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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday and Elkhorn

 Today, we're focused. There was no browsing at all. We knew what we wanted and got it or left. Sometimes, I wander around looking for what is on a list in my head. Tommy's phone had no minutes, so I could not have done that if I wanted to do so. We talk back and forth to decide what was on the list. 

He wanted a card with minutes for his phone. But, he left one store to buy it at Dollar General. We needed plastic cups/tumblers for the house. He got cheap Crocs, 3 24-packs of Dasani that were b2g1. Then we were home and I took a nap. 

The mower did not come. I think it was dry enough, but he may live in a part of the county that got much more rain last night. He is supposed to come on Thursday every two weeks. But, that seldom happens. But, he will come eventually. 

We will eat leftovers for dinner and watch Elkhorn. I had baked chicken and green beans and a tiny chocolate cupcake. He had a highly seasoned piece of chicken, broccoli, and green beans and a jalapeno biscuit. That's as far as we have planned. Well, I will have 3 strawberries and about 8 grapes. 

After weeks of watching Elkhorn, I finally decided to look up Mason Beals, Theodore Roosevelt on the series. He has practically NO history. He is an amazing actor who looks like Roosevelt. Have you been watching this series?

Today has been lots of coughing and chest congestion. Not fun and tiring. 

June is the best month of the year in my opinion. The days are green, not too much heat, just enough rain, and overall pleasant. It is a happy month?

How do you feel about June? 

Have you been watching Elkhorn? 


  1. I love June with May a close second. My favorite time of year! I have a trac phone with unlimited minutes. Get the plan online for 20 bucks a month. We got rid of tv years ago. Hope your congestion gets better soon

    1. Tewshooz,
      He paid $19 for 3 months. Online will not recognize his card as valid, either. Oh, I love tv, not going anywhere! May is nice, too.

  2. My favorite seasons are fall and spring, so I prefer May and October/November. I find May to have the best temperature range (60-70). I love autumn, so October and November are both wonderful. I love the windswept clouds, darker skies, cooler temps--all of it feels cozy and right to me.

    I like summer the least because of high temps/humidity. Winter is better than summer, for sure. I like that the light increases throughout winter. Makes the cold so much more tolerable.

    1. Sue,
      Sun definitely makes the low temps more tolerable. You have definitely hit the descriptions of the month perfectly.

  3. My favorite month is October before it gets too cold. This past May was much more pleasant than usual.. temps were perfect (60s/70s) & lots of thunderstorms. June is gettin' to be a bit toasty.

    1. Tiffany,
      Yes, October can be quite pleasant. But, it is my worst allergy month and things are starting to get brown. June is getting to be a bit toasty, but I still love June as it is also so green.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.