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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cleaner Today

 First, some idiot tried to kill Trump. Killing is not the answer to anything! Plus, someone died. It is a sorry state when people resort to guns, violence. 

Cleaner came today at 3:30. I thought she was coming at 2 pm. She forgot when she was coming as I called her after she had gotten up for a trip to bathroom and went back to bed. I was tired waiting and legs were swelling, so I went to bed about 2:30. It was all okay. 

Today, she stayed 2 hours. She spent all that time helping to organize and put away things in my bedroom. Since I cannot sit on my walker in the bedroom for very long, I got into bed and raised the head and legs. She brought things and we both emptied bags or large bins, organizing mostly, sometimes tossing things. I have so many clothes I have outgrown! But, since the plan is to lose weight (actually trying), I threw away nothing. I did put them together and into the bottom of the closet. 

I also found things that I wondered where they were, like my Fluticasone and a little flashlight.  I hauled laundry out. Some things were not dirty from wearing, just were on the floor. She and I will finish up the room next week. She did not change my bed, but that is okay. 

She also took a lamp to kitchen and plugged it in. It is sitting in the only square foot of space where a lamp could possibly sit. There is light in the kitchen now!

Then, she got the Cuisinart ice cream freezer from a shelf over six feet high. I might drop it on my head and Tommy said it was too high for him as it hurts his shoulders. So, she put it on the sink. I think I figured out why it appeared I had two ice cream freezers. I bought one that had two bowls to put in the freezer. Now, I know. I don't have two ice cream freezers. 

I asked Tommy to look at my bedroom and the light in the kitchen. He said what impressed him was the canyon in my bedroom. 

I wanted her to wash car windows inside and out, just windshield and front windows and vacuum my bedroom, hall, and living room. She can do that Tuesday when she comes back to put color on my hair. She is only going to apply color. I can wash it off. I can apply color, but it is grown out too far. Plus, there are places I missed before, so it needs to be done by someone above me who can see it. Tommy would, but I don't think I would be 

It was another hot, hot day here, dry and muggy. I did not get to the grocery store like I wanted, but there is always tomorrow. What is happening in your world? 


  1. I agree absolutely Linda that killing is never an answer. They shot the Slovak president a few months ago (he is anti-war and anti-globalisation) but luckily he survived. Not so long ago I was very frustrated with one particular politician and said out loud "I wonder why nobody has taken him out yet". And my son quite rightly said that if they start killing "the bad guys" what's to stop them killing "the good guys"!!! He was absolutely right of course!

    1. Treaders,
      I, too, have wondered aloud that I was amazed someone had not killed Trump or tried to kill him. But, I was not wishing someone would. I just want him to lose the election. Once the killing starts, none of us are safe.

  2. People need to learn they can just NOT vote for someone if they don't like them. Evil and killing is never the answer. An experience that so many will never be able to forget.
    Glad you got some help yesterday.

    1. Cheryl,
      Right now, Birmingham has murders every day, three or four at a time. It is ridiculous. She is good. I could be friends with her, like visiting friends.

  3. It's unreal that someone tried to kill Trump. Sounds like you and your cleaner did well in your bedroom. I love getting things in order like that.

    1. Belind,
      It is unreal that no one detected him! My bedroom makes me happy right now. I can walk

  4. Send her my way; I could use her help.

    1. Ur-spo,
      I guarantee you would love her and her work.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.