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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Difficult Day with Pleasant Result & Giveaway Hint

 We had to be out of the house by 9:30 this morning. Of course, I could only get 3 hours sleep the night before. I gulped down Special K, bananas and milk. Tommy had eaten breakfast earlier. We both made a sandwich the night before, packed those with yogurt cup for me, the other half of my banana, and applesauce cup for either one of us and a spoon. We were set. 

I knew of a food giveaway and was determined to get some for the family of five little girls. We got there at ten and were behind blocks and blocks of cars. My feet were so swollen 4 hours later when we got to food. The truck must have been late. 

Two boxes was my allowance. I asked the guy loading if I could get another box. He said he did not make the rules. I said it was okay as he apologized that he could not do that. I said I was wanting it for a family of five little girls. He closed the trunk and said, "Wait a minute." He came back with a box and a bag of chicken thigh quarters and a whole chicken. I thanked him profusely for the half-second I had before we had to drive away. 

Now, we got three boxes, 3 hens, 3 10-lb bags of chicken thigh quarters. 

We only kept one hen, a snack pack, a box of Kraft Velveeta mac n cheese, and 6 tiny Red Delicious Apples, and twenty snack cups peaches.  For this we were gone from home 9:30 to 2:45 and the car ran for the whole time. Tommy loves the little snack cups of peaches.

We gave to the family:

2 hens, so large they must have been capons

3 10-bags of chicken thigh quarters

3 #10 cans of baked beans

5 snack bags (contents below)

3 frozen bags of turnip greens, maybe 2 lbs.

3 bags frozen cream style corn. maybe 2 lbs. each

2 bags with 6 apples each, so 12 tiny and very crisp Red Delicious apples

10 snack cup peaches

3 boxes Kraft Mac n cheese Velveeta

Now, for the snack bags. I think maybe these are meant to appeal to children. Each snack pack had:
1 meat stick, one string cheese, one tiny pack Cheezits, one juice pack, straw/napkin/spoon sealed in little package. There is a candy bar shaped 2 oz white cheese. Tommy eats all this stuff. We kept one of these bags and gave them five bags. 

The guy said to Tommy, "This is amazing! Thank you so much!"  Knowing five little girls will eat well makes the brutal day with all the heat and overbearing sun and swollen feet worth it! 

About 3 pm, I went to bed for a nap and could not sleep, I will go the bed early tonight. 

The celebration at Rickwood Field in Birmingham is quite the professional spectacle of entertainment. Plus, there is a ball game, not an exhibition game. 

Remember the giveaway? I will give you a hint. There will be no cowboy hats. Hardhats will be required. You have to get this exactly correct since I gave you a hint. Enter again if you already entered and want to guess again after the hint. 

I am so tired and braindead that I don't know how to make a link. Just go to yesterday's post and enter with that link. 

At this rate, I will not be up to going to the rodeo! I am going to bed.

It was a pretty day here, very warm. How was your day?

What did you do? What are your plans for tomorrow?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Very Few Wednesday Items

 I did get 8 hours sleep by 4 Of course, I had/have energy to do other things rather than be a slug for the rest of the day. I did wake after 4 hours last night and stayed up and went back for a long nap. 

We collected all three ads and bought bananas and milk for me. I didn't know he bought Fritos until we got into the house. CVS had not more Oral B Sensi Soft toothbrushes. Tommy filled car with gas. We still did not get the refund. 

We do lead a thrilling life. Right?

The dogs next door look so lonesome! I cannot imagine leaving animals for so long. They still bark day and night. Someone sprayed Roundup on our side of the yard, not on theirs. The mower uses a weed eater on the fence line every week, so not sure why she would do that. Now, it is ugly brown and weeds will grow where grass was killed. I won't say anything to them.

 We are going to a rodeo next week. It is not the kind with horses and cows. If anyone guesses what kind of rodeo, I will find a prize to send you. You have until 5 pm next Friday, June 21. You have to follow my blog to guess and win. So, guess only on this post. I cannot guarantee the prize since I am still thinking what it will be. 

Enter HERE

Protect Heels When Walking in Summer Grass


This product would have helped me when I was younger and wearing high heels.

Once, a few years ago I was invited to a wedding held in a church with the reception in the yard of my friend, the mother of the groom. I wore a polka dot dress to the wedding with very high white heels. I planned ahead. I wore a shorter pair of heels with less than skinny heels. The heels on these were sort of scuffed, but I wore them. My friend and many of the young women were impressed with my shoe change as they hobbled around in heels in grass. I doubt if I will ever need these on my shoes as I am over wearing high heels.  They look handy. What do you think of them? 

Zara Tindall’s shoe trick to protect her favourite heels | Woman & Home (

Onto Tuesday

By Tuesday evening, I was just too tired to compose a sentence or three. Then, once again, I could not sleep. I cancelled Wednesday plans in Cullman. That's okay. Well, we were looking forward to going to the lake. 

I did call both friends in Cullman who are older and cannot get out to remind them of the pickup lunch. Neither cooks. My one friend will drive short distances but not even into Cullman. Her son can pick up the lunch. The other whose son took her car away, can let him pick up lunch. My other plans can wait.

So, let's see if I can manage Wednesday with a bit of sleep. At 5 am I came in and wrote a note to Tommy telling him the time and the fact I had not slept, saying I did not want to go. I finished, looked at him only to find he was staring at me. I gave a little yelp. It scared me so that it is a wonder I ever slept. 

