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Monday, June 10, 2024

High Heat; No AC--EDIT

 I had not slept for 21 hours and finally slept. Two hours later, I awoke suffocating. I thought Tommy had turned the ac warmer. No, no heat. It is about 85 outdoors. We sit behind the brick wall with no shade. It is 79 in hall where the thermostat is located. Of course, it feels 5 degrees warmer. It is warmer in my bedroom and living room.

It felt like I was suffocating when I awoke and is worse now, plus the difficulty in breathing is horrendous. 

5 pm now, and it will be 8 pm at the earliest when they come. 

I was going to wash my hair, so that will cool me. Then, we are getting in car with ac and going for something to eat. 

This heat makes me feel nauseous.

6:15 81F at thermostat!

6:30 AC is on. The thermostat was set on HEAT!  Tommy swears he did not do it. So do I. 

Cardiologist cancelled appointment tomorrow. 

Tommy was willing to go out to eat. I think we can find food here. We will see.


  1. Well, at least you didn't have to pay for a repair! If it's a touch screen, one of you probably inadvertently changed the setting just by leaning in too close and brushing it while checking it. For this reason, I despise touch screens! Also, if you had a power surge or light flickering, that may have caused it to change settings. Funny: When we lived in the southwest, the power company would send out public service fliers in summer suggesting customers set their thermostats to 80 degrees to optimize economy and comfort. Comfort for whom? A Gecko?

    1. Meg,
      Not a touchscreen. It is a slide thing that is difficult to move. At least it is not easy like a touch screen. I would really die at 80. I hope they did not try to enforce that. Yeah, a gecko!

  2. Glad you figured it out. Another way to cool down is a damp towel around your neck

  3. It really doesn't matter who did it (although honestly? I'd put money on Tommy being the culprit). Because at least there was a simple, no-cost fix to the problem!

    1. Sue,
      Me too. It did cost $89. But, at least he was not blaming me. I told him we would just try to not spend money on eating at fast food for a couple of weeks.

  4. no sleep? That ain't good! I hope by now you are doing better.

    1. Some days, I get no sleep. Some days, I do.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.