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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday Good Deed


Nothing makes a person appreciate AC until it is lost or almost lost. Yesterday, when the ac guy said the  thermostat was on HEAT, Tommy and I were stunned. He said he did not turn it. I, also said I did not do it. We did not blame the other or argue, something strange for Tommy. Several times since, we both have marveled at the fact it was just set wrong. 

I did not sleep last night after I awoke with just three hours sleep at 12:30. It is 6 pm, and I have not been asleep since then. This is so frustrating. 

We won't be eating out until we recoup the $89 bill for the ac 'repair.'  

One day, I met a man in the grocery store whose girlfriend is having a hard time. I told him about a food pickup here. He could not go because he works. She could not go because of something, forgot what, but it sounded plausible. I offered to get food boxes for him. While there I got boxes for us. 

We gave them most of what was in our boxes plus the full two for them. This woman has 13 yo daughter. She has her drug-user sister's 13yo daughter, and addict brother's three girls, 3, 7, and 10. She has custody of the four girls, her nieces. That is five girls. So, they now have about $200 worth of groceries- 6 lbs carrots, 8 lbs sweet  potatoes, 20 applesauce cups, 4 cans marinara sauce, 4 -1lb bags pistachio, 4 cans green beans, 4 qts blueberry, About 50 or more cans of food not listed, 20 pounds of catfish, 8 cans of carrots, 4 packages raisins, 4 cans collards, 4 lbs. cucumbers 3 gallons milk, 20 strawberry/applesauce cups,  and more items I cannot remember. 

Of my boxes we kept 20 applesauce cups, 4 bag raisins, gal milk, 4 qts blueberries, 4 cans collard greens, and four cans green beans.  We did not keep enough to pay for the gas we used. We both feel really good about helping these little girls. We will do this for him often.

Tommy was exhausted carrying so many boxes on his walker in this heat. He put all our food away. We sat and watched part of the news and then left again. He needed new prescription from new endo. We went to farmer's market and bought cup (4) tomatoes, 2 ears corn, and a strawberry lemonade for $9.50.

We needed bread and slaw mix, so I wanted to go to Publix. Tommy said he was too tired and his knees hurt. I said I would go in and remembered I had on a knee-length dress so legs looked horrible. I told him he would have to go in. He sighed and said okay. He was standing by the car as I was looking in my purse. I heard him say something and was confused. "Can you bring that to me because I cannot walk that far." I looked up surprised. "I am going to use the damn cart." He was asking an employee taking electric cart back to the store to bring it to him. 

Many years ago when we were in better shape and less pain, I made him use the electric cart in Lowe's. I needed it for pain, but he needed it more. Lately, I have been telling him to use an electric cart, and he refuses. Now, I suppose he will use it more. I hate to see him hurting and making the osteoarthritis worse. One of these days, I will convince him to go to a doctor for it. He has not been to doctor about osteoarthritis since diagnoses. And, he refused to have surgery. I feel like there should be something to help him. 

Today, the four gallons of milk were given to us in a black plastic milk carton, so we can use that around the house.

We did a good deed that makes me happy. I got about three hours sleep after having no sleep last night. We finally got home-grown tomatoes and corn, and purslane bloomed. So, it was a very good day, very hot and sunny.  

This morning, the purslane had 12 blossoms! It is spectacular. The blossoms made my day. 

Tommy has been sooo peaceable today!!!

How was your Tuesday? 

Do you ever come across people in need and help them? 


  1. It sounds like you managed to give that family a very large amount of food. When things are tough and survival is the priority, food becomes all consuming: obtaining it, cooking it, figuring out the next meal.....
    I'm glad Tommy decided to use the cart, there's no point in suffering for pride.
    I have helped people who were having a hard time in the past. I gave $5 to a beggar last week and my son thought I was stupid for doing so. Maybe I was stupid but if he was genuinely in need and I didn't give him a few coins, that would be embarassing

    1. kylie,
      The woman had told this guy the five girls were eating her out of house and home. There is no sense in her being so stressed when we can help.
      He must have come to that conclusion today. I know he was hurting.
      Last year, I had money to give and gave two different women $100 each. I doubt either misused it. But, if a tube of lipstick helps someone, then they should buy the lipstick.

  2. My husband volunteers with Feeding America at two locations in our county each month. Every time he goes, he brings food back for three families who really need it. The family who needs it the most seems the least grateful. Not sure what that says about them or society as a whole.

    1. Alice,
      Their response makes you wonder what is happening. But, it is nice of him to help FA and the three families.

    2. Honestly, I think it's because they think they deserve things. There's a mentality that it seems like people get when they get used to others doing for them. I guess there's a slight chance that they could just be too embarrassed to say thank you? I don't know. I try hard to just do good for them whether they're grateful or not. It's hard work.

    3. Alice,
      It was definitely hard to do what we did! I do keep helping even when people seem not to have manners. I think if I were embarrassed, I might have a meek, head-down reaction and say thank you.

  3. Good morning, I had lost your blog and just found it looking on Out My Window
    Glad y’all got so much food, wow!

    1. Rhonda,
      I am glad you found me! It definitely was a lot, so getting some for her while I got mine was easy.

  4. That's great to help and good to hear Tommy seems to be doing better.

    1. One,
      We cannot work at a food bank, but we can haul food to people. We could do more of that, but often the people who need food delivered have mobility issues, so we cannot be of help there. Tommy is doing sooo much better. There is less arguing and being verbally and physically abusive.

  5. I sleep a couple hours at a time, so does Charlotte now unless she goes to her "den" in basement. Hubby is now sleeping 7-8 hrs with his bipap machine after 4 decades of only sleeping 4 hrs the most a day.

    1. Chef,
      There are periods I accept I will sleep only four hours or less but getting enough sleep eventually. Or not. I am so happy that your husband can get proper sleep. Can you use a cpap, too?

  6. I try very much to help others in need, lest they be guardian angels in disguise reporting back on how I treated my fellow beings.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.