We need to make two returns. We need to get ads from three stores. As far as I can remember, the rest of my things to do are on the phone. My laptop exploded with ads and virus threats. I tried to view the ads online but could not see the ads for popups. I just hope it does not take five days to get this resolved. McAfee may have lost me as a customer. We need milk and bananas. 

It has been three days since Tommy exploded or argued about anything. I am trying to teach him that an argument is not the end of everything, to eventually let it go, quit explaining to me how I am wrong. Just get over it like I do. It helps immensely that his blood sugar is controlled with the monitor. Even when I concede I am wrong, he usually keeps up the harangue. 

Willie Mays was in Birmingham for a celebration at Rickwood Field here in Birmingham. But, he died of heart failure. I definitely know the name, but all the specials on TV have helped me know so much more of his history. 

Gotta go. Since it is noon, I need to eat my breakfast. 

Are the heel protectors clever? 

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Today, even though I slept a lot, I did get a few things done that I needed to do. There were things I did not do, either. 

I did call my dentist to talk with tech who cleaned my teeth. I did not like the toothbrush she had given me. Well, she gave me two, so Tommy will get the one I opened and stuck in my mouth. This is a toothbrush I can recommend since the best brush ever was discontinued. If you need a toothbrush, I recommend Oral B Sensi Soft. It is not baby toothbrush soft, but not brutal on my gums. They were @/ at CVS. Tommy kept putting off going when they were 40% off last week. I do need to call back and get xray. 

We bought two ears of corn and 4 huge tomatoes last week, Tuesday, at the farmer's market and cut a tomato yesterday and the corn today. The corn had many worms and the tomatoes need to be eaten by tomorrow, market day once again. The corn was tossed. My chickens would have loved the worms on the corn and the corn.

Tommy only was asked to water the three hanging baskets. He watered the knockout rose and reported a rose about to bloom and more blossoms appearing. Good, all the ones fell off that were on the bush when I brought it home. He watered the Stella d' Oro, too. It is ready to bloom again. I hate for him to go out in the heat to water plants with half-gallon juice bottles. 

Today, I made a concerted effort to declutter the two tables beside me. They are cluttered easily and all the time, it seems. 

Tonight, I made cole slaw again. It is some of the best I have made. I quit putting so much vinegar in my slaw, so it tastes sweeter, not sugary, just not vinegar-y. Dinner--chicken tenders baked and coated with taste, two helping of slaw, tomato on the plate. Then, I made an open-faced tomato sandwich with one slice of bread, thick slice of tomato that covered the whole slice that had Miracle Whip on it. I ate it with a knife and fork.  Since I did not want to eat two slices of bread, I decided open-faced would work. It did. 

Tommy had chicken thigh, carrots, potatoes, and slaw. 

When I was about 15 or so, I ate 7 tomato sandwiches after dinner--bread, tomato, and Miracle Whip. My mother kept asking me if I was still hungry each time I made another. Yes, I was. I still did not weigh a hundred pounds yet. I only weighed 110 lbs. when I graduated. Maybe I just loved tomato sandwiches after the second one. But, I was 5' 7 1/2 inches. Maybe I will cook bacon tomorrow. 

When we cleared the freezer of food we did not need, I found a huge turkey breast. Cleaner said it looked so large she thought it was a turkey. When we have enough room in the refrigerator, we will thaw it and cook it. Then, I will slice some and leave some in chunks for meals. Of course, most of it will go into the freezer. But, I will be able to freeze my ice-cream freezer and make ice cream. I need to go weigh myself. 

The Giveaway. I am going to a rodeo this week, but it has no horses or cows. If you can guess what kind of rodeo, I will send you a prize. Look for the rest of the information here and put guess here--PRACTICAL PARSIMONY: I Finally Did It and a Giveaway (

I will try to sleep tonight instead of all day tomorrow. I don't actually sleep all night, just get up without enough sleep, stay up and then take a nap.  Tomorrow, I have a few plans as well as phone calls to make.

What is in your future tomorrow? Heat and more heat?

I Finally Did It and a Giveaway

 Today, I timed my nap so we could get dinner done before America's Funniest Videos. Usually, Tommy misses most of AFV. He says he does not care, but I hate he misses. So, I had him wake me from a little nap at 5 pm with carrots and potatoes peeled. I have to trim the carrots and cut eyes and bad places from the potatoes. He remembered to get an onion for me to cut. I reminded him of a piece of celery. 

I was in the dark trying to get the boneless, skinless chicken thighs and boneless, skinless tenders into the bag along with the vegetables. I thought I nicked the plastic bag on the bottom of the pan. I put water in the bag and we closed it and left it to bake. When Tommy took the pan out of the oven and opened the bag, he said, "You did." Consequently, The tiny tenders were dry and hard on ends. The huge pieces of potatoes had a harder outside than originally. The carrots were fine. I never did see the celery and onion. In all the years I have used the bags, I have never punctured the bag. 

Tommy is really serious about this monitor. He forgot to get it from the pharmacy yesterday, so was anxious to get it today and put it on. He walked straight to the kitchen and got it done immediately. He does not want it to run out. Of course, that was another $150.

