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Monday, June 17, 2024

I Finally Did It and a Giveaway

 Today, I timed my nap so we could get dinner done before America's Funniest Videos. Usually, Tommy misses most of AFV. He says he does not care, but I hate he misses. So, I had him wake me from a little nap at 5 pm with carrots and potatoes peeled. I have to trim the carrots and cut eyes and bad places from the potatoes. He remembered to get an onion for me to cut. I reminded him of a piece of celery. 

I was in the dark trying to get the boneless, skinless chicken thighs and boneless, skinless tenders into the bag along with the vegetables. I thought I nicked the plastic bag on the bottom of the pan. I put water in the bag and we closed it and left it to bake. When Tommy took the pan out of the oven and opened the bag, he said, "You did." Consequently, The tiny tenders were dry and hard on ends. The huge pieces of potatoes had a harder outside than originally. The carrots were fine. I never did see the celery and onion. In all the years I have used the bags, I have never punctured the bag. 

Tommy is really serious about this monitor. He forgot to get it from the pharmacy yesterday, so was anxious to get it today and put it on. He walked straight to the kitchen and got it done immediately. He does not want it to run out. Of course, that was another $150.

We are going to a rodeo next week. It is not the kind with horses and cows. If anyone guesses what kind of rodeo, I will find a prize to send you. You have until 5 pm next Friday, June 21. You have to follow my blog to guess and win. So, guess only on this post. I cannot guarantee the prize since I am still thinking what it will be. 


  1. That's great Tommy is being so conscientious about his monitor. It's disgusting they cost so much!

    1. One,
      His fervor has not waned. I thought maybe he would start ignoring it.

  2. I'm going to guess a religious/gospel rodeo. ??? Can't wait to find out. :)

    1. Beliinda, Thanks for entering. I will let you know on Saturday.

  3. We have food truck rodeos where you can sample different foods.

  4. horse/bull...if I remember right they combined the barrel racing with the bull riding.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.