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Friday, June 28, 2024

Chicken or Not Chicken

 Tommy and I have had a discussion off and on for about four days. I asked him if he put the whole chicken in the refrigerator to thaw. He said no, that he put it in freezer. I told him I wanted it to thaw. He said I told him to put it in the freezer. I looked in refrigerator for milk and saw a bulging chicken-like thing. I felt it--smooth like a chicken and not too hard, maybe thawing?

When I sat down, we discussed this. I asked him why he put chicken in a plastic bag on the top shelf. He said the chicken was sitting on a small cookie pan. I calmed down then. 

Wednesday, I wanted to roast that chicken. He once again told me there was no chicken. I reminded him about him saying it was sitting on a pan. I described exactly where it was located. Then, he knew what I was talking about. He declared:

"That is a cabbage!" 

We had a good laugh. So, I won't be roasting chicken or cabbage. 

He did not want the freshly shucked corn on the cob, so it did not get cooked. I think we finished the squash and cabbage we cooked earlier this week. I hope the tomatoes are still good. 

Tommy now has two walkers. The one I ordered in a hurry because his broke and he had to use mine is huge and very heavy to lift in and out of the car. Besides, he was beating up furniture and doors. Then, he was given a replacement walker for the one that broke. I suggested he use the heavier. larger one in the car and use the lighter. smaller one in the house. So, now he drives the lighter one to car, unloads things like our water bottles to car, then turns around and leaves it on the lawn next to the ramp. 

Usually, when we get home, I push his walker to him so he does not have to walk to it and then back to the car to get groceries and stuff from the car. This will all work as long as it does not get ruined in the rain or this winter. When I have to hold onto the car, like when I get in, I think I will get burns on my hands. I don't know how he holds onto the hot car all the way across the back of the car and then to driver door. 

Today, we finally made the return at a store and dropped off the UPS. I said for the fortieth time, "Why don't we stop and look at a car," as I gestured toward a Ford dealership. I finally found an SUV I could get into and one that did not hurt my back. We found many that won't work for us. More tomorrow.

Do you hate shopping for a car? I do.

We are still laughing and joking about the cabbage chicken.

We watched the debate. Did you?  


  1. Not sure what happened...actually, I do....I was looking to send you a link for walker skis and walker ski covers, and when I came back, POOF.
    We did watch the debate. I had a real time fact check open on my device and it went ping, ping, ping every time the felon spoke. Sadly, right at closing remarks something awful happened in the house, so the dump trump campaign was sidetracked to tend to it.
    When DH needed his walker during his recovery, we used two...the smaller one for inside, and the bigger one with wheels, which folds to a chair, for outdoors/appointments. We are still using that one outside...apparently the chair is comfortable, and it also serves as a great ammo rack when we are shooting.

    1. Meg,
      I hate when that happens!
      I was the pingping here, but it was liar liar liar to the TV. I hope the something that happened is okay now.
      I keep saying I wish we had a walker to leave in the yard for him to use. But, we don't need a gun rack. lol

    2. The senior center here gives equipment like that out for the asking. Walker skis and walker ski covers are not that expensive ($12.00) but they really make maneuvering a basic walker much easier.

    3. Meg,
      I have no idea how this would help.

    4. Sort of like tennis balls on the bottom .

    5. I don't see any benefit or why. For what purpose?

    6. Outside, it allows the walker to move more smoothly inside, easier glide across carpets along with reducing the possibility of catching something on the back. Use it, don't use it, but just so you know they exist. (Though it would be better if they were "built in."

    7. Still confusing as he has no problem getting the walker to move. He was yanking the walker off the floor, turning it in the air and knocking things around. These would be a hindrance because he would have to change to wheels to get down the ramp and move around. These are for people who are a lot less able to move about. I have known about the skis since at least 2000, that or the tennis balls.
      He just needed to quit lifting it to turn it in tight places.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.