We are going to a rodeo next week. It is not the kind with horses and cows. If anyone guesses what kind of rodeo, I will find a prize to send you. You have until 5 pm next Friday, June 21. You have to follow my blog to guess and win. So, guess only on this post. I cannot guarantee the prize since I am still thinking what it will be. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Credit Score

As soon as his 90 days of minutes is gone, Tommy is getting a phone that does more than twitter so that he can hear it. In the meantime, I will get him a pouch to hang the phone around his neck! 

 I have had this blank page opened, waiting to write. I opened it Friday afternoon. Now that it is 24 hours later, maybe I can write. I guess this is writer's block. 

Nothing happened on Friday except I tried to sleep and feel like a person who can actually accomplish things. When I woke from a nap at 8 pm. I wanted a salad, tuna with MW on a bed of salad mix. Well, there was no MW, so we went to Publix to buy. 

I put a pair of pants on under my nightgown which was so soft I did not want to take it off.  Hopefully, neighbors did not see me. I had two coupons for MW, so Tommy took those. After a bit, I remembered I had no bananas, so called him. A woman answered the phone, but I did not recognize that. She said, "I just picked up this phone from a shelf and I answered it." My head reeled with questions. I told her it belongs to Tommy, and I would send him back into the store. At that very moment, Tommy was coming out of the store. 

I honked the horn at him and waved my phone with the lit side toward him. He kept coming. I was hurting for him because he started coming faster, and I could tell he was exhausted. He came all the way to the car and turned around and hurried even faster. The customer service guy handed it out the door. 

Why was the phone on a shelf in the store is what you want to know, right? Quoting him, he was trying to keep it where he could hear me call. ???? Well, that didn't work. As soon as his 90 days of minutes is gone, Tommy is getting a phone that does more than twitter so that he can hear it. In the meantime, I will get him a pouch to hang the phone around his neck! 

Friday, we did remove stuff from the freezer and gave it away along with about another 40 cans of food. The guy came and collected it for the woman and five girls. That was a real chore, plus we stayed outside in the heat talking to him. 

He often has his flip phone hooked into the neck of his knit shirt. This is so it will be close to his ear. The Miracle Whip was on the very bottom shelf, so he did not want the phone to fall out of his shirt neck. He put it on the shelf  to keep it secure. sigh sigh sigh

Then we came home for me to ruin my dinner. I put way too much lemon in the can of tuna! It was awful, but I ate it anyway. He had chicken thigh with bbq sauce, potato, carrots and something else. 

Another thing, I received notification of my credit score--805. I am stunned it is so high. Of course, I do pay off 2CCs on time, 2 store cards, and a debit card, all on time. I never have anything on all of them at one time. And, I always pay them before I have any kind of charge. The debit card is used all the time and CCs only occasionally. 

It is almost 5 pm, and cleaner was going to be here a little after 4 pm. There is a lot to do around here, but I will give out after about two hours this time of day. Okay, cleaner came at a little after 5 pm. She said she thought she would give me a little longer to sleep. In a nice way, I told her I had been up since she called at 3:45. That I wanted to be up when she came and dressed. If she had told Tommy she would be here when she actually came, he would have let me sleep. 

She changed my bed. I sat while she got the rest of the food out of the freezer. I suppose I gave her 30 pounds of food, all meat. There was lots of bread Tommy will go through. He said some of the bread we took out of the freezer last time just crumbled and fell apart when he tried to use it, just to crumbs. Plus, I found two old bags of mashed bananas ready for banana bread. Tommy hates banana bread; I don't need it even though I love it. So, the clearing of the freezer is done. 

Dinner--I ate meatballs we uncovered, last of slaw, and green beans. He had meatballs and sauce on a hotdog bun and a huge salad. 

I have almost turned my nights back to sleeping instead of staying awake all night and sleeping all day. YAY me!

My side slowly quit hurting. Today, leaning over the chair hard to pick up things while she was doing the same, it started hurting again. So, I won't be doing that again. 

It was funny when Tommy was watching a heavy rain. He said, "Good, I won't have to water tonight." We got 1.4 inches in short order, quite a gully washer. 

How is your weekend? Rain? Rodeo? 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

 No, that was not my question. 

Where are all the cicadas? I have not seen one nor heard one. I did experience the last two swarms, but this one has eluded me. 

Sleep also eluded me on Wednesday night. But, I slept most of the day Thursday. 

It is early still, but I am making a list of things to do today. I need some things from Lowe's. We also need to fetch the other two store ads.

I cannot remember the other question. Today, we went to get the other two store ads late, left here at 4:30. There was no cheese on either one. I do not need to buy cheese, but I want to see how long it takes either of the three to have cheese on sale again. 

Tommy washed two loads of clothes today, towels and things for me and kitchen stuff. He is amazing, but I wish the washer and dryer were in the house where I can use them.

If you remember, in order to not have stacks of wrap boxes (waxed paper, two kinds of foil, Glad Wrap, different sizes of freezer bags, storage bags, snack bags) I bought two trash cans, sort of small and clearish to put all these items into and store on the freezer. For a long time, I have meant to put the little stubby stick-on things that will elevate the storage above the freezer. I know nothing should be place on or too close to the sides of freezers and refrigerators. Tommy said incredulously, "Since when?!" Since every one made, I suppose. So, I got those from Lowe's for a chore tonight or tomorrow. I know these should hold the trash bins further from freezer top. 

