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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Frustrating Start to Day & 101F

 Two positives from Tuesday have turned to complete frustration on Wednesday. I felt so positive until I opened the mail later Tuesday. I was up to the challenge, but this has turned out to be an ordeal.

When we went to far away UPS store, Tommy was turned away as they needed a QR code. So, this morning I was going to call and see what happened. Now, I realize I received two emails from Amazon. One is for a scheduled pickup. The other is to take the package to UPS store. As I looked at the pickup notice, I found I must pay for pickup. Not happening. 

I made a call to the same number I called for the return. I got one of those messages--If you are over 50, press #1. If you are under 50, press #2.  Since I have made the mistake of pressing #1 before and have been subjected to a sales pitch, I pressed #2. That backfired since I got ten minutes of sales pitches. Then the sales pitch hung up on me. 

So, I decided to call Verizon. I had the bill reduced to $25 instead of the almost $75 per month we pay now. Well, they raised the amount of our bill. How does that happen? Now, it seems my calls to rectify this won't go through. So, we will drive to the phone store! 

This is not how I wanted to spend Wednesday. We did plan to go to Cullman, but it is so hot and we don't want to be out if the predicted storms catch us on the interstate. 

Tommy has been on the front porch for thirty minutes shucking 6 ears of corn. He does it the hard way and then completely removes all the silk by hand. I have told him to use the vegetable brush. Maybe he enjoys removing the silk this way. The sun has not reached him yet, so he will just shuck and silk how he wants. He reported worms in the last two ears last week, so these must be okay since he is still working on them. Good! I want corn and tomatoes and slaw for dinner. He just came in and said the sun was about to get to him. He had been sitting in shade of porch

The pizza is still bothering my stomach. So, my stomach medicine will have to calm my stomach before I eat.

Today's plans are to make tuna salad, make pimiento and cheese, mix the slaw. Maybe I will cook a protein. I want nothing to stand in the way of watching every second of the debate on Thursday night. So, I will at least have leftovers to heat in a hurry. 

Yesterday, after the pizza about 5 pm, I only had a small apple the rest of the night. It is 2 pm on Thursday, and I still have had nothing except water! I hurt and am not hungry yet. 

We went out to get the ads but came home before going to phone store. A bad storm warning was for this afternoon. The clouds were so dark and there were sprinkles. We went to park for a bit and came home just as the sprinkles were starting. I found a return label for the return that Tommy had not seen, but I have no idea when it was left. 

It was very hot and humid when we left the house, but actually cool when we returned, even before the sprinkles. At least Tommy won't have to water the flowers. I just found out that after all the rain in the area, my flowers only got a mist of rain. However, without my asking him, Tommy watered all the flower. The purslane blooms are so beautiful and prolific. 

Oh, the dogs are still next door. We think they retreated to the back of the yard under trees to escape the torrid conditions where they love to lay. I am sure the close proximity to Tommy's brick house and the full sun where they lie and where dog houses are located keep them hotter than normal. We have not heard one bark. They just sit or stand, never play, and look sad. 

Dinner--country fried steak and gravy, cabbage, potato bit, carrots for both of us. 

It's a bummer to have a day of accomplishments all turned on end the next day. Right? 


  1. Please call animal control or shelter or cops for those poor dogs. Makes me heart sick. It is animal abuse IMO.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I did but hate to call again since they are usually on the ball with my calling them. But, I suppose I should. Thanks.

  2. Country fried steak is one of my favorite meals!

    1. Tiffany,
      Tommy really enjoyed it, too. We had three. I gave him two.

  3. Yes, yes. Please call again. Those dogs need to be removed immediately. That is just pathetic for those poor animals. They may be hungry and thirsty as well.

    1. Cheryl,
      They have certainly changed their behavior. They no longer bark at anything. And, they just stand and pant.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.