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Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 I am pooped! Today was a busy day. Not only was the day busy, but I did not quite get enough sleep, had no chance for a nap, and was involved in what was going on here. 

Tommy put together a carpet cleaner and used it in several places. We were both happy with the results. This was a cheap Bissell--$113. Neither of us has ever used one. This was almost as much as a rental. Plus, there is too much to do for him to do it in one day. This 44yo carpet is a mess. I have watched him spill stuff and just ignore huge coffee or hot chocolate spots on the carpet. Amazingly, the cleaner cleaned really old spots on which he used the carpet cleaner. 

Then, we had a chore out that involved me lifting small amounts over and over! The lifting is something a child could do but hurt me! 

The cleaner came and started emptying the freezer, sorting and replacing what we wanted. There were dates from 2020. There must be 50 or more items frozen that are cooked and in a single portion bag. Tommy will love having all this prepared and a variety at his fingertips. I found pecans, shredded coconut, frozen rhubarb, blueberries, and strawberries. 

I had bought baskets/bins to put things into and on shelves in the freezer. Of course, I forgot to empty them since I have used them elsewhere. I will have those ready when she comes to do the rest of the freezer. She left one job, went to doctor, came here, and then had to go to her other job. So, there was no more time. 

Any mashed bananas were thrown out. Tommy hates bananas. Besides, I cannot stand long enough to make banana bread, and don't need it tempting me. 

We sorted the door, too. About 1/2 of the freezer has not been touched and sorted. So, she will be back sometime for that. She took home a bag full of food, too. 

I gave away lots of frozen meats and frozen yogurt that I dislike intensely. Someone will eat well. I tried to give the meat to a man who was in cardiac rehab! He would not take it. Good for him.

While we were out, I bought more pimiento and cheese. When I finally get cheese, I will be all set. Surely, this week, some store, somewhere will have Kraft Medium Cheddar Cheese chunks on sale. 

I decided I could not stay up any longer so to nap from 8-10. I could not fall asleep until 10 and woke at 11:30. It is midnight now after having cold chicken breast and slaw. Two gallons of blueberries are on the stove. These will be delicious with yogurt or cottage cheese. 

I think I will go back to bed since I awoke with a sore throat. Yes, I know I am ill again. I am freezing and suspect I am running a temp. 

Do you have a carpet cleaner? Does it do a good job? Leave carpets too wet? One review said this one left carpet wet and it mildewed. 

When you empty your freezer if you have one, are you happily surprised by the food you unearth? I found two pineapple popsicles. 


  1. Hope you aren't sick. I have used a carpet cleaner and then turned a fan on the area to help dry.
    I usually find a few hidden things in the freezer, but not many.

    1. Cheryl,
      The sore throat is gone, now ears are painful. During the allergy seasons, I manage to stay sick! The air return is like a really strong wind down the hall and around the living room, so that will probably take care of the wet.

      It seemed like everything was hidden. She put all the leftovers stored with food we cooked to store, so raw meat is separate. Tommy goes in and digs, looking for something to eat. Now, he won't have to dig so much.

  2. Oh, I love it when the carpets get cleaned. They are so nice afterwards.

    1. Belinda,
      Since he can only do so much, we are getting it cleaned piecemeal. But, the huge coffee spots near his chair are gone, and the carpets seem softer, too.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.