Oh, I remembered the question. I was talking to a friend I have known since 1974. We are not visiting friends even though her children know mine and I have done lots of business with her. We were talking since I was trying to reach her daughter. We got onto the subject of allergies, food allergies specifically. We have some of the same allergies and people around us who do not understand. 

While she talked, she said, "And Dr#### told me...." I listened with my mouth open and disbelief seething in my head and stomach. This is the same doctor who will not give me a bit of advice, walks out of room while I am talking. And, I have not been back in three years. I have another friend who went to him, too, and never went back after the first visit.

Anyway, to the point--the question. Friend said doctor told her to only eat white cheese. It seems the yellow coloring is in cheese and an allergen. I knew this but have never been told anything bad about it. I suppose I may need to find a2cheese to avoid the protein in milk I know that affects me and allergies. 

And, there is this history of the color of cheese--

Yellow Cheese vs. White Cheese: What's the Difference? (

Tonight, dinner for me is chicken/bbq sauce, slaw and green beans with no sodium. I used a hot dog bun to put the meat, sauce, and slaw to make a sandwich. I ate the rest without a bun. Tommy had chicken, bbq sauce, slaw, mixed vegetables, and a jalapeno cheese roll. It looks like a monkey bread muffin. 

Have you seen or heard cicadas?

Have you been advised to not eat yellow cheese?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sort of Busy Tuesday Grocery Shopping

Tommy casually mentioned that he watered the flowers while I took a nap. He said he decided to check his blood sugar first and he ate because he knew it would drop too low. He is using it correctly, not just waiting for the alarm to sound. I sort of talk to him about how to manage the monitor and diabetes in general. He would yell about me telling him to have a carb to raise his blood sugar and then when I told him to have protein and fiber, he would get upset again because he said I was contradicting what I said--eat carb to raise his blood sugar. I had explained before that carbs raised his blood sugar and protein would keep blood sugar from plunging. He gets the low blood sugar raised so he can remember to have the protein. whew!

We went to Cullman today. I finally managed to get another appointment to get my teeth cleaned. I called Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning, and finally on Tuesday afternoon found an appointment for the cleaning. The idea was to eat before the 1 pm appointment, and I was getting woozy. We sat in BK line, got Whopper Jr and had ten minutes to get to appointment. I was going to floss in waiting room and run a toothbrush around teeth. Maybe do it in bathroom. But, no sooner than I sat down, she called me back. I was embarrassed and apologized for gunky teeth.

She gave me two toothbrushes. I think I have had this toothbrush before and it is spiky like a needle and hurts my gums. I said so, and she assures me this one is soft, that everyone loves this model. No, it is spiky and hurts. So, Tommy has two new toothbrushes. I was complaining about my dull teeth, not really yellow but, not white. It is from inside of my teeth. She said that Sensodyne new formula would brighten. So, I have two tubes of that to try. My teeth are not sensitive, but I can try it.

I have had one tooth with plaque so bad I was annoyed by the roughness on my tongue. After she finished cleaning my teeth, I complained that I could still feel plaque and put my tongue on the place. Well, it appears I have a little sliver of tooth broken off an incisor. That is annoying. She said I did not have much plaque at all for it having been two years since last cleaning. 

If anyone thinks I should get a dentist here, I will not because I have gone to this dentist for over 30 years. I am terrified of going to the dentist. I know him. He has not made me hurt ever. The fear of a new dentist would throw me right back to being traumatized at the dentist office. This is a deep-seated, and 65-year-old fear. Even with familiarity with him, I am still really nervous. 

We left without going anywhere else that I really needed to go. We got my mail and headed home. I took a nap and we went to Publix. 

I used only bogo or some other deal and coupons from Publix. 

*2000 IU, D3 $8.59 3 bottles, used on $4 coupon on 3 bottles making it 3 x$4.59. 

Specia K $6.71, I thought this was bogo!

Tomato Basil Wheat Thins, Family Size, $5.39 Bogo 1 @$3.39

Ritz Crackers, Tommy requested, $5.99 bogo 1 x$3.00

2 Bird's Eye frozen broccoli, $3.49 bogo 2@$2.00 each

Pillsbury Fudge Brownie Mix $2.49 bogo 2@ $2.00

Peter Pan PB $4.11 bogo 2@ $2.05

Blueberry Muffin Mix $1.69 bogo 2@ $0.84

Italian Salad Mix $4.99 bogo 1@ $2.50

5 lbs potatoes $3.99

Cento Marin artichoke hearts $3.79

Saving Summary from receipt.                                                                                                                       Store Coupon $14.00                                                                                                                                     Special Price Savings $22.45

Savings at Publix $36.45

It seems like I bought more, but this was the whole receipt. I also had a $2 digital coupon that came off the receipt. I got it for buying $10 worth of groceries. Total receipt--$54.

The sweet mixes will last for months. I put fresh blueberries in these along with the little hard chips included in the mix. They are so much better with an overflow of fresh blueberries. 

I was looking for Wheat Thins Lightly Salted, but found the basil tomato version had less sodium, too. I will not just eat these for the fun of eating them. These will be reserved for time I just want a couple of crackers with cheese. 

I have enough Vitamin D3 to last me a year and still be in date. 

Even though the salad is bogo, I get one and before the ad goes off, I get another. That way, the salad is very fresh, as fresh as bagged salad can be. 

