monday, July 30, 2018

Planning for a Doctor visit (And it is done.)

One day next week, I have a doctor's appointment in Birmingham. Exbf will drive up to get me, drop me off, and wait in the car until I come out. (TODAY WAS/IS THE DAY)

He will come in and eat lunch unless I have him come just in time to pick me up. He can decide that.

It is hard for him to get into the office. He hates paying for valet service. And, I make the wait in the car quite comfortable.

I pack stuff for him. This week his little bag will have: bottle of cold water, Pepsi if he wants it, slices of cheese, crackers, grapes, cherries, sliced apple, jerky. (NO JERKY)I still have to buy a jerky stick for this week. And, I make sure he has a new Reader's Digest.  I never buy one, just get one from places that have stacks of free magazines. ( I gave him four because I could not remember what he had read.)

Sometimes, he takes a nap.

Before the trip, I will pack what he will take home for dinner. I make a list so I will not forget anything. I am too tired when I get home to remember what to take out to the car. He prefers to just let me come in and get the stuff and just leave. It is usually so late that I am exhausted, and he has a long drive. (I forgot the pie, so I will freeze it for him.)

I didn't get the meatloaf baked, but I will make that, cook the last of the carrots, and give him lettuce and tomato for a salad. He will probably eat the carrots and meat loaf and maybe a can of peas or green beans. He will probably save the salad for the next day with more meatloaf. Who know? I don't care.

(I gave him portion of pork loin and lettuce and tomato for a salad.)

When he does come into the doctor's office, I pack this bag that came from AARP when he or I joined. Everything fits, no matter how much I give him, even his water bottle and RD. He snacks in the waiting room. Remember, he has diabetes. What he does not eat for a snack, he eats for a snack on the way home..

I am too tired to even think, but I will talk about the dermatologist visit tomorrow. It was traumstic and I had to be naked and be poked and looked at closely.

Only the last paragraph and things in parenthesis were written tonight.


  1. I am sorry your appointment was traumatic. I heartily dislike going to the doctor in the best of situations, ANY doctor, and don't get me started on the dentist. I don't fear it, I just heartily dislike it. I can't bear the sensation of a cleaning--the sound, the touching of my face, and stupid comments from the hygienist. I also don't like lying back with my head below my shoulders. Moreover, when I have work done, I always seem to wind up with a canker sore.

    1. Meg B,
      I am not so bad as you. But, a new doctor is traumatic. I have never had my head so far back as the have my head below my shoulders. My hygienist never says stupid things. Now, she probably Sometimes, the dentist gets my lip between a tool and my teeth so that I appear like someone sluffed me. Sometimes, at the dentist I feel suffocated by a body so close over my face. But, generally I am only there for teeth cleaning. I suppose we will both survive. I just hate going to dentist for anything.

    2. slugged me not sluffed me!

  2. I dislike gynaecology and dentist visits. I do not know which one I hate the most. Ugh!

    1. T'Pol,
      A full body exam from the dermatologist is worse that gyno exam, trust me.

  3. My mother died from gastric cancer and I am almost due foe another endoscopy. Last time they did my colonoscopy during the same visit.I am supposed to have them both in 2020 but I would be happy to schedule it any time now. My good friend's sweetie just had a bowel obstruction the size of a softball removed. It was cancerous so for the time being he has an ostomy bag.I want to avoid all that if at all possible. I do a yearly bowel occult blood test and am thankful that all these tests are available to me. I also have a yearly mammogram. This year mine is scheduled for August 28th

    I had a CT lung scan today as well as a pulmonary breathing test. Results next Thursday.

  4. Janet,
    I am glad you keep up with the tests instead of not wanting to get bad news. I need to have both colonoscopy and endoscopy. I have put them off until I had news about what the heart problem was. Now I know so I can go ahead and get the doctor a copy of report from cardiologist. Since I had cancer and hysterectomy, I go to oncologist for my twice-yearly pap smear. That must have been a horrible experience for your mother. I try to keep up all the tests and am very thankful for them, too.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.