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Friday, July 27, 2018

Least Likable Bug?

My spaghetti coma lasted until six this morning. Then I napped until 9 am. I was still very tired. I had a horrible nightmare that depressed me, so I napped a bit more. Finally, at 2 pm, I got up for good.

Thinking my funk and stuffy head might be because I was hungry and dehydrated. I drank water, ate something not good for me...forgot what. Then, I got one chore done. ugh  Thinking some sardines might cause me to feel better, I opened a can only to find they tasted disgusting. But, I ate them, anyway.  What's with that?

Today, it was 85 F and beautiful. The humidity had to be fairly low because it was sooooo pleasant. I got little done today outdoors, but it was pleasant. Usually, I have broken a sweat by the time I get to the car. Not today.

I had the doors to the car open, so now it is filled with mosquitoes. If I could banish just one bug, it would be mosquitoes. Flies and roaches are nasty, but easier to avoid and kill. And, they are not trying to bite me.

I found out that a neighbor's lawnmower was stolen this last week. So, I went out to check and see if my stuff is still here. The mosquitoes found me. When I told my next door neighbor just to let him know about the theft, he just shrugged. I know he keeps his mower on the front porch as well as a tiny grill with a handle on top. It is not his mower, just one he uses that belongs to a friend.  He has one of those porches that is brick all around, so you cannot see stuff until you go on the porch.

Tonight, I will put a 3 lb package of ground beef in the crockpot for exbf. I make it in sort of a loaf. I will slice it and he can get one piece out and use it for a hamburger or whatever.  I might get really ambitious and make a meatloaf. We will see.

Nothing is happening here. Nothing has happened since spaghetti last night. I am here and frugal.

Your turn
If you could banish one bug/insect, what would it be?  My choice is mosquitoes.


  1. Wasps!
    They freak me out. I am terrified of them. I have never been bitten by one & I wish to keep it that way!

    1. monica,
      They do hurt so bad! I was in a lumberyard talking to a man, standing still. We both saw the wasp swoop into the open double doors and head straight to me and sting me on my elbow. We were both so stunned. I thought I was going to die. It hurt with the original intensity for hours. Even the next day, it was painful. Nothing I took or put on it touched the pain.

      I still hate mosquitoes worse. They are not easily spotted and stealthy.


  2. I hate mosquitoes as well. However I think I hate little sweat bees more.

    1. Rachel,
      I have not been bothered by a sweat bee in years, but they are vicious! Now, watch me get stung by one.

  3. Oh, mosquitoes, definitely. You can leave doors and windows open and flies will fly back out, but mosquitoes will follow you around till they bite. Oh, and I have never heard of sweat bees before. They sound ucky as well.

    1. tana50,
      ,Sweat bees are small and are attracted tp the salt in sweat bees. They are notorious for getting in the crook of the elbow and stinging. Or, in the underarm area or backs of knees. The placement of the bite is part of what makes them so nasty.

  4. My first thought was roaches. I'm terrified of the big cockroaches, and can hardly bring myself to get close enough to kill one. I dread seeing one in the house when my husband isn't home! But I might have to choose wasps. That sting is so bad. It does hurt for hours. I got stung by one a few years ago, and the stinger left an alarmingly large hole in my arm.

    1. Quiz,
      I would say I hate wasps more than cockroaches. They do leave a hole that alarms me, too. Try putting a glass over bugs until they die. that's what I do.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.