Dinner--two hotdogs and enormous helping of slaw. Tommy--two chicken legs, larger helping of slaw than I had. And, I had a lot.

 Tommy washed a load of clothes before we went to Publix, so I have to hang those. 

Tomorrow's post is just two questions on two different subjects. I am tired of typing today.

Anyone else terrified of going to dentist? What happened to cause you such fear? 

Do you use a toothpaste to whiten teeth?


Tuesday Good Deed


Nothing makes a person appreciate AC until it is lost or almost lost. Yesterday, when the ac guy said the  thermostat was on HEAT, Tommy and I were stunned. He said he did not turn it. I, also said I did not do it. We did not blame the other or argue, something strange for Tommy. Several times since, we both have marveled at the fact it was just set wrong. 

I did not sleep last night after I awoke with just three hours sleep at 12:30. It is 6 pm, and I have not been asleep since then. This is so frustrating. 

We won't be eating out until we recoup the $89 bill for the ac 'repair.'  

One day, I met a man in the grocery store whose girlfriend is having a hard time. I told him about a food pickup here. He could not go because he works. She could not go because of something, forgot what, but it sounded plausible. I offered to get food boxes for him. While there I got boxes for us. 

We gave them most of what was in our boxes plus the full two for them. This woman has 13 yo daughter. She has her drug-user sister's 13yo daughter, and addict brother's three girls, 3, 7, and 10. She has custody of the four girls, her nieces. That is five girls. So, they now have about $200 worth of groceries- 6 lbs carrots, 8 lbs sweet  potatoes, 20 applesauce cups, 4 cans marinara sauce, 4 -1lb bags pistachio, 4 cans green beans, 4 qts blueberry, About 50 or more cans of food not listed, 20 pounds of catfish, 8 cans of carrots, 4 packages raisins, 4 cans collards, 4 lbs. cucumbers 3 gallons milk, 20 strawberry/applesauce cups,  and more items I cannot remember. 

Of my boxes we kept 20 applesauce cups, 4 bag raisins, gal milk, 4 qts blueberries, 4 cans collard greens, and four cans green beans.  We did not keep enough to pay for the gas we used. We both feel really good about helping these little girls. We will do this for him often.

Tommy was exhausted carrying so many boxes on his walker in this heat. He put all our food away. We sat and watched part of the news and then left again. He needed new prescription from new endo. We went to farmer's market and bought cup (4) tomatoes, 2 ears corn, and a strawberry lemonade for $9.50.

We needed bread and slaw mix, so I wanted to go to Publix. Tommy said he was too tired and his knees hurt. I said I would go in and remembered I had on a knee-length dress so legs looked horrible. I told him he would have to go in. He sighed and said okay. He was standing by the car as I was looking in my purse. I heard him say something and was confused. "Can you bring that to me because I cannot walk that far." I looked up surprised. "I am going to use the damn cart." He was asking an employee taking electric cart back to the store to bring it to him. 

Many years ago when we were in better shape and less pain, I made him use the electric cart in Lowe's. I needed it for pain, but he needed it more. Lately, I have been telling him to use an electric cart, and he refuses. Now, I suppose he will use it more. I hate to see him hurting and making the osteoarthritis worse. One of these days, I will convince him to go to a doctor for it. He has not been to doctor about osteoarthritis since diagnoses. And, he refused to have surgery. I feel like there should be something to help him. 

Today, the four gallons of milk were given to us in a black plastic milk carton, so we can use that around the house.

We did a good deed that makes me happy. I got about three hours sleep after having no sleep last night. We finally got home-grown tomatoes and corn, and purslane bloomed. So, it was a very good day, very hot and sunny.  

This morning, the purslane had 12 blossoms! It is spectacular. The blossoms made my day. 

Tommy has been sooo peaceable today!!!

How was your Tuesday? 

Do you ever come across people in need and help them? 

Monday, June 10, 2024

High Heat; No AC--EDIT

 I had not slept for 21 hours and finally slept. Two hours later, I awoke suffocating. I thought Tommy had turned the ac warmer. No, no heat. It is about 85 outdoors. We sit behind the brick wall with no shade. It is 79 in hall where the thermostat is located. Of course, it feels 5 degrees warmer. It is warmer in my bedroom and living room.

It felt like I was suffocating when I awoke and is worse now, plus the difficulty in breathing is horrendous. 

5 pm now, and it will be 8 pm at the earliest when they come. 

I was going to wash my hair, so that will cool me. Then, we are getting in car with ac and going for something to eat. 

This heat makes me feel nauseous.

6:15 81F at thermostat!

6:30 AC is on. The thermostat was set on HEAT!  Tommy swears he did not do it. So do I. 

Cardiologist cancelled appointment tomorrow. 

Tommy was willing to go out to eat. I think we can find food here. We will see.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Nightmare

 Two nights ago or thereabouts, I dreamed I was talking to a very polished woman and I could barely hear her. As I asked her to speak more loudly, she looked puzzled and complied. However, I still could barely hear her. After a few embarrassing exchanges, it occurred to me I was deaf. That was a panic-inducing dream. Of course, I did not sleep after that. 

Last night, I did not sleep at all. Hopefully, I can partially straighten this out tonight. 

