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Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Hallelujah! We found my cheese at a great price--$4/lb, rather than $4.79/ 8 oz. My 8 oz. block of cheese is now worth $2! That is less half of the price.  

As we were leaving, Tommy was cutting the tags and other store stuff from his fake Crocs. I watched him put one shoe on. Then, he pulled out the other shoe--"Damn!" He said he had gotten two left shoes. That was hard to imagine because they were on a plastic holder with tags. We were going to pack them up. He was getting the old shoes to wear once more when he discovered there were two right shoes. We had a good laugh. So, one less chore. 

We both needed our milk. Mine was still $4.49 for a half-gallon at Publix. I got my yearly Nabisco Grahams Original. I like them dipped in milk or with peanut butter. 

I did not sleep well last night, so I cancelled something planned for this afternoon and took a nap. The mower came and the grass looks great. Tommy's gate to the backyard has been off many years. Someone took it off and never put it back. So, mower put it back on. It turns out that the gate only needed to be lifted onto the hinge part of the fence. I don't understand that, but whatever. It is done. I am fixing things that make this place look shabby. Now, Tommy lets me do what needs to be done. 

Last night, allergies attacked me again. I am worse, aching eardrums, tinnitus, sore neck, not throat. When I went to allergist and had tests when I was 21, he came back with results and said, "It looks like you weren't meant to live in this world!" That is how I feel right now. In spite of that, we have had a good day. The sun shone today and it was dry. 

Dinner will be late tonight--turkey breasts, broccoli, carrots, potatoes roasted in a pan. Then, I will have strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. 

Do you have allergies? 


  1. Very allergic to mold and plantain weed, according to allergist. Hope your allergies settle down. How long does 8oz of cheese last you?

    1. Tewshooz,
      I am so allergic to mold. Who knows if they will settle down. It would be nice. Some times, I eat it in pimiento and cheese and it is gone if a few days. Other times, it lasts longer. It's hard to say. I suppose I should time it.

  2. I have seasonal allergies and I'm allergic to caffeine (the horror!)

    1. One,
      I must severely limit caffeine due to my heart beating too fast, but I don't call that an allergy. I read that even decaffeinated products still have some caffeine.

  3. I am moderately allergic to mold, house dust, cats and get contact dermatitis with dogs. I also have also fairly recently developed a hard time with most fragrances, finding that they cause dermatitis. As I refuse to live without cats, I combat the problem by vacuuming and dusting regularly. Kids who use fragrance put them on in front of open windows, or outside. A lot of fragrances also triggered migraine headaches when I was getting them. The problem with fragrance is a shame, because I used to love scented candles, but even handling them can cause my hands to break out. Now I only burn beeswax candles (which I make). Some of the information I have read says they clean the air. I tend to believe this, because they release negative ions when burned, which is what air purifiers do. Regardless, ever since we switched to only beeswax, even the kids notice the way scented, paraffin candles make the air feel, (eyes get a bit scratchy) for all they emit beautiful scents. I especially miss the candles which had crackling wicks. I attempted to try to place wood wicks in my beeswax candles, but what causes the candles Woodwick candles to crackle is impurities, including cellulose in the wick. I have tried using wood wicks in my beeswax candles, but even when I dipped the wicks in beeswax, I couldn't get a crackle sound! The wax burns too cleanly.

    1. Meg,
      Most scents affect me adversely. Only one candle scent can I handle--White wisteria. I am so ignorant of candles that I have never heard of a crackling candle.

    2. Meg B. Try Aller Pet for cats. It is a liquid I spray on a cloth and then rub down the cat. Removes allergens from their saliva in their fur. I works, cause I am allergic to cats, too. Use once a week.

    3. Beeswax candles produce no soot as all other candles do. I love them.

    4. Tewshooz,
      Never hear of Allercat. Interesting. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.