What I saw of today was a glorious, sunny, hot day. I hate that I did not feel well enough to go out and enjoy some of this June day. My flowers seemed to be happy, too. 

I was not up when Tommy ate dinner. He had a tiny pizza crust with spaghetti sauce, chicken and cheese with a salad of Romaine mix with sweet relish and mayonnaise. I had half a chicken breast that had been frozen previously and over half a can of green beans. Later, I will have strawberries and grapes. 

The cleaner obviously did not plan to come today since she never called or came. I was too sleepy, anyway. She sorted over half of the freezer, so I want the rest done. She sorts items as I want. If it is not working, she changes and sorts it differently. It's okay with me. 

Last time I went to podiatrist, I complained that I can no longer pick up a sock or anything from the floor with my toes. She sort of laughed. Bending over to pick up a washcloth seems like a lot of My flexible toes were so handy. 

Maybe the people next door took their dogs. They barked all the time. It is quiet and the yard is empty. Wouldn't a dog accustomed to people get lonely when the people only came once a day to feed them, never any interaction from adults or children?

Have you ever dreamed you were deaf or something> 

Can you still pick up things from the floor with your toes? 


A Pain & A Project

 Saturday was a good day. Nothing happened which was okay. We did go out for bananas and bread. He brought out bananas, Chips Ahoy cookies, and ice cream. Oh well. I will be strong and eat little and not very often The bag said 'Improved" which I thought meant they had ruined the cookies. They did not, thankfully.

We stayed home except for the Publix trip and a cruise around part of the neighborhood. I wanted to see if any other yard was so awful as the one next door. I had no intention of reporting anyone. Nope, this yard is by far the worst. We just got lucky. 

I awoke with a terrible pain in my flank, not quite like a kidney. Within moments of getting out of bed, it was all down the front of my body on that side from breast to leg. Lifting my arm is excruciating. I can only imagine it is a pulled muscle. Sometimes when I lean over the right side of my chair, trying to get something off the floor, I have a muscle twinge. 

The AARP Bulletin, the newsprint edition June 2024, has a focus on pain. I intend to read that carefully. Since I was seven, I have suffered a particular pain that my mother fussed at me for complaining about. I had a cut on the base of my thumb that needed stitches. From then on, anytime a sibling touched it, I cried and complained. My mother told me to quit complaining because she thought I wanted attention. When I was about 30, she suffered a horrendous pain to her hand when she picked up a 2 L Coke bottle from a shelf in her pantry that exploded in her hand. A year later after a long and painful recovery, she said she needed to apologize to me for thinking I was trying to get attention for pain. She said it hurt her every time she picked up anything or a dishcloth rubbed across the scar on the back of her hand.  It took another injury to nerves in that hand to stop my pain at the scar in my fifties. 

Pain is weird in its manifestation. Having fibromyalgia does not help at all. Not every scar hurt past the healing, just the one on my hand. 

The cleaner was supposed to come at 4 when she got off work. But, she never came. I wonder why. She will probably come after church tomorrow. 

Tommy's monitor keeps him on his toes. His blood sugar dropped from 70 to 50 in the few minutes it takes him to grab something to eat. He is now wondering why he can tell nothing about what his body is doing. I do, too. But, it is much more pleasant around here and not frightening when he drives. 

Now that the gate is replaced, the next project is removing the shed on a concrete pad. It will be a multi-step project, so I must find an electrician first. It has a bulb socket in it. Hopefully, the electrician will be the only person we have to pay. Someone can have it for scrap to sell. First, I have to get the tools we want out of the ruins of the shed. It is metal, so someone should want it for scrap. I am considering a plastic shed. Has anyone had any experience with a plastic shed?

When we went out at 7:15 tonight to go to store, I was shocked it was so bright and sunny. No clouds helped. No one was in the park, so serene. 

Until June 12, Publix has a coupon for $4 off Nature Made vitamins, and minerals. I used one coupon on multiple bottles. Nature Made is my preferred brand for Vit D and such. It is in a separate ad for coupons, a slick ad. 

I saw a cute video of a toddler seeing her mother's postpartum body in a rather tight outfit. The little girl said something to the effect of "You have another one in there?" I don't think she was thrilled.

Have you had a pain that continues with no abatement no matter the effort you make to subdue it? 

Have you ever had a child comment on your pregnant or postpartum body? I have. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Hallelujah! We found my cheese at a great price--$4/lb, rather than $4.79/ 8 oz. My 8 oz. block of cheese is now worth $2! That is less half of the price.  

As we were leaving, Tommy was cutting the tags and other store stuff from his fake Crocs. I watched him put one shoe on. Then, he pulled out the other shoe--"Damn!" He said he had gotten two left shoes. That was hard to imagine because they were on a plastic holder with tags. We were going to pack them up. He was getting the old shoes to wear once more when he discovered there were two right shoes. We had a good laugh. So, one less chore. 

We both needed our milk. Mine was still $4.49 for a half-gallon at Publix. I got my yearly Nabisco Grahams Original. I like them dipped in milk or with peanut butter. 

I did not sleep well last night, so I cancelled something planned for this afternoon and took a nap. The mower came and the grass looks great. Tommy's gate to the backyard has been off many years. Someone took it off and never put it back. So, mower put it back on. It turns out that the gate only needed to be lifted onto the hinge part of the fence. I don't understand that, but whatever. It is done. I am fixing things that make this place look shabby. Now, Tommy lets me do what needs to be done. 

Last night, allergies attacked me again. I am worse, aching eardrums, tinnitus, sore neck, not throat. When I went to allergist and had tests when I was 21, he came back with results and said, "It looks like you weren't meant to live in this world!" That is how I feel right now. In spite of that, we have had a good day. The sun shone today and it was dry. 

Dinner will be late tonight--turkey breasts, broccoli, carrots, potatoes roasted in a pan. Then, I will have strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. 

Do you have allergies? 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday and Elkhorn

 Today, we're focused. There was no browsing at all. We knew what we wanted and got it or left. Sometimes, I wander around looking for what is on a list in my head. Tommy's phone had no minutes, so I could not have done that if I wanted to do so. We talk back and forth to decide what was on the list. 

He wanted a card with minutes for his phone. But, he left one store to buy it at Dollar General. We needed plastic cups/tumblers for the house. He got cheap Crocs, 3 24-packs of Dasani that were b2g1. Then we were home and I took a nap. 

The mower did not come. I think it was dry enough, but he may live in a part of the county that got much more rain last night. He is supposed to come on Thursday every two weeks. But, that seldom happens. But, he will come eventually. 

We will eat leftovers for dinner and watch Elkhorn. I had baked chicken and green beans and a tiny chocolate cupcake. He had a highly seasoned piece of chicken, broccoli, and green beans and a jalapeno biscuit. That's as far as we have planned. Well, I will have 3 strawberries and about 8 grapes. 

After weeks of watching Elkhorn, I finally decided to look up Mason Beals, Theodore Roosevelt on the series. He has practically NO history. He is an amazing actor who looks like Roosevelt. Have you been watching this series?

Today has been lots of coughing and chest congestion. Not fun and tiring. 

June is the best month of the year in my opinion. The days are green, not too much heat, just enough rain, and overall pleasant. It is a happy month?

How do you feel about June? 

Have you been watching Elkhorn? 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Telephone Woes & Cheese Issues

 Today, Tommy spent another $150 on the device to stick on his arm, Dexcom G7, to monitor his blood sugar. As it turns out, the doctor's office only gave the diabetes supply place his cell phone number. I remember giving them his home number and saying to leave a message. He did, too. Why did they not leave a message? They only called the cell phone and hung up without leaving a message. He is out $300 now. Hopefully, he can recover that and the other $150 somehow. 

In the meantime, his cell phone cannot be paid over the phone. Last night, he called as usual to make a payment. The person entered his cc # wrong. He called back and they entered it wrong again. He called his bank who confirmed they entered the number wrong and told Tommy to tell them to re-enter. The phone company re-sent the number ten times and still the wrong information was sent to bank. He is without phone service and was really upset last night. 

I tried the same thing tonight, and his cc is worthless, the same cc he has used for the last month. His bank says it works. His bank says it is tracphone issue. I was told by phone company that there was no cs because they were cs and no one else in the world could talk to us or help us. I give up, and I am making him give up. Go back to store and see if they can help. He does not want to use any other cc because he gets back money with this card. The cost is only $19/3mos. Now, he is searching for the original contract.

On the internet, I was informed that the cell number belonged to someone else. Okay, I insist after more calls and more internet tries that we stop for tonight. This exhausts me. We check and recheck the numbers we enter. It is not us. 

Today, we collected the ads. None have a sale on Kraft Medium Cheddar Cheese. That is strange there has been no sale on it for at least a month.  

When I made Mediterranean Pasta, it was not right. I thought and thought, trying to figure out what was missing. No luck. Just now, it came to me--feta cheese. No wonder it was off. 

I managed to make no calls that I needed to make today since I slept too long. However, it appears all the head congestion is cleared or clearing out. So, I am not so exhausted. I no longer feel ill. No low-grade fever. Yay for me and people who read here and get frustrated my health is obstructed by severe allergies.  

Both my citrus trees appear to have died over the winter indoors. One time, I was sick with covid and did not get in the room where they are to be watered.  Next winter, I may keep them right here in the living room! Their apparent demise makes me sad.   

Today was a pretty day but tonight we had storms blow through, but not as strong as last night. Nothing exciting happened all day long, just like I like the day to go. We did plug up the larger chargers to our chairs in case of a power outage. 

Do you ever cook something and struggle to figure out what you left out? Or, maybe what you should not have added? 

Has heard anything about supply chain issues with Kraft cheese or any other issues? 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Found Our Market

 Today, I concluded my business with my paid-for-dearly computer protection. On May 31, 2024, I finally hung up waiting on a call from then in ten minutes. I forgot what day after that I called for the second time. But, today, I had it. Every time I call, I have to repeat the problem even though they are making notes, they say. I talked to the third person today who refused to pass me to the person who could help me unless I repeated my problem another time. Finally, not my finest hour, I yelled at him. He said petulantly that he was going to hang up. I hung up and was planning how to get in touch with someone besides a telephone answerer.

Then, Nikhil called and asked what the problem was. I told him the two issues I was having with my computer. Then, he repeated it back to me confusing the two problems by making it one strange problem. He tried to convince me the last guy had helped me. I watched the cursor. All he did was remove the ad blocker, something I did not want him to do! When he realized I had watched the cursor, he tried convincing me I did not understand. 

Then, since he did not understand the problem, he tried to convince me again that I just needed to advance to next line by using a key. I was fit to be tied. He said in a condescending voice, "Are you having trouble understanding?" He was treating me like the village idiot or some doddering old person. I told him I have had a computer for almost 40 years. He backtracked quickly. 

I pointed out that calling me back on May 31 never happened, nor call after that. He kept trying to explain that the people were doing what they were supposed to do. Never call back?...twice? Not good customer service! Finally, he declared he solved both my problems. Not so. 

We had just returned from several successful missions. We helped a woman, her two children, her brother's child, and the grandmother. We gave her our number to give her more help. That was satisfying. 

The Farmer's market where we shopped moved locations. We missed the first day. Then, the second time, we could not find vendors we wanted. Today, we went flying out fifteen minutes before the market closed. We fund them right off the bat about 7 pm as they were closing and packing up. We talked a bit and found they would be in same spot, something we figured. I was going to buy a fresh peach lemonade, but for some reason, they just gave it to me. The drinks are not covered by vegetable card. 

Since I have Medicaid, I get a card with $50 on it to spend only with approved farmers. These farmers have to be approved, farmers not people who buy from markets to resell. We had so many vegetables today, we really could not use more. So, now we know where to shop on Tuesday for produce grown in this county. This is a nationwide program. Write me at if you want more information. 

A roaring rainstorm with thunder and lightning blew through here a few moments ago. Tommy and I were so shocked we just looked at each other. It only lasted five minutes, noisy and rain blowing. More is coming from down Tuscaloosa way. Here comes the rain forecast earlier. 

By the way, if you don't like me raising my voice after five hours on the phone over a week's time with guys refusing to send me to cs, don't tell me. And, don't tell me you have never raised your voice at an obstructionist, a man who knows better than you, who will let your laptop be infested with spyware. 

This has been a long day without a much-needed nap thanks to the heat. 

How was your day? Hot where you are? I just looked out the door, and it so muggy here.


 I am pooped! Today was a busy day. Not only was the day busy, but I did not quite get enough sleep, had no chance for a nap, and was involved in what was going on here. 

Tommy put together a carpet cleaner and used it in several places. We were both happy with the results. This was a cheap Bissell--$113. Neither of us has ever used one. This was almost as much as a rental. Plus, there is too much to do for him to do it in one day. This 44yo carpet is a mess. I have watched him spill stuff and just ignore huge coffee or hot chocolate spots on the carpet. Amazingly, the cleaner cleaned really old spots on which he used the carpet cleaner. 

Then, we had a chore out that involved me lifting small amounts over and over! The lifting is something a child could do but hurt me! 

The cleaner came and started emptying the freezer, sorting and replacing what we wanted. There were dates from 2020. There must be 50 or more items frozen that are cooked and in a single portion bag. Tommy will love having all this prepared and a variety at his fingertips. I found pecans, shredded coconut, frozen rhubarb, blueberries, and strawberries. 

I had bought baskets/bins to put things into and on shelves in the freezer. Of course, I forgot to empty them since I have used them elsewhere. I will have those ready when she comes to do the rest of the freezer. She left one job, went to doctor, came here, and then had to go to her other job. So, there was no more time. 

Any mashed bananas were thrown out. Tommy hates bananas. Besides, I cannot stand long enough to make banana bread, and don't need it tempting me. 

We sorted the door, too. About 1/2 of the freezer has not been touched and sorted. So, she will be back sometime for that. She took home a bag full of food, too. 

I gave away lots of frozen meats and frozen yogurt that I dislike intensely. Someone will eat well. I tried to give the meat to a man who was in cardiac rehab! He would not take it. Good for him.

While we were out, I bought more pimiento and cheese. When I finally get cheese, I will be all set. Surely, this week, some store, somewhere will have Kraft Medium Cheddar Cheese chunks on sale. 

I decided I could not stay up any longer so to nap from 8-10. I could not fall asleep until 10 and woke at 11:30. It is midnight now after having cold chicken breast and slaw. Two gallons of blueberries are on the stove. These will be delicious with yogurt or cottage cheese. 

I think I will go back to bed since I awoke with a sore throat. Yes, I know I am ill again. I am freezing and suspect I am running a temp. 

Do you have a carpet cleaner? Does it do a good job? Leave carpets too wet? One review said this one left carpet wet and it mildewed. 

When you empty your freezer if you have one, are you happily surprised by the food you unearth? I found two pineapple popsicles. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday Busy

 Do you remember Jamming with Sasquatch?

PRACTICAL PARSIMONY: Jamming with Sasquatch (

He finds all sorts of good ideas and finds them at a much lower price. This is basically space foil below. Instead of the pink panther to keep house insulated, he uses the product below, like space foil. It is what is used to insulate the space craft. This is cheaper and lighter. He would have spent over $1000 to pay someone for this product and to insulate his attic. However, he bought two rolls of the foil because he needed a bit over one roll and did the job himself.

Perforated Radiant Barrier Foil - 4' x 250' (1000 SF) | EcoFoil

Has anyone ever used this insulation?

I was going to post today, but I spent time saving money getting rid of lying Spectrum, paid my bills, made arrangements to return irrigation products to Amazon. Then, we started a big project. Plus, I transferred three pounds of strawberries to glass containers to keep them from spoiling. So, this is it.